What kind of sacred power is the root of Rodovik - who is suitable


Rodovik - belongs to solar (sunny) signs, he is designed to connect a person with a genusity. Indicates the generic relations of all people on earth. Previously, this symbol was applied to idols (statues) of God of God. This right-sided swoast sign, having confused and unusually curved edges. More about its properties and thom who comes up by the Bronovik as an amulet, let's talk in the material below.

Slavic charm Rodovik

How the Rodovik is depicted

The Slavic symbol is represented in the form of a sophisticated swastika, he has fadedly curved rays that you can observe the photo above. He seemed to be designed to send every person the thought of how able to change the thread of his fate. And what can never be fallen into despair and give up, whatever tests above did not send you life. After all, dark stripes with white, joy with adversities will always alternate in it.

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In their appearance, Rodovik very much resembles another Slavic symbol of the host. These are two mirror sign, reflecting each other. Therefore, in the manufacture of carved fauces, it is often possible to observe the image of the Rodovik on one side, and on the other - the host of the world. Similarly, both clothes, home interior items, to which the symbol is applied in the form of embroidery.

Slavic Wubbleng Rodovik Meaning

Rodovik stands on the guard of the ancient traditions of each kind, family. His God-patron - the Almighty himself, who created the universe and everything that lives and grows on our planet. It is a genus sending Slavs, grandchildren give you wisdom, and also gives them their defense.

For our grandstures of the ancient Slavs, generic customs were always in a huge staff: they diligently stored from any effects from the outside. And the sacred symbol of the genus could be used absolutely all: men, women, old men and little children.

The person from all sides is surrounded by various temptations. Often temptations arise in his own soul, depriving his peace and sustainable soil under his feet. The use of an amulete of the Rodovik will help to fill the energy from the initial pure source of life, will give the patronage of the god of the genus and will always look at the world with a clear, unmandant look.

In addition, the talisman ensures the emergence of healthy children, in connection with this property, family pairs planning the expansion of the family can use it. The Swasta Symbol of the Rodovik will reliably protect the owner and all his genus from any negative direction: Pull, the evil eye, curses, love spells, bad wishes. It is not terrible then neither the reversals, nor slander - the cleansing force of the sign will help to overcome them.

Rodovik Wubble Embroidery

Rodovik will help protect yourself from:

  • insidious tricks of nonsense;
  • from any other people's goat intentional or unconscious, able to harm the person;
  • from accidents, trouble.

Thanks to the strength of the amulet, you can reveal intuitive abilities, which will make it possible to do correctly, following your sixth feeling. Also, a person will strengthen his relationship with his relatives of Slavic deities, it also helps when carrying out various rites, rituals.

Who fits a sign of Rodovik

  1. The solar sign is recommended for the use of people who, because of certain reasons, are forced to live in a foreign land, away from their own lands, but dream of preserving the strength of the genus. Rodovik will help emigrants and anyone who only thinks about moving, facilitating their lives.
  2. The charm is extremely positive effect on the energy of the dwelling.
  3. It will be suitable for the bosses, the latter should hang the image of the Rodovik in his office or put in the room where important business negotiations are held. The symbol will protect the manager from cunning manipulations of competitors, from moral pressure and desire to impose a foreign position. The swoby sign will make the boss more morally stable in front of any psychological actions of the enemies.
  4. He also eliminates a person from illusions by removing the veil with his eyes, opening the true state of things. In connection with the property listed, Rodovik is suitable for lonely women and men who often interact with different people trying to find their soul mate.

The symbol will protect the owner or the owner from dishonest personalities having inside cunning, mercantile plans: women - from women and Alphonians, and men - from the hunt of the tight wallet. To this end, a sign in the form of an amulet must be taken with you on dates.

Pendant with Rodovik

Rodovik is considered a universal Slavic symbol that improves the life of its owner and leads him to happiness. And the sign will help to move the righteous way, will save from the desire to act in Kryvda, will save faith in the great ancestors and native gods. Wearing the Crested Symbol can all, with the kids, it provides generic defense and support, and in adult representatives of both sexes activates magical abilities, develops their intuition.

Rodovik can be used in the form of a jewelry that is worn on the body. Another option is to hang or draw a sign on the wall of your dwelling, in order to such actions, he was constantly guarded by all family members. And the size of the symbol in this case does not play too big role. Rodovik is a peaceful sign, so it was never applied to the weapon or armor of warriors, he does not carry a destructive force.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • Rodovik is the Slavic Coast of the Symbol associated with the Most High God Rod. He supports generic traditions, gives wisdom, a clear vision of the world, protects against wicked people. Helps emigrants, useful when choosing the second half, ensures the birth of a healthy offspring. Protects against any evil.
  • Refers to universal oversets that are equally suitable for women, men of any age and children.
  • The man who wears the Rode establishes a close relationship with God who comes from which he will receive permanent help and support in any life situations.

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