What is needed for wedding, what are important nuances


Wedding - is an important church sacrament with a long history. Various rites are held in the church, but only 7 of them are awarded the title of "sacraments" (differently than the gifts of the Holy Spirit): this is the sacrament of baptism, communion, minorization, repentance, cubs, weddings and priesthood.

Thanks to the mystery of the wedding, a couple of believers Christians get a blessing from God to build a strong family union, give birth and raise offspring. What is needed for wedding and how this rite is held - let's consider this topic in detail in today's material.

Wedding photo

What is needed for wedding?

  1. First of all, the consent of the bridegroom and the bride will need, because only when mutual readiness it is possible to fulfill the sacred sacrament.
  2. Both newlyweds must be Orthodox Christians. If they did not pass the sacraments of baptism, they do not believe in Jesus Christ, then it does not make any sense to be married. In the case when a woman or a man belongs to another religion, the priest may marry them, however, with the only condition that children who have emerged in marriage will definitely surround.
  3. The pair should have a confirmation that they officially concluded marriage. The extramarital wedding is not allowed. But you can get married at any time after the wedding - at least a year, at least in 20 years!
  4. Organize such a solemn event as wedding - not as simple as it seems. There may be difficulties with the selection of a number for the sacrament: it is forbidden to be married on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and even at the dates of large posts. If you have not yet issued an official marriage, but you want to get married, then first select a date for the wedding, and then go to the registry office to apply. And if they got married even earlier, then to choose a good day to connect their hearts before God, use the church calendar.
  5. It is important to take into account that the wedding ceremony and the bridegroom, and the bride should get dressed as much as possible. It is allowed easy makeup from the girl. Both are important to stocking crosses, and the bride is also mandatory to cover their heads.
  6. Newlyweds can convenes for a solemn ceremony of guests at their discretion - there are no strict prohibitions or restrictions.

Crowns associated with wedding

  • People who are related to the fourth knee cannot be married.
  • The sacrament can be carried out no more than three times. For the fourth time, the Church will be forced to refuse you.
  • Unacceptable the sacrament, if a man or woman is married with another person. All communications should be dissolved in advance and decorated joint official marriage.
  • Witnesses need to be chosen necessarily baptized, they should not be divorced.
  • For persons under 18 years old, the rite of wedding is not held.
  • If one or both spouses are over 80 years old or they just have a big difference in age - for the wedding they will need to get a special permission from the bishop.
  • Forbidden the church alliance between people, which are civil related: Suppose Father and a reception daughter.
  • If a girl at the time of the sacrament is pregnant, then you need to warn the father in advance (during the communion).

Wedding ceremony

Proper preparation for weddings

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In each church, there is a list of its preparation rules before the wedding procedure. Therefore, you need to figure out them in advance at the clergy.

As for the general rules, in front of the sacrament of church marriage, the bride and the bride is important to compete, confess and adhere to the post for 7 days. During this time, newlyweds should clean not only their body, but also the soul, regularly reading prayers (which and when - you will tell you the father).

Preparation for wedding includes a mandatory refusal of bad habits (like the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking), and also implies a ban on intimate relationships between spouses.

Also on the sacrament it is necessary to bring a wedding set. What he includes - Consider further.

Wedding set

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The set for wedding is represented by the following objects:

  1. The icons of Jesus Christ and his Divine Mother. It is important to choose images in one stylist. Subsequently, they will become a reliable guard for her husband and wife, they are accepted by the inheritance to children.
  2. Wedding rings that symbolize eternal love. They are pre-given the father to sanctification.
  3. Candles - their newlyweds will keep the whole wedding ceremony.
  4. Rushnik - on it the husband and wife stand during the sacrament, and then leave it at the temple. A white-colored trench is bought, symbolically, it denotes a cloud on which the couple swears into heaven. After all, it is not in vain that marriages are in the sky, and not on earth.
  5. Union Rushnik, symbolizing the marriage bonds. With it, the father will connect a man and a woman by the hand.
  6. The witnesses hold the wintings over the head of newlyweds.
  7. The crown symbolizes the blessing of God.
  8. Handkerchiefs for candles. The entire wedding ceremony should burn candles, and handkerchiefs will protect their hands and the outfit of the bride and groom from dripping wax.
  9. Wine (church wine is chosen - Kahors). When the Prayer of Our Father's Prayer was used to drink wine from one bowl. Such an action, they symbolically designate their complete unity, the desire to be together and in the mountain, and in joy.

How is the wedding in the church

Let's talk now about how wedding happens.

In the temple, preparations for the sacrament still prior to the arrival of newlyweds: candles are put and ignited, the wedding rings are given to the priest, the White Rushnik is spread for the bride and groom. Perform this preparation must witness witness.

A little later, the ceremony's culprits themselves come to the temple, approximately half an hour before the wedding. Now they are allowed to get together, and before the bridegroom came first and should have been waited for his chief on the threshold.

Wedding itself is carried out in such steps:

  • Step 1. Young enter the church, accompanied by deacon. A woman stands on the left side of a man. They become on a white towel. A priest appears, performs a three-year blessing of newlyweds, gives them in the hands of wedding candles. Husband and wife should cross after each of the blessings.
  • Step 2. Deacon prays, asking for the Lord to send his blessing for newlyweds.
  • Step 3. The clergyman is made by wedding rings for the bride and groom, they lie on a special tray. The Male Ring is on the left side, and women with the right. Warentes should exchange rings three times.
  • Step 4. Then they should come to the central part of the temple, moving behind the priest. He asks questions to him and whether they agree to voluntarily make marriage. After that, the Batyushka promises those present whether anyone knows why the union cannot be concluded.
  • Step 5. Diakon is again pronounced prayers. When they are completed, the witnesses raise the crowns above the heads of newlyweds.
  • Step 6. Capacity is made with wine, spouses need to drink three times from it to the bottom, but making small throats.
  • Step 7. Then the priest unites young by his hands, three times spend them around the aalo.
  • Step 8. Walked to come up to the royal gates, touch the lips to the cross and icons. The father utter speech and the wedding procedure is considered to be finished.

Wedding in the temple

Additional information about wedding

There are some points that worry many couples before wedding. Let's review them further:

  • The bride can not get into the costume, it should be exclusively a dress. And if the shoulders or back are naked in the outfit, then you need to cover them with the help of the cape.
  • It is advisable to buy low-heeled shoes in the girl, because in the temple will have to simultane a few hours, during this time the legs can be very tired.
  • It is important to make an emphasis on maximum modesty in hairstyle and makeup for newlywed. It makes no sense to build a bulky hairstyle, because she still hides behind the crown.
  • With the groom, the situation is simpler, it is impossible for him only to show a piercing and tattoos for everyone, if it has it. If a man wears long hair, they should be collected.
  • All guests at the ceremony must be stocking cross, women cover headscarves.
  • At the time of the wedding, everyone should turn off the mobile phone.
  • Today, it is very popular to order a professional photo and video service, both for the wedding and wedding. Please note that in order to invite a photographer or video operator to the temple will need to get permission in advance and pay for it the set amount.

And most importantly - do not forget about the sacral sense of the wedding ceremony. After all, it lies not in external attributes, but in the sincere desire of partners to combine themselves with the bonds of church marriage, consolidate their love by God's blessing.

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