How do you like to know a guy / man or uses you


"How do you know a guy / man love you?" - This is perhaps one of the most common issues asked by girls and women. After all, it's no secret that some particularly insidious representatives of strong sex can be in relations with a woman not from light motifs (and, for example, to use it for sex or other wicked motivations).

Therefore, it is important for every girl to know how to distinguish real love from the fake. I propose to do it in today's material.

couples in love

What is men's love?

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Absolutely different. Just as all men protrude separately with their own characteristics and behaviors. Stripping from this, we get that an unequivocal answer to the question, delivered at the beginning of the article, no and can not.

Modern girls and women are accustomed to paying the main attention to the external manifestations of love (such as permanent gifts, sweet speeches, hiking in restaurants), without taking into account the fact that they are often tested and insincere.

Is it with confidence to say that a man loves or does not like if you are not known for his individual personality features? Psychologists say no, because each of us has its own unique inner world and their "skeletons in the closet."

Some men prefer to declare their love for the whole world. They are convinced that feelings need to be demonstrated on the show, so there is a million photos with the second half in social networks, making me a fervent signature; Every day bought by compliments, regularly give flowers and make such actions.

In most cases, according to their psychoticipa, such men are extroverts (that is, people sent more on the outside world, on society, regular communication and opinion of others are vitally important).

Other representatives of strong gender keep love within themselves, experiencing inspiration from this light and strong feeling. They do not need to scream at every corner about their love, because they believe that the main thing is to feel love and show it with the relevant actions. Such men belong to the psychotype of introverts (people whose attention is randomly aimed at the inner world. The surrounding and communication with them are not so important for them).

Above lists only two directly opposite examples. Of course, in fact, there are many more and not always there is a strict separation only on "black or white". Enough and intermediate options.

If you are in relationships with a guy / man a long period of time, you know him as a person as a person, then you are much easier to understand yourself, whether he loves you or not, what turns out for an extraneous help. But still there are some typical signs that signal that MCh is definitely breathing at you. We will look further.

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Lives a man - the main signs of love

These "symptoms" are proposed by psychologists from around the world.

Sign 1 - actions

That's what is really worth paying attention, and not on an empty chatter or stormy facial. And here it is difficult to argue: if a man loves a woman, needs it, he will do concrete actions for her (thereby confirming the seriousness of his intentions).

Psychologists allocate 4 major manifestations of men's actions committed for the beloved girl / women:

  • If he promised something, he always keeps the word;
  • does not seek to limit in something;
  • He sincerely seeks to understand the beloved;
  • Supports in all endeavors, contributing to her personal development.

Sign 2 - he wants to spend time with you

According to the statements of the American professor of psychology, Eli Finkel, if a man takes all his free time for the pastime with his chosen, it means that he has strong feelings. Moreover, he can work a lot, have a bunch of additional cases, but with true love, any free moment is used, just to spend together time.

Sign 3 - Complete confidence

The psychologist Daniel O'Liiri conducted an experiment that confirmed that lovers, consisting in long-term relationships, have the need to know what their half does, if he / she is not near.

But this is coming about sincere care and interest, but not jealousy and desire to read history on a mobile phone or arrange interrogation if the girl returned home a little later than usual. True love implies full trust (on both sides).

Sign 4 - always assisted

We all modern people are usually overwhelmed by everyday duties under the string. Therefore, additional things are able to write anyone to the state of real panic. If a man is ready to constantly help you, this is a clear sign of having strong feelings.

For example, he himself prepares dinner, if you stay at work, helps you to clean up the apartment or deal with the new work project.

A man is preparing a photo

Sign 5 - respectfully applies to your views

The psychologist Vanessa Bons held one entertaining study, the results of which are simply stunned: it turns out if people really love each other, they may well live together all their lives, even possessing fundamentally different political views.

The main thing is that both were open and able to respect the opinion of their partner. A loving man will never ask you to change faith / worldview / interests, just because they differ from his own. He will take you as you are.

Sign 6 - takes into account your opinion

A man usually loves to be the main relationship and make all the decisions on its own. But if you do not agree with him, convince him what to do otherwise, then, being in love with you, he will definitely listen to your opinion. After all, it is very important for him.

