Prayer Vonfatia from Drunkenness: Reading Rules


Alcoholism is a big trouble for many Russian families. This terrible disease is not always amenable to traditional treatment and even coding, so people hopefully look at the holy licks. Prayer God and Saints are the last hope to get rid of the ailment, and sometimes obsession with demons of drunkenness.

In this question, prayer is well helped by prayer from drunkenness. This holy himself was once sinner, but was able to overcome the demonic obsession and stand on the path of serving God. The prayer of Saint Vonifatius helped my neighbor to save the Son from Openers: now he is a completely different person. In the article, I will tell you how to pray from drunkenness, what prayers to read and what to do.

Prayer vonifatia from drunkenness

Short life holy

In the Orthodox Pantheon of Saints, the saints is considered a patron sobriety. Day of honor of the Holy - January 1 in a new style. This festive day does not do from excessive libations, and only a righteous person will be able to resist the temptation to drink a charm-other hot drink. The situation aggravates the strict Orthodox Christmas post, which just falls on the New Year holidays. Nevertheless, the fathers of the Church do not cease to remind the Orthodox about the life of the eternal and serving Christ.

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Who was the Holy Voniphati to repentance? This young man lived in the III century of our era in Rome, he worked with the rich mistress. It was the time of persecution of the church, when the pagans tried to destroy Christians physically. In those years, believers died with tens of thousands for the holy faith, many of them gave God to God in terrible torment. But in vonifati, it was little concerned: he was indulging with his mistress with his Mrs. who did his managers and part-time lover.

A young man possessed a shopping grip and coped well with the manor entrusted to him. In the evenings, they with Mrs. indulged by carnal uteuham: the relief, songs and dance, sexual orgy. And this is despite the fact that both were Christians. The prodigate cohabitation of both, but there was no other way out: patricians could not marry with their slaves. In order to somehow relieve the severity of sin from his soul, Mrs. distributed a rich alms to those in need.

And once Mrs. Aglaid heard that the holy power helps to get salvation and exemption from sins if they treat them with awe. In those years, it was easy to get the power: the Christians were executed with hundreds on the frontal places, and people disassembled parts of the telly to themselves. Christians believed that the relics of martyrs heal, and the souls of the martyrs constantly pray for the seekers. The prayers of the Sainry Straights are faster reaching the throne of the Lord than ordinary mortal sinners.

And now, Ms. Boniface called to her, and sent to the city of Tarsus, where massively massacred over Christians. She asked to bring the body of some martyr so that he became a heavenly patron and the intercessor. In this case, Ms. Boniface gave a lot of gold coins and servants to help. What I saw Boniface at Tarsus, threw it in horror. All brutal methods of violence over believers are described in detail in his life. And then with a young man who could continue to host a cheerful and peaceful life, a spiritual transformation occurred: he realized the worthlessness of his sinful life.

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Vonifatius broke through to the martyrs through the convoy, began to kiss their legs and ask to pray for his dying soul. When the guards grabbed the young man, he cried out that he was a Christian and refused to bring sacrifice to idols. After this recognition, he was immediately subjected to the same tortures as other Christians. After transferred to the flour of the vonifaty was beheaded. And so, the servants brought mistress his own relics, which she took with great reverence. Subsequently, Aglaid built on the site of restoring the relics of infatia temple.

Prayer Saint Wonfatia from Drunkenness

Prayer vonifatia from drunkenness

After his martyrdom, the Holy Voniphati became the defender and the patron of those who lead a rampant lifestyle and revels wine. He, like none other, understands his swelling: does not condemn them, but helps to realize the truth. Prayer Vonifatiya helped to stand on the path of truth not one alcoholic. Pray to the saint both the fusion and their relatives and relatives.

If the mother prays his son or daughter's liberation from drunkenness, then she should ask for forgiveness from God for not able to cope with his parental duty and raise a child in piety.

On a note! The prayers of the Saint Vonfatia from drunkenness read 40 days in a row and keep the church post.

The main condition for the success of prayers is unshakable faith to help God. Not holy vonifatius frees a person from alcohol dependence, but his prayer to God.

The prayers of the holy martyrs are the first to reach the throne of God, as they got grace to petition for living.

A dependent person himself can handle a prayer for the saint. But at the same time he must sincerely wish to free themselves from the addiction. If the desire is not sincere, then no prayer will help. You can seek advice to the father, he blesses for reading prayers.

It is advisable to take a compassion during the Great Post. Cobrants - this is not preparing for death, but liberation from all sins. After the soul of the man's soul becomes clean, like a child. It will be especially helpful if a person became a drunkard after the curse of ill-wishers.

During the person from drunkenness, you need to stockpen with holy water: it needs to be drunk instead of alcohol when it appears for drinking. Holy Water can be diluted simple if it is not enough: it sanctifies and cleans. For example, to consecrate the three-liter jar with tap water, you need to pour one glass of saint into it.

In order to get rid of alcohol addiction to be successful, you need to read or listen to the Akathist holy vonifatya together with prayers. Akathist is a hooked song, standing standing. Also, to enhance prayer labor, it is necessary to order for reportable forty-head about health in the monastery or church. Cumulative prayer work will bring blessed fruits. However, praying for an alcoholic himself should be in purity of thoughts and be choking.

Prayer Vonifatiya

Rules of work with prayers

Church life determines the rules of the behavior of believers, which should be observed strictly:

  • Women when reading prayers cover headscarf, wear skirt;
  • It is impossible to pray in a state of hate to the neighbor;
  • The house should contain the icon of the saint, in front of it ignite the church candle or the lamp;
  • On Sundays and church holidays read special festive prayers;
  • Sometimes it takes no 40 days to get rid of drunkenness, and 40 weeks.

If you are ready to execute the specified rules, then boldly begin to prayer. Do not forget to strictly fulfill the morning and evening prayer rule, place a home iconostasis. If there is no possibility to read the prayers of the house, you can always order prayers, akathists and fortifications in monasteries and churches.

Is it possible to hide your prayer work from an alcoholic? If a drinking person relates aggressively to the church, it is not necessary to tell him that prayers are read against drunkenness. Prayer secrets will help to avoid unnecessary family scandals. At the request of relatives, the highest strength will begin to work with an alcoholic soul and thoughts, and this will become noticeable after a while.

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Prayer Vonfatia from Drunkenness: Reading Rules 3015_5
Prayer Vonfatia from Drunkenness: Reading Rules 3015_6

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