When baptize the child after birth: Orthodox traditions


The baptism of the baby is an important event in his parents' life. The child does not yet understand what the sacrament over him is committing, and parents must come to this rite with full responsibility. When to baptize the child - immediately after birth or in 40 days? Maybe it's better to wait until the year? Many parents are tormented by this question. In the article, I will tell you about church traditions to dispel all doubts about baptism.

When baptize the child

Why baptizes baby?

In Protestant churches, it is forbidden to baptize a person without its voluntary consent, therefore children are not conceding. But according to Orthodox traditions, it is customary to baptize all newborns as soon as they are 40 days from the family. After baptism, the baby receives a personal guardian angel and becomes inaccessible to Satan's goat. Is it not a reason to paint the crumb to the last time?

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The fathers of the Church are taught that only after the baptism of baptism, the baby acquires a spiritual name and becomes a full member of the Church. He comes to the Spirit of Holy, becomes a spiritual step and gains protection and support of the Universal Church. Baptism is washing away from the kid, original sin, cleans it from the bad.

Church fathers instruct parents that a person should not choose religion. Therefore, all the children need to be baptized immediately, and then raise in the Orthodox faith. This duty falls on the shoulders not only biological parents, but also the godfather. Even before the birth of the baby, parents must take care of baptism ritual and choose the godfather in advance. After the birth of the child, the mother simply will not be neither forces or the time to organize baptism in all the rules.

What other advantages gives early baptism? For a baptized person (of any age), you can put splendous candles, ordering prayers. If suddenly the kid will get sick, you can always order a prayer for the health of the baby if it is officially accepted in the Lono of the Church.

Previously, black witches were hunted for dead unresolved babies, because their souls became disastrous. These souls did not have an angel keeper. For them it was impossible to pray, they were buried by irregularities.

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How to baptize the child

Age kid

The tradition of baptizing a newborn 40 days after birth is associated with physiological reasons: at this time, a woman stops postpartum blood discharge. During menstruation, it is impossible to visit the church and take part in the sacraments, so the baptism was postponed for 40 days. You can actually baptize the child immediately after birth, but the young mother is not ready to take part in this rite for health.

Previously, the tradition was extended to baptize newborns on the eighth day after birth, when they were tightened by an umbilical wound. This tradition is some parents and today. For example, a grandmother can attribute to the baptism of the child, besides, he has a godmother.

The day of baptism needs to be discussed with her husband and choose not arbitrarily. Many choose the child of the saint patron and it is on the day of his commemoration of the kid. It is also customary to give a godmother, like a holy patron.

The baptism rite can hold a grandmother or a child's father even on the second or third day after birth if the baby was born very weak. To do this, you need to read the prayer and sprinkle the crumb of holy water. After recovering the child, the priest's church is already baptized.

If the kid was born sick or survived the generic injury, the baptism is carried out as early as possible: it is associated with risk for his health. The baptized child can be broken into the church, to provide spiritual assistance. With unreleased it is impossible, even if his parents are churched.

Is it possible to baptize the baby if 40th day after birth falls on a post or church holiday? The sacrament of baptism is carried out on any day, a post or holiday is not an obstacle to the rite. However, if the priests are engaged in holding festive liturgium, then the christening can postpone on vacant days. This is due to the big workload of the holy fathers, and not with refusal due to the church holiday.

when it is better to baptize the child

Captain Day

What day of the week is best to baptize the child? The church does not share the days of the christening on the right and wrong. The sacrament of baptism is performed at any time, it is simply necessary to negotiate in advance with the father. Neither church holidays, nor posts, no superstitions (leap year, for example) are not an obstacle to baptism.

The sacrament of baptism can be both a private ceremony and joint. Usually, children are recorded on baptism in the first half of the week to conduct a sacrament by the end of the week. It depends on the church servants themselves, nothing is written about this in the gospel.

Participation in the sacrament

How to prepare for such an important event as christening? First, you need to choose godparents. It is desirable that it was a mother and father. But even if there is one godfather, it is also permissible. It should be borne in mind that the godparents will remain with them to the end of the child's life, so you can not allow the choice of random people. Prerequisite - Orthodox faith. To date, the Orthodox Church allows that the godded parents are members of the Church of the Old Believers.

How to baptize a child? This will take care of the priest. Parents of the kid should read the faith symbol aloud to prove their belonging to the Orthodox Church. This prayer also read the godparents, so that heresy is accidentally penetrated into the church sacrament.

The church prohibits the presence of people of other religions on the sacrament of baptism, so you need to find out in advance our friends - whether they belong to any religious organization.

Covered hairs during baptism keeps the godfather.

It is unacceptable to come to the rite of baptism with hostility in the heart, after family scandals. You must first reconcile all, only after that go to holy place.

After the christening, the parents of the baby are covered with the table and treat friends. On this day, it is customary to give the baby memorable gifts so that the holiday is remembered for life.

It should be borne in mind that baptism rite takes a long time: can last from 40 minutes to an hour and more. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance for a long-term process.

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Responsibilities of the Cross

According to the Orthodox traditions, the godfall should not refuse to take part in the sacrament of the baptism of the child if they suggested them. The refusal is considered to be a great sin.

The role of the godfather for the girl can be performed by the priest himself. It is important to be a godfather.

The godparents should help their mother's mother to cope with maternal duties. Breast care is associated with many difficulties that can split parents among themselves. This act is pleasing to God.

In addition to helping the mother of the baby, the godfalls should pray for a goddly daily for the gosson, especially before bedtime. They also pray for their spiritual child on holidays and on Sunday on Liturgy.

Cross are obliged to take an active part in the spiritual formation of a kid. They give him icons, cross, spiritual literature. When the baby learns to read, he is given the gospel and instructs in faith. Also in the mission of the godfather includes the communion of a child: they must tell him about the sacrament of communion and to take into the church for the adoption of holy gifts.

Before the baptism of the child, the godparents must stay in a prayer state, limit themselves in communication, prevent quarrels and intimate contacts with their spouses. It is advisable to abandon this day from the rapid: to eat only lenure food in small quantities. On the eve of baptism, it is necessary to confess and occasionally holy gifts.

The godfather should prepare for a child:

  • baptismal diaper (hryonma);
  • shirty;
  • Chapecchik (girl only).

The godfather buys a silver cross and pays for a church rite. The cross is best to buy in the church shop so that it is consecrated. If you have purchased elsewhere, you need to sanctify it in advance. There should be a crucifixion and inscription on the cross: save and save.

On a note! The baptismal diaper (kryzhm) and the shirt after christening do not erase. They are covered by the baby if he gets sick. The baptismal clothing is stored, and then the mother transmits it to storing an adult giving out son (or daughter).

How to dress on the christening? Clothes should be modest and non-causing. Women wear skirts and cover headscarf (not with a headdress, namely handkerchief). It is forbidden to come to the church with open hands and deep neckline, large cuts on skirt and high heels.

A young godfall is forbidden to come to the church with turtles, spikes, thick chains and bright makeup: the church is a shit place, and not a shit.

The suit at the godfather should be not bright and causing. In the summer, it is impossible to come in clothes without sleeves (T-shirt, T-shirt) and shorts, even if it's hot on the street. It is unacceptable to come to the church with tattoos on the body. If they are already available, it is better to cover this place to clothing.

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