Soothing of the soul: kiving and soothing prayers


In our troubled age, when stress has become an integral part of everyday life, the soul needs to rest and calm. In the east to harmonize the soul, meditation practices, and in Orthodoxy - prayers. Reading the prayer for calming the soul will help remove the emotional cargo, free the heart from the resentment and pain, relax muscle clips.

Who daily attracts prayers to the Creator, he lives a harmonious life: he is not dangerous stress, overvoltage and overwork. Orthodox prayer is the strongest meditation, immersion into the world of Divine Forces. It acts directly on the psyche of man, and then relaxes the whole body. In the article, I will share with you prayers that help me to be calm and not nervous on trifles.

Soothing soul

Universal prayers

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These prayers help in any life situations, not only for calm. But calm comes from the fact that a person is aware of: he is in the hands of the Lord. If you are in your hands from your heavenly father, does it make sense to be afraid? Who can harm a person who patronizes the creator of the world? The most common and recognizable Christian prayer is Our Father . If a person reads her constantly, the soul will calm down and acquire equilibrium. With strong excitement, you can listen to this prayer in audio recordings 40 times in a row.

Prayer for peace of mind

Strong prayer that will calm the rolling heart and frightened soul is Psalm number 90 "Live in help" . It says that a person under God's defense has nothing to fear.

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The next universal prayer is "Prayer for optical elders at the beginning of the day" . Who reads this text every morning after awakening, he will not experience stress, irritate in trifles and panic because of the smallest detail.

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The saying "got up not from that foot" will not have power over a person who read the prayer of the Optina elders. Especially since this prayer is written on a modern Russian understandable for all. Rewrite text in Notepad and read every morning.

Prayer to calm down and not nervous

Special prayers from mental concern

There are also special prayers soothing, healing, the power of giving. For example, Seraphim Sarovsky advised to constantly read it Prayer "Virgin Devo Rejoice" . If the words of this prayer are constantly pronounced in the mind, then the joy will overflow the heart. Joy and God grace, blessing. If a person is constantly thinking about joy and blessing, they will come to him.

On a note! In special cases, the prayer of the Virgin is read 150 times in a row using a rosary for account.

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Seraphim Sarovsky recommended from the morning to dinner to read in the mind of Jesus prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinning), and after dinner to read the Virgin. Then the places for stress and anxiety will not remain. In the evening after work, a person reads the evening prayer rule and calmly go to bed: insomnia does not worry him, because there are no fears and experiences.

Next prayer to calm down and not nervous - Matronushka . The holy styal can not only calm the rolling soul, but also to heal the ailments. On the grave to the Matronushka are going from all over Russia and from abroad. Holy as under life miracles, it helps the suffering after his death. It is not necessary to go to the grave to the Matronushka, you can buy her icon in the church and pray at home with faith in the heart.

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You can buy a small laminated Matronushki icon and wear it with you in a handbag.

The following prayer for peace of mind - John the Baptist . This powerful prophet to whom the Lord entrusted to paint his son Jesus helps everyone who suffers and need his prayer support.

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It is also necessary to realize that being in a prayer stream cannot be nervous or aggressive. If you constantly stay with thoughts and heart at the throne of God, then there will be no place for excitement and experiences, aggression and malice.

Prayers soothing healing power giving

Prayers for the Guardian Angel

Every baptized person has a keeper angel, sometimes not alone. We can forget about it and not ask him for help. Angels are very modest creatures, so they never impose their services. Their mission is to save a person from accidents, to gently instruct the right way (sounds like a voice of conscience), but not to impose his will. Therefore, the angel will stand next to and with sadness to look like his ward killed from grief or panic - but calm will not be able to calm down.

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In Orthodox prayer, there are prayers for the guardian angel, which is recommended to read daily.

Do not forget to thank the Lord for everything good that you fell into a lot. The energy of gratitude is the most powerful after the energy of love. Thanksgiving prayers addressed to God and the Guardian Angel will attract many blessings to your life. What a person thinks about, he attracts into his life. If you are constantly worried about everything, then these experiences will only increase. If you are in joy, then joy will increase. Thank you can be found in Orthodox prayer, and you can say the words of gratitude simply from the heart.

Prayers for soul calm

Recommendations for the acquisition of spiritual equilibrium

The Orthodox tradition is based on faith in the Trinity - God's Father, the God of the Son and God of the Holy Spirit. It is a triple protection for every believer, if he fully relies on the mercy of God. However, in the Orthodox Church there are rules that must be followed. Surprisingly, the soul calms down from these rules, and the heart is filled with joy. Consider these rules:

  • fast;
  • confession;
  • participle;
  • liturgy;
  • prayer.

There is nothing complicated in these rules, but their implementation leads to peace and tranquility in the shower.

The post is not starvation or malnutrition, but focusing on the spiritual. When a person deliberately limits himself in food, entertainment, multi-climb, and fumes, it helps to tune in to a spiritual wave. Start fasting at least twice a week - on Wednesdays and Fridays. These days do not consume protein food, do not watch TV, do not attend entertainment events. Spiritual fruits will be noticeable after a while.

Confession shoots severity with the soul, frees the heart and mind. Take the rule to confess every week or at least 2 times a month. After confession, be sure to follow the gifts of the saints: it will notify confidence in protection, and with her it gives peace.

A visit to the Divine Liturgy helps to achieve internal equilibrium. The atmosphere itself of the temple, the voice of the priest, spiritual singing, the aroma of Ladan and the melting wax configures on the peace and peace. Take the rule not to miss Sunday services, festive liturgium. Always gain holy water, buy candles for home prayer: a church man becomes completely different. Some believers say that standing under the dome of the church during the liturgy fills the feasibility of peace and peace.

Such a church life homemade prayer, daily. If in the morning there is no time to read the morning prayer rule, then in the evening you can always find time for this. If you go to sleep after reading the evening prayer rule, then the dream will be stronger, and the dream is more pleasant.

Do not forget before the beginning of the prayer and after it it is three times to autumn yourself with the procession and make a bow in the belt.

Communication with the Lord must be held in complete silence, without outside interference. It does not concern the inner prayer when traveling to the subway or by train. At home you need to find the place of privacy to be alone with God. With prayer, it is desirable to light the church candle, incense or lamp: this will fill the house of the church atmosphere. But if there is no such possibility, then you can do without it.

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