How is the baptism of an adult, preparation for it


Baptism - performs one of the seven sacraments in the Christian Church. It is believed that it is cleaver: metaphorically means death and subsequent birth for a new, spiritual life. On the Internet, we can find a huge amount of information about the baptism of kids and proper preparations for it. But it happens that a person comes to Christianity already in adulthood and also wants to fall. Therefore, I propose in today's material in detail to consider the baptism of an adult: its basic rules and nuances.

adult adult baptism photo

What does the baptism of an adult, why do you need?

Baptism - It is a special ceremony, the sacrament, during which a person approaches God and the Holy Spirit. This sacrament concluded symbolic death for past sinful life and spiritual revival for the new, conscious being. When it comes to the baptism of adults, it means cleansing from original sin - that is, the prejudices committed by the prohast professors and Eve.

It is interesting that only once can be baptized for life, which is very similar to birth, which also happens once.

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The most, perhaps, the main condition for the implementation of this sacrament is the presence of a strong desire to live righteously, to abide by Christian traditions. After all, after the sacrament of baptism, a person acquires a full-fledged Orthodox life: he lives with God in the soul, regularly visits church services, praying, goes to confession and communion.

If you are not ready for this, then there is no particular sense to be baptized. Also, before you consider how the adult contest in the Church, it will be necessary to hold proper training, to recall all the sins committed ever, sincerely repent of them, try to refuse their bad habits.

Baptism of an adult: what you need to know about it

Pay attention to the following important nuances:

  • Any believer may fall regardless of gender and age by choosing the most comfortable time;
  • The baptism rite is carried out throughout life, starting from birth to death;
  • In different temples there is a different church schedule, they can change the features of baptism. Your task is to find out all the details in advance, find out for which days and at what time you can get an adult person;
  • Specify also the features of the ceremony in the church chosen;
  • If an adult will be baptized, then he does not need a shameful father and mother, as it happens in the case of a baby, because he himself is able to pronounce prayer and answer the questions of the father.

Preparatory stage

If an adult man wants to be baptized, he needs, above all, Get an idea of ​​the main components of Orthodoxy . It will take reading the New Testament, the knowledge of the main part of the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity, about the Messiah, who came to the land in order to save all people, about his victim on the Cross, the subsequent resurrection.

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Also Examine the features of such Christian sacraments as communion and worldware . Common Practice in most churches - holding a public conversation with a priest on the eve of baptism. The conversation will help get all the necessary information about the sacrament from the father. But, of course, with the basics of Orthodoxy, you will have to get acquainted with your own.

Yet It is important to pre-memorize the most important Orthodox prayers: "Our Father" and "Virgin Devot, rejoice." They will not find a lot of work - the Internet or any collection of prayers will come to the rescue.

Before the baptism itself need to withstand three-day post . During this time, it is impossible to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, drink alcohol and smoking. In addition to food restrictions, it is necessary to limit entertainment, watching universities, reading idle literature.

A If you are married or married , then three days before the rite, refrain from intimate relationships with the second half.

Do not forget to the sacrament make up with those, Who are you in a state of quarrel : Forgive offenders and yourself from the soul ask for forgiveness.

Attributes for baptism

What you need to have with you

For baptism, a certain attribute will be required, namely:
  • Christening;
  • towel;
  • Sweet cross;
  • Open slippers;
  • Dry clothing in which you can change clothes.

Clothes and towels are necessarily taken white. Men acquire a long shirt, and women are also a long shirt, very similar to a nightie or dress, but necessarily with the sleeves.

Interesting! After the sacrament, it is impossible to erase clothes or put it in everyday life. She is credited with an amazing force to heal a baptized person if he sick is a serious ailment, for which it is necessary to have a patient.

A frequent topic of discusions about baptism - what should be a native cross - gold or ordinary? There are no special restrictions here, but the tickets advise to stop their choice on a silver or ordinary wooden product. If you want to buy a golden decoration - it is better to consult with your confessor.

It is important to buy for the baptism of an adult open slippers by type of shale: so that the feet are visible throughout the entire action.

How is the baptism of an adult in the church

Let's consider its main stages (although they can range a little depending on the church):

  1. Initially, the priest is performed by the symbolic creation of a person: he blows him three times in a person by analogy with God, inhaling life. Also the blessing takes place, prayers are read.
  2. Then who wants to fall out give the church name, connecting it with the guardian angel who will defend the righteous throughout life.
  3. At the next stage, there is a renunciation of evil forces. A person treats a face in the western direction of light, personifying dark forces. The clergyman does not stop praying and asks questions, they should be given clear answers.
  4. Then the man draws in the eastern direction and promises to serve one God. He is asked questions again, then he must read the "symbol of faith" prayer, abbreviated the entire Orthodox religion.
  5. After that, the priest gets into white clothes, performs the consecration of water in the font and lodge, it makes anointing of a peasant, which symbolizes the getting rid of sinfulness.
  6. Then the person is immersed three times in consecrated water, on this moment the words of a special prayer are pronounced.
  7. Batyushka dresses a baptized cross and white shirt. Prayers do not cease to read.
  8. Then follows the rite of world conjunction, which consists in applying a man with a deacon of crotal sign on the body. Holy Father pronounces the words "press the gift of the Holy Spirit", and then three times bypassing around the fonts along with the punctured. This personifies eternity.
  9. The most recent final stage involves aggregate hair, which symbolically means the transfer of a new Christian in the hands of God.

Girl in a baptismal shirt

How to cross adult people in the church girl

There are some characteristic features when baptism of fair sex representatives who need to know:
  • Girls and women should cover their headscarf as a sign of humility in front of men and the Lord.
  • For the sacrament of baptism, discreet clothing is selected, it should be laid and departed.
  • It is impossible to use cosmetics on this day, wear decorations.
  • It is unacceptable to hold a rite in the days of menstruation. Previously a woman must calculate the days of their cycle by choosing a suitable date.
  • Also, girls should remember that their shirt with baptism wet and will firmly fit to the body, making focus on all rounds. To prevent an awkward situation to the bottom of the swimsuit.

The ritual of the baptism of women has differences in different churches. For example, in some temples, the fuper is made to cut the shirma, the girl should take off all the clothes, and only her head will be visible. But usually women are still baptized in a shirt or a long shirt.

Important! When you write to baptism, you will certainly specify all the sacrament nuances in the place of your choice.

Adult baptism free or not?

Many are interested, do you need to pay for the baptism of an adult? In theory, it is free, because priests do not take money from the parishioners. But there are special donations for certain services of the church and baptism relates to their number. The amount may vary in different temples, so find out its exact size in a church store where candles are sold.

The assembled funds are commonly used for charitable needs: help with beggar, and also go to the repair of church buildings, the construction of new temples.

I hope now it has become clearer, as the baptism of an adult is going on and how to prepare it. Remember that the difference between the baptism of the baby and the mature person is conscious of the choice of the Orthodox life of the latter. And how will you accommodate it, what actions will be performed - good or stupid, unnecessary, it all depends here only from you.

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