House fern: benefit and harm, superstition and signs


The fern since ancient is revered as a magic plant, a lot of legends are connected with it. Is it possible to keep a fern at home? The influence of plants on people and domestic animals has already been proven by scientists. What is the case with a fern? In the old days on the night of Ivan Kupala, a bloomed fern was looking for a blooming fern (heat-color) to gain outless wealth and power. Science is proved that he never blooms. But does it stop the adventurers? And it is now in a cottage night looking for a cherished flower to gain power and wealth, love and good luck. Consider associated with this amazing plant. Signs and superstitions, legends and magic rituals. My sister convinces me that only thanks to the dry fern leishes, she was lucky in life.

Fern of the house

Room fern: Signs and superstition

Previously, people sincerely believed that the Fern flower, which bloom only once a year in Ivan Kupala, will be able to point the finding of the treasure. Those who found a cherished flower man along with wealth will gain longevity, good luck and greater power over people. Dozens of people rushed in search of the magic plant, but the mystery remains a secret: it's not known whether someone could find this flower.

On a note! And nowadays the cherished flower in the Kupalny night continues.

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However, it is not enough to find a flower: it is necessary to cut it correctly and comply with all the conditions of the magical rite. You can not turn around, even if loud sounds are heard. It is believed that it scares the unclean force that seeks to knock down the execution of the rite. To tear the flower is very fast, because it blooms only a few minutes. But before breaking, you need to have time to ask the permissions from the Mother Earth to cut the flower and outline the circle on the ground.

On a note! Folk legends say that the fern flower will bring goodness to light and clean souls. Evil and greedy people he will only bring troubles and misfortunes.

However, only a bold man could go in search of heat-colors. Only a bolder man could venture. The people have preserved a legend that the cherished flower will erase the poisonous snakes, wild animals, the firebird and the soul of the dead. There was almost no chance to return from the forest back. The man was supposed to first defeat all the stiffness, which was thrown on him from all sides, and then also manage to disrupt the heat-color in all the rules.

Room fourth and superstition

Of the seeds of an ordinary plant, they did the whaling for invisibility, and they also attracted good luck to their owners. However, along with this, the fern could bring to the man of Mount and trouble, because it belongs to vampire plants. For its growth and development, the fern absorbs a lot of energy not only from the ground, but also from the surrounding space. Therefore, the suffer from vampirism can both people and pets.

But the vampire qualities of plants can also benefit. For example, if you place a home fern close to the computer, it will be happy to absorb negative energy and electromagnetic radiation. But in the bedroom, the plant is categorically not recommended: the fern absorbs oxygen, and allocates carbon dioxide instead. Moreover, carbon dioxide it stands in large volumes, so oxygen remains in the morning in the room. But in large rooms it is not felt, only in small.

On a note! If the fern in the house brings trouble and worsens well-being, you can land it in the yard.

The negative impact of the fern on human health is explained by quite earthly causes: this is an allergen plant. His spores invisible to the eye are in the air of the room, which provoke allergic reactions. Malicious qualities are particularly distinguished by the type of fern called Orlyak.

Fern home benefit and harm signs

Magic properties

Our ancestors called the fern-grass fern and believed that only the touch of this plant is enough to hack any shackles and locks.

Esoterics and occultists believe that the home fern is a mirror of the soul of its owner. At the same time, it strengthens all the qualities of character: positive and negative.

To prevent quarrels and scandals in the house, you need to buy in a flower store Fern of the like Nephrolepp. This plant will help all households live in peace and harmony. This is especially true of homes where several generations of relatives live immediately.

Fern protects the room from damage. For this, it is placed in the living room, where guests come with a unkind view (potential envious and pilers). The plant will be happy to absorb negative energy, thereby protecting its owners. If the leaves of the plant suddenly dried, it means that the fern accepted the energy blow.

On a note! The fern in the courtyard protects the house from damage and other negative influence.

If you suddenly prevented a fern or it was in a different way in an apartment, it is considered a good admission. It means that luck will fall in the house and luck. It is impossible to throw away the plant. If you still want to get rid of it, it is better to attribute to the state institution: mail, bank, etc., or land on the street.

Drafs since ancient times, fern in magical rites and for healing. The plant is harvested from late June to September. You need to tear those leaves on the back of which disputes ripened. The twigs of the fern broke into a bathing night to protect against black magic and dark love spells. If the house happened in the house, the branch of the plant, torn on the kitchen, was burned in a homely focus.

Since ancient times, this plant was considered a symbol of Perun's god, with his help defended the house from the shock of lightning and sowing on the fields from the hail. Also root and leaves of the plant were considered a conductor to the spiritual world. Fallen Fallen to those who prefer spiritual values ​​to material: it helps to achieve the impossible. Even the most uncomfortable dreams can be implemented using this plant: the fern energy sees all obstacles on its path.

It was believed that someone who could find the heat, the secrets of medicinal herbs will open. It was necessary to spend all night before dawn next to the heat, passing the bedspread. Allegedly before the lucky one will certainly be held all herbs and each will tell about his therapeutic properties.

Also the heat-color endowed the chosen by the following talents:

  • emphasized the language of animals and birds;
  • opened clairvoyance;
  • gave power over the weather;
  • endowed the ability to be invisible;
  • endowed power over unclean power.

But the most attractive abilities were considered to be luck and luck in money, love, gambling. For this, they rushed into the forest for the search for heat-colors.

Room fern

For monetary luck

Many people have heard that the fern in some kind of magical way is associated with monetary success. This is true. But help in gambling (casino, lottery) it can only once. But the plant helps those who lead a honest business. Therefore, it is recommended to post it in offices: the fern helps to make faithful solutions, prevents conflicts and misunderstanding between employees, promotes business prosperity.

On a note! The fern in the office creates a comfortable atmosphere and improves employee performance.

The plant most surprisingly cleans thoughts, helps to reflect and find optimal paths to solve the most difficult problems. Under the influence of the fern, a person clearly sees the main goal and discard all the unnecessary, which prevents achieving this goal.

For monetary success (and the overag of the evil eye), it was necessary to wear the dried leaves of the plant on the bare body (under the clothes).

Love spell on Ivan Khapov

It is necessary to disrupt the top leaf of fern and read the top leaf of the fern and read 7 times a plot:

House fern: benefit and harm, superstition and signs 3053_5

Then this leaf throws where the favorite walks. Just need to calculate so that it comes to it.

Meaning in dreams

Dream Dream of Plants and Dream Freud interpret dreams with a fern as a lack of paints in life, fatigue from monotony and routine. There are no bright impressions, the oppressive feeling of loneliness and longing. Even with a partner, a person is still overwhelming a sense of loneliness and dissatisfaction. But if you keep the sprig of the plant in your hands, and not just to see the bush away, then it symbolizes the ambulance in life.

To see a faded plant - to bad changes. The white stripe in life ends, you need to get ready to accept the blows of fate. Troubles can completely touch close relatives.

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