Sign 7 - He wants physical proximity

To fall in love with each other, of course, it is not necessary to have sex. But if the guy / man seeks to be physically closer to you: often concludes in his arms, puts his hand on the waist, kisses, it means that he is with you a very strong connection that I want to constantly maintain.

Sign 8 - He willingly recall the joint past

According to research of psychologists Kim Halford and Susan Osgaren, it becomes clear that the couples of lovers often remember the joint events of the past, as a rule, are characterized by strong and long-term relationships.

Sign 9 - willingly communicates with your relatives

For any person, there will be an exciting event to get acquainted with the family of his second half. But if a man really loves - he is not afraid of any trials.

Therefore, he will not come up with any excuses, but will definitely get acquainted with your relatives, and readily will continue to communicate with them in the future. It will treat your family respectfully, understanding and taking all the features of mom / dad / grandmother or sisters.

Sign 10 - consults with you, choosing clothes

Not only women are avid fashionable - men also want to look good. A loved man is looking for advice from his chosen, he is important to him, whether this shirt looks like this shirt or that suit on it. After all, first of all, he wants to like her personally. Of course, this is not the most basic sign of love, but one of the characteristic "symptoms".

Sign 11 - He protects you

If someone pounced on you with criticism, he will start immediately to join, in the fluff and dust, the spread of the offender. Mutual support is always important and is another sign of real love.

Man hugs woman photo

Sign 12 - He commits victims for you

For example, he will cancel an important meeting, because you are sick and you cannot independently go to the pharmacy for medicines. Or agrees to beige wallpapers in the living room just because they liked you more than white. Such behavior shows that the girl is in a man in priority.

Sign 13 - He is ready to fight for love

Everyone in love with early or later conflicts arise, clarifying relationships. And in the behavior of a man during them it is easy to trace his true motives. So if he is trying to do everything possible to return the world and harmony in relation to the relationship, it means you are really expensive to him, he does not want to lose you.

And no matter what happens, a loving guy / man will stay nearby. He will take care in a difficult moment, raises the mood, if you cry, will experience joy and sadness with you. After all, life is zebra in which light strips alternate with dark.

Sign 14 - You always have beautiful for him

All girls have days when they do not look like the best: under the eyes "bang" dark circles from the lack of sleep, a huge pimple jumped on his forehead, you look pale and tired. A truly loving man still says that you are beautiful, because the main thing is not an appearance. Most likely that he did not even notice any changes to your appearance.

Sign 15 - He goes on concessions

The male ego is much stronger than female, so men are much more difficult to give up, confess that they were wrong. But if MCH loves, he will even go to such a complex test, because the opinion of the beloved for him is not a blank sound. He readily agrees to compromise, refusing stubbornness.

Sign 16 - He is not afraid to look a weak

Again, a man is incredibly difficult to show weakness before a woman. But if he has ardent feelings to you, sometimes he will miss a stingy male tear, frankly admits in his weaknesses, for example, in what is afraid of losing you. And this is a sign of the highest possible trust in a pair.

Sign 17 - Together, you are very good

When a man and woman are happy, mutual relationships - they love and take care of each other, as a result, the self-esteem is growing. Together they are comfortable, there is no awkwardness and stretched corners. There is and what to talk about, and something to be closed.

Love photo

Of course, everything sometimes quarrels, it happens even very much. But real love is able to forgive and forget all the quarrels and rampants who happened in the past. She confidently goes to the future, builds joint plans and does not represent life without a loved one.

Signs that a man uses you

How to understand you love your boyfriend? Above, we reviewed the main signs of male love. And now let's look at the manifestation of the fact that MCH refers to you consumer.
  1. It appears in your life only when something needs something.
  2. Not at all interested in your personal development, does not respect your position.
  3. Constantly wants you to go to victims for the sake of him.
  4. Does not have any help. Maximum - if they asked a million times, and they promised him something in return.
  5. He never has time to solve your problems, even if they are very important.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • Psychologists believe that it is impossible to talk with 100% confidence about whether a guy loves / man or not, if you do not know him as a person is good enough. After all, everyone has its own characteristics of character, behavior.
  • If you want to understand if you, then analyze the attitude towards you chosen: His real deeds and behavior. It is their best to indicate love either at the desire to use a woman.

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