How to understand that the guy is in love with you


The girl is always wondering how this or that guy belongs to her. But it is not always possible to say with accuracy, sympathizes you a person or just your imagination was played out. How to understand that the guy is in love with you, what are the signs? We will talk about it in the article. I have already taught my daughter to distinguish true love from violent imagination. So, the three methods for determining the senses of a person at a distance.

how to understand that the guy is in love with you

First method

How to understand what is in love with you? Psychologists have developed several approaches that will help identify the true feelings and intentions of a person. First you need to pay attention to the human body language, because through movements and the view can be understood and determined by its true feelings.

You need to pay attention to:

  • expression of his eye;
  • body language - poses;
  • touch;
  • facial expression;
  • imitation.

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Eyes - the mirror of one's heart. Sometimes just look into the eyes to see true feelings there. It happens, the person is smiling, and in the eyes indifference or disregard. The guy in love will catch a glance of a girl who he likes. He will eat her eyes, sometimes a loved one is very difficult to tear his eyes from the object of his passion. And when the guy in love sees his passion, his face will accurately break away from joy.

On a note! The guy has strongly increasing pupils at the sight of the object of their passion.

But this concerns only self-confident guys without complexes. If the shy guinea is in love, the situation will become different: he will strive to avoid a straight look at his beloved. He will hide his eyes, take them to the side, even himself can turn away - if not to meet his beloved with his beloved.

However, if the guy is fascinated by watching video on the phone, it is unlikely that it says that he modestly avoids the meeting of his passion. The moment of awkwardness is important: the lucky in love will be ready through the ground to fall at the form of an object of his reeble.

Language of the body - Another hint in this matter. The in love person behaves differently than indifferent. When talking, he will try to lean closer closer, there will be no hands on the chest (he is ready to hug his beloved). Men are constantly trying to seem better in her beloved eyes - higher, stronger, smarter. Therefore, guys can instinctively pull out, trying to seem higher than growth. And more courageous guys will even try to demonstrate the magnitude of their genitals - how to stick the pelvis forward.

Touch - An important indicator of the interest of a man in a woman. If a man is in love, he will use any opportunity, just once again touch the object of his dreams. If, during a conversation, the guy suddenly touch your hand or palm, this is a faithful sign of his sympathy and interest.

The man can be quickly tested to love, if you look into your eyes and at the same time touch your hand. The man in love instantly reacts to it.

However, this method of determining true feelings does not apply to those men who are used to when meeting to hug all their friends. In this case, his gestures and touching a smooth account mean nothing.

What can tell facial expression . If a young man is not indifferent to the girl, he will either blush in her presence or pale. If the guy is characterized by a cheerful temper, it will laugh at each of your joke, even if it is not funny at all. It is important for him to be a robust to his beloved girl in everything: praise her, listen to her voice, inhaling the smell of her spirits, etc. If the young man is unsure of himself and his charm, he will be nervous and behave extremely awkward. After that, he will blush, embarrassed, hide his eyes - behave extremely inadequately and confused.

Imitation - This is an instinctive desire to become one with a loved one. If the young man begins to "mirror" your postures and behaviors, then this is a sign of interest. Man seems to hint on compatibility, generality, similarity.

how to understand what's in love with you

Second method

How to understand that the guy is in love with you? This method helps to scan the emotional sphere of a young man and his intention towards you. Task: find out if he began to flirt. Therefore, pay attention to:

  • voice timbre;
  • Interest in what you are interested in;
  • The appearance of a young man;
  • flirting.

Voice timbre can tell about many things. For example, if the young man is passionate about the girl, then when conversing with her the timbre of his voice will change. He either will be lower and coarse (brutal), or the guy will go on a whisper at all. Something radically changed, observe.

Interest in your hobbies - Sign of sympathy. If the young man is interested in what the girl is interested in, it means that he constantly thinks about her. Through a joint hobby you can quickly establish intimate contact, so young people intuitively choose this path. Common interest may be so prompted by people that they wish to stay with each other for life. But if the hobby or interest suddenly changes, then interest in man can also disappear.

Appearance - Business card of feelings and intentions. When a man is in love, it changes not only internally, but also outwardly. So, it can change the haircut or style of clothing. Some guys begin to use fragrant lotions or toilet water. If you have noticed that the appearance of the young man changed dramatically, it suggests that he intuitively attracts the attention of the girl like. The appearance even can even become a booty: to stand out from the crowd, draw attention to yourself.

Frank flirting Characterized only for self-confident young people, the shy guy is unlikely to decide on that. Winking, "Podcats" and other uncomplicated men's technique flirting. This is already talking about frank interest in close relationships.

If a man is in love

Third method

How to find out if a man is in love with you? This technique will make it possible to distinguish true interest from the desire of physical proximity. Men are too slys to frankly say about their time-type girls. Therefore, they choose the way to bow out and begin to shower the object by the passion by compliments. But not always these compliments talk about serious intentions. So how to find out what the interest of a young man lies? This will help:

  • Frank conversation on a serious topic;
  • innocent romantic date;
  • Experitance due to the problem;
  • frank conversation about feelings;
  • planning a joint future;
  • Invitation to a family holiday.

Serious topic for conversation Never interest a person whose purpose is extremely clear - have fun and disappear. The one who relates to you will seriously support the serious topics of conversation and exercise participation. If the guy is not even trying to delve into what you are talking about, immediately say goodbye to him.

Innocent romantic date Without a hint of sex - a sign of healthy relationships. If a young man is only interested in your body, innocent dates will be uninteresting. If the young man agrees to meet without hope for sex, it means that he has serious intentions.

Friend is known in trouble - This is the right proverb tested by life. If the guy relates seriously to you, it will split all the experiences and will provide moral support. If a young man is only interested in sex, he will not participate in your experiences. However, in this situation, it is important not to overload a stick. Most men do not know how to be bright and emotionally express their feelings, so they may seem indifferent. To distinguish indifference to the inability to express the feeling with words will help intuition - use it.

Now it's time for frank recognition: you need talk about your feelings . It is just necessary to do this to understand whether it is worth counting on this young man in the future. It is not necessary to be shy, the impactivity in this situation is simply inappropriate and harmful. Frankly tell us about your love for him and watch the reaction. If he feels awkwardness or confusion, it is unlikely that your feelings are mutual. If he sneaks in response, no good to wait for these relationships.

Remember that this person takes part of your soul and hearts, so neglecting the relationship and hope for a miracle is not worth it. Your life passes, youth passes: It is important to spend this time with those who share your feelings, and not with a random person.

If the guy supports conversations about the future with you So he sees in his future and you. The conversation should be started about your goals and plans, and then smoothly include plans for your cavalier. Does it support such an idea? When responding, it will immediately become clear how interested in you is - for a short time or to live together.

Family celebration invitation - Sign of serious intentions. If the guy introduces a girl with his parents, then he loves her. Try to please Him Mom - Then your joint life with this person will be quite successful.

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