Somaton and Antosolon: What does it mean, properties to whom


The satellite is the Slavic wastuchy symbol who was associated with the Sun, which becomes more calm in autumn, completing his active summer work. A charm of the sign gives a person the durability and strength of the Spirit, gives hard work and provides energy of abundance and prosperity.

Somaton: meaning words

In the literal translation of the embonodent means movement clockwise. And the second version of the overaga antihocon is, respectively, counterclockwise. Behind this dry translation, in fact, the very bright and metaphorical properties of the symbol are hidden, his truly magical meaning.

Nature meaning words

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What properties and meaning carries this charm than a person can be useful:

  1. This is a symbol of warm sunlight, life and donating fertility. It is associated with the autumnal sun, which gently heats the field, allowing crop to climb and be abundant. And a person who wears the charm, the satellite gives the same soft, warm and live energy, the power of love and take other people as they are. As well as prosperity and new opportunities for the growth of material well-being.
  2. Another "magic" property lies in his ability to give fertility. And this concerns not only abundance and money, but also the ability to have children. He helps a woman to become a mother, conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby, and not one. This is a symbol of large and severe and strong kind, a whole generic clan.
  3. Somaton is both the symbol of solstice. Therefore, the owner of the Oberega symbol gives the condition of amazing harmony. A person comes to balance in all spheres of his life becomes more calm and balanced. Easily tolerate difficulties and with great gratitude refers to every pleasant gift of fate, even if it's quite a trifle.

The person "camonics" is bright, kind, surprisingly caring, loving and compassionate personality. He is generous towards himself and others, next to him is pleasant, because it radiates very positive, pleasant and filling the vibration. He himself like the sun, in the rays of which I want to warm up everyone.

Somaton and Antosolon

As I mentioned, this symbol has two versions and differ only on the direction of the rays. Antihosolman is also called Kovovrat, and it acquires its own special properties that it is important to know before you become regularly to wear charm.


What helps and to whom oppositions opposition:

  1. He symbolizes the greatness and power of the Sun. Gives man power of influence. The Oberega owner becomes able to manage others, inspire certain thoughts and encourage the actions by him. But it is important to understand that intentions should be clean, it is impossible to harm someone and manipulate so as not to get a negative return.
  2. Gives its owner with limitless self-confidence and its capabilities. The person becomes a very strong person, although it can be somewhat militant. He desperately protects his family, property, always ready to accept the challenge and to defend his right to be the leader.
  3. This is a person who is always in motion. Passive personalities who are accustomed to sailing in the stream and not strain that you do not need to be in the center of events, this symbol will not fit. This is a sign of leaders actively acting and achieving their goals, never sitting in one place.

In anticone, more male energies, so it can become an ideal assistant and patron saint for a man. But with a certain character. It should be a bold, a somewhat desperate man who seeks to leadership and wants a lot to achieve in life. Active and active.

What is embonodents in Orthodoxy

Despite the fact that the satellite is a Slavic symbol, and our ancestors were pagans, he found his place in Orthodoxy. And the first "bell" took place in 1479 during the godfather, when Metropolitan made him towards Antosolon.

Somaton what does it mean

This fact did not like the then Great Prince Ivan, who began a dispute with Metropolitan. They were looking for reliable sources for a long time, in which it would be indicated how correctly you need to make a procession and in what direction. But it was not possible to find.

Metropolitan supported all church brethren, and the prince eventually retreated. From that time to make worship workers in anticone. But it lasted until the middle of the 18th century, and then everything changed. In the Orthodox Church, a new custom was established: the procession began to perform in the opposite direction, and over time, this tradition also fixed.

The only exception is the Russian Orthodox Church, which still performs rites in the old manner.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Slavic charm of the embonodent carries a colossal amount of solar energy, but not burning and hot, as in summer, and protecting, protecting, warm, as in the fall. This is a symbol of fertility, abundance and prosperity, which helps to preserve and multiply the material benefits of man.
  • There are two Oberega options: Somaton and Antosolon. They differ in the direction of their rays (along the solar arrow or against it) and symbolize the movement of the heavenly shine in the sky. Each of the options has its own special energy and meaning, in different ways affect the person.
  • The ancient Slavs gave charms with the image of this symbol to people who were lost on their vitality. It was believed that if you give an amulet to the "False" man, he would fix and start a new, righteous life would come close to spirituality and cease to degrade.

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