Wubbled Radimich - What helps, meaning


Slavic Charm of Rodimich personifies everything related to the family, family and relatives. Our ancestors fairly believed that in order for the person to be happy and lived a harmonious life, he needs a close and deep connection with the family, his wisdom and energy. And this symbol becomes an assistant and conductor in this.

Obereg Rodimich: meaning

This symbol is bilateral, therefore, depending on which storage it is used, it acquires different values. But its most basic properties - to give a strong connection with the ancestors and the entire generic system, to receive resources, wisdom and support for a kind.

Rodimych waging value

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What is still its meaning and strength:

  1. The first value is the connection with the ancestors. Slavs believed that it was very important. A person who deprived of the support of the kind will never be happy, will not know what harmony is. He will constantly have problems in family and finance, because it is as if disconnected from the main source of energy and strength.
  2. The second meaning (Side Welmer) is the transfer of the spirit of his ancestors to man. Amulet gives a huge inner force, which helps to easily cope with any problems, experience shocks without prejudice to the psyche and have the strength to overcome the obstacles found to him in the life path.
  3. Radimit is energy, power, power, character, resistance, stamina. A person who uses this symbol becomes almost increasing. The solution of any problems and tasks to him on the shoulder. It easily reaches his goals, even if they are very large and seem impracticable at first glance.

Specialist recommendation: Use this charm if you feel devastated, deprived of strength and energy. If you have lost faith in yourself and stopped looking into the future with hope. If you want big achievements, and not ordinary life like everyone else. If you have the courage to dream of a large one.

What does the raylary help

The symbol itself is quite complicated, there are several ancient runic signs in its inscription. Overbinding, they create a special pattern with magic power and energy. The strength of each rune enhances and complements the properties of the rest, so a truly unique sign is created equal to which there are simply no properties.

Rodimich Obereg

What can be useful to such an amulet, in which it helps and how does a person supports:

  1. One of the runes in the symbol draw means action. Therefore, the charm helps stop thinking and start doing something. It eliminates the fear of mistakes, criticism, helps not depend on someone else's opinion and find their true desires and goals.
  2. The second rune symbolizes the end of the human life path in the earthly world. And she provides a connection with the dead ancestors, helps to receive energy from them, help and support. Opens before man new opportunities and resources, which he earlier did not even notice.
  3. The third rune is a symbol of a new life, more complete, high-quality, happy, harmonious and positive. It helps to find their true goals, build plans for the future and clearly understand what you need to do to come to this future in the most shortest way.
  4. All the rest of the runes that were used in the Operweg style are a symbol of an open gate, through which each person can take towards its ideal future. Therefore, he does not just dream, but also acts, successfully implements his goals and fulfills dreams.

Additional property of the amulet will like women. It helps to become ready for motherhood and get rid of all fears that are connected with pregnancy, having tooling the child and his upbringing. Therefore, the charm can wear the one that dreams of a child, but can not decide.

Rodimich is a truly unique Slavic symbol, the energy of which is so strong that it is capable of helping almost every person to change his life for the better. In this case, the influence of the sign is embedded in everyday life very gently, gradually, so no negative consequences can not be possible.

Radimit for men

Ancient Slavs believed that this symbol is typically male, because there are many angles in it, a rather rough form. But in the modern world, the borders between the floors become quite blurred, so women can also use this amulet.


How he affects men and helps them:

  1. Gives self-confidence and its own forces. And this is a very important property, because it is impossible to become a successful person, not possessing these qualities. A man who wears such a charm will easily be given negotiations, doing business and achieving any goals.
  2. It protects against competitors and unfriendliers who try to insert sticks into the wheels and not to give men's plans to be implemented. The master of amulet becomes almost invulnerable, he is able to bypass everyone in an endless race for achievements, to become the best, successful and prosperous in his surroundings.

Slavs prepared for the boys such a guard at an early age so that they grow real men in the future: strong, endless, responsible and hardworking.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The Slavic symbol of Rodimich personifies the relationship with the human race. It helps to connect his energy and increase his knowledge, spiritual and material wealth, as well as transfer them to their children. Radimich is a kind of portal between the intangible genus and real life.
  • The charm helps to fill the energy of prosperity and abundance, multiply their welfare. And also to move significantly along the path of spiritual development, filled with the energy of the genus. And all the accumulated knowledge, skills, all wisdom to convey to their descendants, without breaking connections with the ancestors.
  • This symbol was very highly appreciated by our ancestors, they sally believed in his power and strength. He stands a mansion in the list of all the faces, has a special status. It is also bilateral, so its value may vary depending on which party is used.

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