Characteristic signs of love men to a woman


Very frequently fallen on the ears of the girl can not objectively understand whether their chosen is experiencing a large and bright feeling or is it limited to sympathy, sexual interest? Psychologists to help them offer signs of love men to a woman, consider which I want in the material below.

How to understand what he loves you?

Love or Love - What is the difference?

Before you begin to consider the love of men and women signs, let's talk about what differences are between love and mature feeling of love? In this we will help the psychologist Yaroslav Samoilov.

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According to the expert, The very first and main sign that you love (or love you) - A loving person always wants happiness to his elect / chief, regardless of whether they will be together or not. He will be sincerely rejoice at his beloved person, even if he gained happiness with someone else, no matter how blasphemous it sounds.

Of course, in the modern world, it is very difficult to meet such dedicated love (almost impossible). Therefore, we turn to more "landed" symptoms of love and in love. With this love, partners are ready to work together to experience any difficulties that fate prepared them: be it illness, financial deprivation or something else. A loving person always believes in his soul mate, but he is ready to be close, no matter what happens.

However, fighting with circumstances is one thing, and to fight with himself is completely different. It may happen that a person convinces itself in the presence of a sense of love from the motives of its own benefit (for example, in order not to feel lonely). Love for a man / woman or in love? The question is not easy and answer is inside you, only you can find it by analyzing your sensations.

Do not confuse love with love and even more so with addiction, obsessed with the object of his dreams. It is characterized by the rapid appearance of pseudo-feelings, which very quickly disappear. As for the dependence, there is an interstice of initial sympathy in the feeling of painful linations with a partner, which seems to be to get rid of.

Characteristic sign of dependent relationships - Life is seen defective, absolutely inspired and meaningless without a partner. This is a clear alarming bell, which should be paid attention to and start working on such negative relations.

If you don't do this on time, then the final can be very unpredictable, but definitely inspired: ranging from the state of deep depression, to attempts to pursue the object of lust, to spoil his relationship with other people of the opposite sex and, in the worst case, it even comes to suicide Soil of unrequited "love". Psychiatrists know a lot of similar stories.

Dependent relations

In order to avoid such a negative development of the situation, it is vital in time to contact a specialist, immediately, as a problem (that is, love dependence) was detected. And for the diagnosis of unhealthy affection, maximum objectivity should always be exercised, without putting "pink glasses" and not trying to deceive, first of all, itself.

Next, Yaroslav himself offers 3 basic signs that distinguish love from love:

  1. And in the first, and in the second case, a person involves a whole range of emotions in relation to the object of its rehabilitation (this is the passion and tenderness, and sympathy, and admiration and other feelings). But if we are talking about Love All listed feelings are distinguished by greater depth and meaningfulness. And in the case Lovely - They are spontaneous, unstable. A loved man can very quickly change the focus of feelings, throwing out of love in hatred. For real Love Characteristic sustainability, regardless of the circumstances. Love cannot change sympathy, in contrast to in love.
  2. Also, the difference in love and in love is very good can be traced when separated. And if people who loving each other do not change their feelings, will be loyal to their chosen one / selected, then lovers - with ease, will move through the principles for the sake of momentary pleasure. And their emotions quickly pass, as soon as the Beloved ceases to be near.
  3. And the last symptom, with which love differs with loves, is a sacrifice. An obvious sign of love is ready to give anything to any beloved person, while infringing himself, his interests. Lovely people make the focus on their own needs, and the need to infringe the latter will be perceived by them painfully.

Man loves woman: truthful signs

Now let's look at the main symptoms that a man really loves you.

Sex is not important

And it seems, this is an obvious statement, but many girls stubbornly refuse him to understand. But the fact remains a fact - if a man really loving, then his woman connects exactly not only sex. A loving man acts as a creative, active person who makes certain actions for his chosen, it is actions, and not just words and empty promises.

And the girl is perceived by him not just as a delightful mistress, but also as a friend, but perhaps even a business partner. Often, a family business started in a serious relationship in a serious relationship, but the participation in which the woman accepts. And he appreciates the assistance of the second half, for him it is very important.

