What does the charm of Molvinan mean - who is suitable for his wearing


Molvinal is a coastal sign that protects every Slavman from bad other people's words, leadership, terets, evil eye, generic curses, naval. It is not known exactly what the deity corresponds to this symbol, but it is considered to be a gift to the Great God. Consider a more detailed value that Molivanese has, his photo, as well as to whom it is suitable as a personal amulet in the material below.

Charger Molvinal Photo

The value of the Oberega Molinets

The wise Slavs have always been known to be a great importance of words, their influence not only on the emotional, spiritual, but also on the physical condition of the person. They believed in particular power of prophet, the magical words used for healing, withdrawing negative impacts. And they were afraid of bad words, curses that are capable of imparting irreparable harm.

Interesting! According to the ancient belief, a person transmits his feelings and emotions by saying words.

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It turns out that what has been said in anger, can bring the negative on a person, to cause severe illness and even become a cause of death! Therefore, the Slavs always tried to control their language. But all people sometimes inherent quick-tempered, in a state of aggression you can talk a lot of things extra, which later, of course, regret it will be too late.

It is at such a case that a protective charm of Molvinal was invented, whose purpose is to remove from any other negative impacts using words. The very name of the charm is formed from the verb "to pray" - that is, "talk". It turns out, the sign protects its owner from "Light Solva."

In addition, Molvinets is a solar charm (that is, it spends powerful solar energy, is associated with a daily luminaire, its strength eliminates various malicious effects from a rough and fine plan).

True, there is another theory associated with the name of the sacred Vedic sign. She argues that it should be divided into two components of "Mol" and "Crown", considering each of them separately.

"Mol" - acts as a kind of abbreviation, in which each letter has its own meaning, namely:

  • "M" - testifies to the materiality of human thoughts and speaks of the possibility of influencing other people surrounding the world with the help of pronounced words;
  • "O" - the personification of the human energy body, that is, his biofield either aura;
  • And the letter "L" - symbolizes the person himself, his personality.

The word "crown" - correlates with the headdress. As a result, this assumption comes out that Molvinets is a protective barrier, the action of which is directed most of all on the head (human consciousness) and protects it from evil words and thoughts, other people's own words.

Wooden charm Molvinet photo

With Slavic symbols, there was a difficult situation in general: it came to us a catastrophic information about them. Therefore, it is difficult to say something unequivocally here. Anyway, it does not have to doubt the vast significance of Mollard in the life of Slavs.

Amulet has quite wide Human impact area:

  1. Energizes his owner skill competently and beautifully speak in public. Therefore, it is recommended to use speakers, all those who speak to a large number of people.
  2. Performs the function of the shield: it takes on all bad words, multiplies them and returns back to the sender. The same thing happens with good words - their action is also multiple times.
  3. The regular wearing of the Symbol of Mollard on the body will help protect yourself personally and all their own genus from the attacks of ill-wishers, reversals, curses, negative magical attacks.
  4. Amulet is guarded by calm, health, joy and success of one who uses it.
  5. Little children helps to speak before.
  6. Ensures stuttering and other speech disorders.

This sign is deservedly considered one of the most mysterious and powerful of the entire Slavic-Aryanochesty symbolism. It combines the power of Slavic native deities, generic memory and the power of natural elements.

Charm Molvinets: Value for Women

All bad words, the consensions, wishes of evil, first of all, affect the person mentally, but only then physically. Representatives of weak sex are distinguished by increased emotional susceptibility, so Molivan is particularly necessary for them: he will protect them, because for women, a bloody speech sometimes beats more than a stone. And most of all in support of the amulet need very young girls, as well as pregnant women.

Molvinets will save the weak floor from such negative impacts, like someone else's anger, aggression, envy. After all, it is known that envy brings no less damage than curses. Also the charm will not allow breaks in the energy television-tailed pieces for dark other entities.

Interesting! Molvinets - is not a soft protective symbol, it acts very powerfully, sending everything evil to his original source.

Charm Molvinets: Men value

Slavic amulet performs one more action - it increases the power of orders. Therefore, it is ideal for men who are holding leaders who constantly have to give orders to other people. Another symbol trains the skills of eloquence, gives the gift of conviction. Isn't it necessary for all bosses for successful work?

After all, it is the manager who provides the effective work of the team, it is vital to be able to convince, inspire confidence, lead. It is worth noting that Molvinan does not just produce a beautiful speech in a man, but also takes care that he always said the truth. But the use of all Slavic sacred signs implies spiritual development and life according to the laws of the Universe.

Bracelet with Molinkle

Charm Molvinets: Value for Children

And the last category, in dire need of a symbol, is children (especially adolescent age). Teenagers are very difficult to find harmony with them and the outside world, they often experience many moral difficulties. For them, new realities of life are opening, parents begin to ask more and more, but it is difficult to perceive such pressure to the end of the psyche.

This is also worth adding the pressure of Socyum: teachers at school, classmates, the first often unsuccessful or unreserved in love. In general, adolescents are very and very difficult to get along with the world around themselves.

The use of the Oberega of Molvinse will help them find the inner rod, reveal their strength, and also harmonizes relationships with parents and other people. The talisman will relieve a teenager from increased nervousness, rudeness, aggression. It will work out a calm, polite and right speech.

Another Molvinal will be the reliable protection of an adult child from various complexes, self-satisfaction, characteristic of adolescents. The owner of the sign will cease to pay attention to other people's empty words in which envy and evil often hides. He will also teach the unnecessary information, making an emphasis only on the right words - for example, parental instructions.

How to use charm?

There are many varieties of the use of a sign that protects against someone else's rigor. To find the one that makes you, you need to contact the depths of your subconscious. Feel what kind of talisman will help you how to wear it will be most convenient for you:

  • As a native charm - in the form of a jewelry (serges, pendants, rings, connoisseurs, and so on);
  • as embroidery on the subject of your wardrobe or on household goods;
  • As a Mollard of Tattoo, depicted on the body. In this case, it is necessary to think very well and it is recommended to consult with the victims (spiritual teachers).

If you stopped in the first version - decorations, you will have to choose the material from which the product will be made. There are also no strict limitations, it is possible to rely on personal preferences. Just remember that gold is considered more male metal, and silver - female. Although it, of course, does not prohibit wearing a symbol for women in a gold frame, and men in silver.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • Molvinets is a Slavic protective symbol that protects from someone else's evil word, curses, spanking, rurs, slanders, as well as various speech disorders (stuttering, dyslexia and others). Developing eloquence, talent belief.
  • This is a solar (sunny) sign that sends the whole negative to those who brought him.
  • Mollard is considered a universal symbol, so everything can be worn: women, men and children.

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