How to determine that the person is lying: the main symptoms


Lies are very frequent phenomenon in the modern world. But it's one thing when we are talking about innocuous lies - for example, when you are very tired in the evening and do not want to go with a friend to a party, but fearing to offend her, say that they got sick.

And completely different if the lie is used with a selfish goal - let's say, in order to illicitly select other people. Many are now wondering: "How to determine what person is lying?" To always feel safe. We will try to find the answer to it in the material below.

how to determine that a person is lying

The main signs of lying

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How to understand that man is lying? Psychology offers certain signs that are manifested in the overwhelming majority of cases. However, it should be remembered that These symptoms may indicate a greater probability that the interlocutor is not sincerely with you, but they do not give 100% guarantees . After all, the true reason may not be wounded in the desire to deceive, but, for example, in a banal constraint either in a person just such a manner behave.

Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions, do not inspire the labels of the "Lygun" until you have sufficient arguments. In this case, the folk proverb is perfect: "Seven times will die - once again."

Interesting! Of course, it will be much easier for you to diagnose a false person, when you are well known for his natural behavior than who you see for the first time.

But back to signs of lies. They are divided into two main groups:

  1. Verbal.
  2. Non-verbal.

The second category in turn is divided into mimic, physiological and gesticulating signs. Let's talk more about all the symptoms of insincerity.

Physiological signs

Their presence says that a person is in a state of stress. But what has already provoked this stress - a lie, silent, excitement, fear of either something else is a separate question. It is unique here to say anything can not, you can only observe and assume.

Much will tell Mimica

The following signs are:

  • Sweat comes on the forehead or top lip;
  • pupils narrow;
  • A person dries in his mouth;
  • Breathing becomes heavy, with deep breaths and noisy exhalations;
  • Changing the skin of the face (redness, pallor, appearance of spots);
  • can start trembling the muscles of the face, for example, the corners of the lips;
  • The lips are strained, because of which the smile turns out the curve;
  • Man begins to blink ragged;
  • The voice trembles, changes its timbre, volume and tone;
  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • "Goose skin" appears on the hands;
  • Possible yawning;
  • Man begins to stutter (if before that I said normally);
  • can pass;
  • often smoothes saliva.

Signs and Mimic Signs

  • The performance of constant random movements (shakes the leg, walks around the room and so on);
  • often infrits to mouth, ears, eyes, and especially - to the nose;
  • rubber or scratch hands, fingers, neck, head and so on;
  • bounces lips, nails;
  • or avoids direct visual contact or, on the contrary, it looks into the eyes all the time;
  • frowning eyebrows;
  • grips hands with lock;
  • crosses her legs either;
  • hides his hands in pockets either where the interlocutor cannot see them (under the table);
  • lowers his head, pulls the chin;
  • Smiles untouched, not the topic;
  • Smiling crookedly "grinning".

Verbal signs

  • Desperately trying to convince others in his innocence (uses various oaths, it is still here);
  • Does not want or flatly refuses to speak on a specific topic, respond to the question;
  • Trying to insult, speaks in a dismissive manner, rudely, uses grave words;
  • Or, on the contrary, trying to cause pity, sympathy, to arrange to himself - he agrees with everything, except that he is lying;
  • avoids unambiguous answers to questions "Yes" or "No";
  • evasively answers direct questions, try not to talk much;
  • demonstrates deliberately indifferent attitude towards the topic of conversation;
  • Another of the popular signs of deception is a frequent attempt to change the topic of conversation.

Interesting! Extraverats and socially active people are in line with more often than introverts and those who prefer homemade lifestyle.

Signs of Lie.

How to understand, lying a person or not?

Psychologists advise paying attention to the behavior of their interlocutor:
  • The lines tend to do frequent pauses in the conversation, their intonation changes quickly, they repeat the same thing several times;
  • There is no coherence in words and expressions: one thing is said, and on their face they are written completely different;
  • For lgunov is also characterized by a quick change of emotions;
  • According to the results of the research, it was found that sincere people look into the interlocutor's eyes about 70% of the discussion, and the liar avoid visual contacts, so they are found through eyes only 30% conversations;
  • Experienced deceivers on the contrary almost do not dismiss the eye to the side, which looks unnatural and is a warring symptom;
  • Also, when a person tells the truth, trying to remember the details of the past, it takes away the eyes aside, and the liar does not usually do this - after all, he actually has nothing to remember.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic. Is it possible to definitely determine that a person is lying? Yes, if you use a lie detector and perform the appropriate check on it. (Although there were cases when experienced liar managed to bypass this device. This, for example, was told in the popular film "Hannibal: climbing").

If you are simply trying to diagnose a lie on any items, you cannot be 100% sure that it is not mistaken. So far, people, unfortunately, inaccessible to reading other people's thoughts, and therefore, something always remains closed to others. It remains only to make assumptions, pay special attention to suspicious personalities, disagree to dubious offers and always keep your head on the shoulders. Hope the article was interesting to you!

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