It is not about the fact that sex does not matter in the relationship of loving people - of course, plays, but just he is not in the first place.

Caring for loved

And she arises as a consequence of the faith of a woman in it. A believing woman for a man performs a real diamond, which he will be ready to take care, cherish and admire them (if, of course, loves truly).

Of course, at the initial stage of dating, any educated representative of a strong sex will show Malomal signs of care: to open the door, feed your hand, remove a coat with yourself to warm the frozen girl. Next, it becomes clear on the behavior of a man, whether there were strong feelings or a sufficiently pleasant time for him.

A man takes care of a woman

For example, a loving man will take care of his beloved, first of all, in a material plan, because it is so on male. And he will be happy to make a delicious breakfast for her, bring coffee to bed, remember what kind of flowers she loves the most and will give them to her and so on.

Full trust

A loving man readily turns open to his chosen door to the most dark and intimate corners of his soul. But this happens, of course, not from the first date, but over time. Total trust with the male party is designed to demonstrate a woman that he is not perfect, he has his drawbacks, like any person, but he believes that his beloved will take him together with them.

Similarly, he will also treat the girl - taking her as it is, what it is, not trying to change certain features of appearance or character in it.

The desire to create a family

If a man really loves a woman, he is not afraid to take responsibility for her. He is not frightened about marriage and future children. On the contrary, he readily discusses such topics, supports them. And one day brings the most cherished ring.

Here it should be noted that the average pairs before getting married, are found over several years. Someone belongs to civil marriage with condemnation, and someone after them becomes a happy wife and mother. Personally, I believe that everything is individually here, you must determine for yourself, it is normal for you or not. In addition, everyone has different life circumstances, a different age of dating, financial position and so on.

In any case, if a man loves, he is not afraid to take responsibility for you: it's not afraid of at least, to acquaint with your family, relatives, friends, to offer to live together, and not just to meet on the weekend. It will not come up with incomprehensible excuses, and will take real actions.


If a male connects a deep feeling with a woman, then he will not even have the thought of another person of the opposite sex in his head (the same thing happens with lovers in loved). After all, what's the point of looking around, when she was found - the only love of life?

A man hugs a woman

If a man regularly goes to the left or communicates with other women, then why do you need such a man?


To ensure your second half, with all the necessary, the man willingly sacrifice the fact that it was expensive for him: his freedom, he will work a lot so that the family does not need anything, refuses the bad habits, and the Sabbath dressers will replace with friends on leisure His woman ... He will do a lot of things, because he has for someone else to do.

Confidence in feelings

A loving man does not arise in the head of thought to demand from the girl so that she argue his love. He simply does not need any evidence, because for real love, selflessness is characteristic.


All people sometimes quarrel, and loved and suppressed. And in conflicts (or rather, in their decision), you can also find confirmation or denial of men's love. So after a quarrel, a loving man will strive to first go to reconciliation (perhaps not in all cases, but at least often). And he also takes the flaws of the beloved, not trying to fight with them, alone her "for himself."


It is not even discussed by the fact that a loving man will not allow himself to humiliate his woman with words or, especially, physical actions. He also respectfully perceives her life position, worldview, religion, even if it's all radically different from him. After all, for real love, the adoption of his chosen one is characteristic.

Men really good with you

He is not bored with you, but without you - on the contrary. You find a common language, you always have something to talk about, you like each other's humor, you can stay together for a long time, and the company of a loved one will not bother.

Of course, everyone sometimes needs your personal space, to spend together every 24 hours a day is also not very rational. Sometimes the benefit will also bring separation, temporary rest from each other. After all, they will miss the second half, make the joy of the meeting many times stronger.

But when you are together, you are not experiencing negative emotions, you are comfortable at the level of energy, your beloved person is perceived as a native close. And you can be with him yourself - no need to wear a mask and play someone else's role. You can not be afraid to look ridiculous and ridiculous, being imperfect, but such expensive and valuable for each other. This is perhaps the unconditional signpost of true love, the most real!

These are the signs of what you love. This list, of course, can be complemented by other items, because love is very multifaceted. We looked at the most basic, without which a great feeling is impossible.

I wish you to love and be loved!

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