Jerusalem icon of the Mother of God - what power has


The Yerusalem Icon of the Mother of God is considered to be the source of all other Christian shrines, famous to the world. With the Jerusalem icon, numerous lists (copies) were performed, which are now in different countries. On it, Holy Deva Maria is depicted in all its beauty and greatness.

Let's talk about the wonders of this image today, whether its original has been preserved where the most famous lists are and the most interesting thing is that the shrine helps.

Jerusalem icon of God's Mother

Appearance of Jerusalem icon

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In the image, the icon under consideration is not much different from other images of the Virgin. God's mother is depicted here to the line of the belt, the usual clothes in golden colors are hoping on it, and her head is covered. On the hands of the Virgin Mary we can see the babies of the Savior.

A divine child with a left brush compresses a fresh scroll, and the right brush - makes a bobbin gesture, a symbol of his blessing. The face of Little Jesus is directed towards his mother, what is your huge love for Mary, respect and location.

Icon of the Jerusalem Mother of God: historical information

Jerusalem icon refers to the most recognizable and revered images of the Virgin. Righteousness to pray in front of her from all over the world. It is among the 70 first images of Our Lady and was drawn directly with the Holy Woman with her earthly life with an evangelist and the apostle Luka. This event occurred, according to written sources, 15 years after the death and ascension of the Savior.

Many wonderful stories can be heard about this amazing image. From the very moment of its occurrence, the shrine performs the function of the defender for believers. And she makes wonderful healing - the first miracle is connected with the St. Maria Egyptian, which, thanks to the power of the relic, got rid of the evil eye.

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In the 5th century, Jerusalem image was moved from the temple of the Resurrection of Christ, where he was originally located in the Konstantinople's cathedral of the Mother of God. In 6-7 centuries, Konstantinople often made their raids of the Scythians tribes. It is believed that it was the icon of the Jerusalem Mother of God who helped the residents of the city to cope with the enemy siege, removing the trouble from them.

Further information about the shrine appears in the period from 12 to 16 century. At that time, the location of the image was the Sofia Cathedral (Great Novgorod). There I was kept the icon properly, showing it special respect and love. The relationship is due to numerous stories of the deliverance of Novgorod from various bodily and mental illnesses, fears and misfortunes.

Jerusalem image of photo

In the 16th century, when the Russian Empire rules Ivan Grozny, he ordered to move the image to the Assumption Cathedral, located in Moscow. At the beginning of the 19th century, the icon of Jerusalem is transported to the Kremlin, where it also acquires massive respect.

And in 1812, the famous shrine unexpectedly disappears in an unknown direction. What happened to it, whether the original was preserved or it was destroyed - it is still unknown to any person so far. There is a theory that the icon was kidnapped by the French and, allegedly, today is located in the capital of France Paris in the Cathedral of the Virgin.

In 1977, an attempt was made to help references about the location of the miraculous image, for this purpose the corresponding request sent to France. However, a disappointing answer came from the main inspector to French relics - there is no such image in the cathedral, there are no information from the French about him.

Copies of the image - where are

Of course, the loss of the initial shrine of Jerusalem icon strongly upset the Russian audience. But, fortunately believers, at one time, the image had time to make copies. Where are they now?

  1. In the altar at the Assumption Cathedral (Moscow, Russian Federation).
  2. In New Jerusalem (Moscow region, Russia).
  3. In the Cathedral of the Pokrov, the Holy Mother of God (city of Izmailov).
  4. In the Temple of the Library Trinity (Weeshniki).
  5. In the temple of the resurrection of the word.

As for Ukraine, its inhabitants can also see their own eyes with a legendary relic - it was manufactured in Gethsemane and since 2010 is carefully stored in Kiev (the temple in honor of the Jerusalem icon of the Mother of God).

Kiev icon of the Mother of God Jerusalem

How does the icon of the Mother of God, Jerusalem, helps people?

Throughout the existence of Holy Lika, he helped many righteous Christians to eliminate serious ailments, to remove misfortune. From the most popular miracles can be called the following:
  • The image saved believers from paralysis and eye diseases, in some cases even returned vision;
  • And according to the preserved information, as a result of the mass prayer of people in front of the "Jerusalem Mother of God", it was possible to stop the epidemic of such terrible diseases as plague and cholera;
  • In addition, praying for the image you can protect yourself from an accident, fire;
  • People try to seek help to an icon in difficult times when someone from loved ones died or difficult to ill, when not very pleasant events are coming;
  • This icon deserves the glory of the healing, so it can safely remove the plea in the presence of any serious ailments. The main thing is to do it sincere, from the soul;
  • Collective prayers in the final allow preventing enemy attacks;
  • It would be nice to lean your knees before the face, if you have a long trip, a trip or a business trip - to protect yourself from possible problems on the road;
  • Also to the Jerusalem icon of the Virgin, they are pleased to give family well-being, find their soul mate, get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby, to establish relations between spouses.

Celebration date

In Orthodox Christians, the memory of the Jerusalem image of the Mother of God occurs every year the 25th of October . This date is considered the official solemn day of the Russian Orthodox Church.

If we talk for people using the old summer style (such as Catholics), then their holiday comes a little earlier - October 12 every year.

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