Ideal woman: what she is her main qualities


An ideal woman - what is she acting in the eyes of representatives of a strong floor? Blonde, brunette, slim or with expressive forms? Smiling or mysterious lady with a languid look? Or preference is given to completely different qualities - internal? I suggest you get answers to the questions set and find out, the perfect woman with the eyes of a man, what it is in the following material.

An ideal woman what she is: characteristic features

Of course, all men are different, have their own unique preferences in the matter of women's beauty, which is external that internal. But you can still highlight some generalized requirements that they put before their ideal chosen. It is interesting to know what actually girls break male hearts? Then read on.

Outer beauty

The item is banal and known to everyone and everyone, but this does not become less important. When a man first meets and meets a girl in real life, he originally appreciates it according to external data: a beautiful smile, well-groomed hair and skin, paying special attention to the figure.

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Beautiful woman monica white

The preferences of men in the latter vary: one like girls-cane girls with anorexic wool, while others are connoisseurs of lush and seductive forms. But polls show that most of her men find an ideal figure of type "hourglass" with a thin, feminine waist, and an equal scope of the chest and honey.

Psychologists believe that in this way, a strong sex is triggered by the survival instinct and the continuation of the kind, because the birth of the baby and his breastfeeding are easier for women with "sandy" forms. And nature will never sleep.

I would also like to note that external beauty does not necessarily imply the ideal proportions of the nose, eye, lips and body. It is more about well-maintained: that the skin was clean, without acne, the hair is neatly laid, and they didn't hang out silent strands, the girl was pleased with good spirits, the clothes were properly chosen to the figure and necessarily in a neat state. Then any will look attractive.

Interesting! According to the results of a survey conducted by one psychological edition, men prefer not blondes, but, owners of Dark Kudrey. So 53% of respondents voted for them.


No man wants to see a "peasant in a skirt" next to him. Therefore, the beauty of beauty, but much more important for a woman is to be a woman (forgive me for tautology).

Femininity is an inner softness, flexibility, smoothness, this ability to smooth sharp corners, not arguing with a man who finds out the relationship "on equal", and in something to give way, somewhere to go. No wonder the famous proverb says that "a man is head, and a woman is a neck." And the neck, as you know, can turn to the side of 90 degrees.

Also under femininity is understood as a light gait, cat grazing, charming chest voice and appropriate manners. It is only important that femininity was not artificial (they say, they put the dress, the lips were indiscriminately and everything), but it was born inside and walked from there.

Interesting! The famous writer Onor de Balzac in his time wrote such lines: "If a woman is truly feminine, love for it will never go into habit."

Feminine photo


The inner rod often attracts men no less than a seductive face and a beautiful figure. After all, every woman is, above all, a person who has its own unique features.

In no case should you try to deceive a man, building an infined image! First, the deception is always felt and sooner or later reveals. And, secondly, there is nothing better than sincere, real girl who is not afraid to be natural, sometimes funny, sometimes even stupid - but herself.

In the modern world, when many hide a true appearance under a bunch of artificial masks, frankness, sincerity and honesty are estimated on the weight of gold.

Positive view of the world

Nobody likes forever, depressive people for whom, and "the glass is always half empty," and in general "there is no point in this life." From such a very easy and time to grab the negative, to marry in bad thoughts. After all, "with whom they will take, from that will be" - the folk wisdom says.

A woman - acts as an inspirational for a man who motivating him to achieve goals, conquering new peaks. And what could be motivation and inspiration with such a set? As a result, the men sank their hands, dull eyes, the luck began to turn away from him.

Similarly, on the contrary, next to a positively configured special man "spreads the wings", it feels that the mountains can minimize, and she supports him with his faith.

Self confidence

Men attract confident women and this is a fact. Those who know what they want are not afraid to declare about it, are convinced of their own internal value (not to be confused with self-abandoned diseases, it is a completely different case).

Such representatives of beautiful sex are not panic about a pair of extra kilograms or several wrinkles on the forehead, because inside they firmly lives the conviction that they are great, no matter what. And they broadcast this terrific confidence into the world around us, give it to their man.

Interesting! By the way, some MCH in secret recognize that confident women seem more sexy.

Confident woman

Inner ease

The strong semi is not at all impressed ladies who see in life with solid difficulties and problems (who happily move to a man so that he helps with their decision).

And the other category of women - the owner of a light character, invalmonious, not inclined to conflict and seeking "offensity", ready to make compromises, on the contrary, receive additional bonuses. This is understandable, because they do not compete with a man, do not press him, leave him the right to personal space - they are always easy and pleasant with them.


No matter how many girls would do themselves the thought that men like silly blondes with a languid gaze, reality turns out to be exactly the opposite. For the entertainment for one night, can, of course, go away and naive blonde, but for the life of a man prefer to choose wise species female.

And it is not about the countless number of diplomas, certificates and other professional regalia, but about vital wisdom. This ability to understand when you need to talk, and when to keep silent, the ability to control your emotions, do not focus on male disadvantages, but to provide the necessary support.

A man will always come to such a woman for advice, he will be able to rely on it in a difficult life situation, with her comfortable.

Ability to be a good interlocutor

People are social creatures for which it is important to share information with each other. And when it comes to close relationship, the significance of this parameter increases many times. In sincere communication, there is always a frankness, honesty, partners can speak for hours and do not feel feelings.

And if the woman knows how to do not just support the conversation, but also listen, to be in the essence, give a valuable recommendation, then it becomes for a man with his best friend, that man to whom he infinitely trusts, who is willing to open the soul and heart.

good hostess

Quality good mistress

This refers to the ability to create a comfort in the home focus: follow the order, prepare delicious and useful dishes, as well as maintain harmony in the house. Not in vain it is believed that a woman is a soul at home. Not only the number of dishes submitted for lunch depends on it, but also a common emotional atmosphere that reigns in the home.


Empathy (or in other compassion) - involves the ability to emotionally feel another person, feeling his pain as its own. Why is this quality so important in a woman?

Conflicts themselves - in the main mass of conflicts arise exactly due to the fact that people do not know how (or they do not want) to understand their protege. If, next to a man, there will be attentive, responsive, tactful woman who knows how to empathize from the soul, then it will always be possible to rely on it and trust her (after all, it will not be mocked or "step on corn patients", the wound men's ego).

Finally, I would like to note that there are no ideal people in principle - everyone has its drawbacks, their cockroach in the head and other features. But they love not for ideality, not for the ghostly perfection, but for real advantages: soulfulness, contagious laughter, funny pits on the cheeks, for the fact that the man next to a woman feels strong, he wants to make exploits, manifest as a real man.

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