Prayer after surgery - to whom and how to contact


Operation is always big risks for the life and human health. Even if it passed quite successfully, there is a chance of complications in the postoperative period. So that this does not happen, it is necessary not only to listen to the recommendations of the doctor, but also to enlist the support of the highest strength.

A believer knows how important the prayer after the operation, which he can read the patient or his relatives. She helps to find calm, and configure himself at the speedy recovery. In this article, I will tell you who can pray after surgery, and how to do it right.

Prayer after surgery

Prayer power

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The postoperative period can be much more complicated than the procedure itself. So that he passes well, believers often pay for help to the Most High and Saints. Prayer primarily helps to tune in to the speedy recovery. The patient acquires confidence that it will soon recover, and the body begins to function correctly. Sincere faith in helping the highest forces can accelerate healing of wounds, and get rid of painful sensations.

Each Orthodox person knows that prayers are truly miraculous. They help even in the most difficult cases when it remains to hope only on a miracle and the will of God. Most High hears every request facing it, so you can ask for help in arbitrary form. But for greater efficiency, it is recommended to read special prayers after the operation, and to comply with several rules:

  • It is necessary to contact not only Jesus Christ, but to other saints that help in health issues.
  • Read prayers should be daily, and even in case of temporary improvement of well-being.
  • It is advisable to pray before the icon of that saint to which you appeal.
  • For better concentration, it is recommended to retire and light the candle near the saint face.

Prayers can be read independently, but there are those that need to pronounce relatives and loved ones. The first prayer after surgery for recovery should be addressed to the guardian angel, because He is always there, and first hears your requests. Please may have an arbitrary form. After that, you can contact the Lord and other saints, for example:

  • Luke Krymsky;
  • Healer Panteleimonu;
  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • Matron of Moscow;
  • Most Holy Virgin;
  • Archangel Mikhail.

The strongest prayers after surgery

Prayer Lord.

Jesus Christ helps in any situations, so most prayers are drawn to him. You can ask for help for help, both in arbitrary form and in prayer texts. For speedy recovery after the operation, it is recommended to read the following words daily:

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Prayer after surgery to the Lord

Another strong prayer to God, written by John Kronstadt, is also able to heal a person. Her daily reading will help heal wounds after surgery, and gives good health.

Prayer after surgery to Lord 2

Call Archangel Mikhaila

Archangel Mikhail is treated with different requests, but most often he is asked to protect against unclean strength and healing from diseases or health restoration. In the postoperative period, and right up to the recovery, it is recommended to read the following prayer:

Prayer after surgery Archangel Mikhail

Appeal to St. Luke Krymsky

Saint Luke Krymsky can be seen not only in temples, and in medical institutions. He helped seriously ill at life, and even after death continues his noble matter. You need to contact him with the following words:

Prayer after Operation Luke

It is recommended to pray before the icon of Luke, while you need to put a glass with holy water, and light 12 church candles.

Prayer to the healer Pantelemon

During the life, Pantelemon healed people not only with traditional medicine, but and a prayerful word. For his unshakable devotion to Jesus, he was executed, but after death, people seek him for help. The strongest prayer for health after surgery to Panteleonomon sounds like this:

Prayer after Pantelemon Operation

For speedy recovery, the image of Panteleimon should be near the sick bed. It is also recommended to carry it with me.

Petition for Matron of Moscow

People of different countries knew about the miraculous strength of Mother Matrona, and came to her for help. She helped to heal even those who were in a critical position. Now the believers are built into huge queues to touch her relics, and ask her about recovery from severe illness or after surgery. Matron should be treated with such a prayer:

Prayer after the operation Matron

Call for the help of the Virgin

Most Majan Mary - the intercession of families. If someone is sick, in particular the mother or child, then you need to visit the church, put a candle for health, and read the next prayer:

Prayer after the operation of the Virgin

These prayer words help people recover after surgery, and strengthen health.

Appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker

Prayer has a special force and efficiency after surgery for recovery, faithful to Nikolai the Wonderworker. About the wonders committed by holy ashist, known to every believer man. He is able to heal from any kival, and make a good health to the one who sincerely believes. The prayer Nicholas can be read not only after the operation, but also before it.

Prayer after surgery Wonderworker

Thanks for the help

Higher forces are ready to help everyone in need for free. And it does not matter whether a person had previously believes, or turned to the holy for the first time. Having received the necessary help, it is important to be grateful and express it with words. In addition, it should be thanked not only the highest strength, and all who were near in a difficult moment. In addition to those who have said, you need to order a thanksgiving prayer in the temple for doctors who performed surgery, and close people.

Say "Thank you" for healing can also be committed by good deeds. As a rule, this is charity and help in need. But it should be noted that this should be not a unite wide gesture, but a meaningful and sincere good act that needs to be repeated regularly.


  • Prayers after surgery helps to avoid complications, and achieve quick recovery.
  • Most prayers for healing should be read independently before the saint icon.
  • To help a close person, which is in a serious condition after surgery, can relatives, reading special prayers.
  • It is always important to thank the saints for the assistance rendered, even if you don't feel it at the moment.

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