Proserpina in the 10th house in a man and a woman in a horoscope


The unique Planet Proserpina was opened quite recently - in the 80s of the last century, but already loudly declared itself. This planet controls the person's subconscious pulses, and also helps its internal transformation and update. What is characterized by Proserpina in the 10th house in the horoscope? It can give a pulse of a dizzying career, and maybe all the way to overthrow a person from heights to hell. Consider the question in detail.

Proserpina in the 10th house

general characteristics

The tenth house in a human horoscope is responsible for success. This is the peak that he can conquer if the effort will be attached: his vocation in life. Will a person find his place in life, whether all his potential realizes, depends on many factors: one of the important things is the desire to do something. The tenth house manages the social status of a person: his position in society, career, demand and reputation.

This house is managed by Uranus and Saturn, and the night luminaire (moon) is in exile. These planets also give impetus to spiritual growth and development, in addition to social conquests. However, everything that the person receives from this house will depend only on his own effort and labor, but at the same time it will be the "invisible hand" and to accompany "strange circumstances."

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What is the impact of prosepine on the social success of a person? If she is "kind", then can change any position for the better. If Proserpina is "evil", then any good undertaking can be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Moreover, the destruction of the career and social situation may arise from scratch, without visible reasons, with strange circumstances. Strange circumstances are accompanied by a person and when moving through a career ladder: this feature of the influence of the planet.

To strange circumstances may be counted:

  • revolution and rebellion;
  • Changing power, government;
  • war, palace coup;
  • unexpected personnel permutations;
  • An unexpected change of profession.

Something happens in the outside world, which is why the possibility of a sharp change of social positions appears. It may be an internal personnel permutation in a small organization or an unexpected dismissal of ruling staff units.

With a damaged aspect, the prosepins social status of a person can abruptly collapse: dismissal, lowering in position, arrest. Even violent premature death is possible.

Proserpina in the 10th house in a man

Proserpina in the 10th house in a man

The life of a person with Proserpina in the 10th house is full of mysterious and mysterious circumstances. "Something" leads him throughout life, pushes life to the surface of the ocean, opens up new horizons. The man is sometimes unable to realize what happens to him, and only with time he opens the meaning of what is happening. Sometimes observation by the wards of Proszerpins leads to shock: a person seems to be deliberately destroying his life to build something fundamentally new on her wreckage.

On a note! A man with Proserpina in the 10th house can take place as a personality and find happiness in life only after the death of his father.

With the affected aspect, the prosepins of a person awaits all the most tragic: bad glory, social insulation, loneliness on top of success, refusal from their own achievements, drop from height. Moreover, the fall may not be psychological, but quite physical: a person will decide to donate with life and thread from height.

This aspect causes an interest in chemistry to chemistry (alchemy), a successful chemist scientist or the famous occultist alchemist may turn out of it.

Proserpina in a 10-house woman

Proserpina in a 10-house woman

If a woman is present in the horoscope in the horoscope, then it is endowed with nature outwardness and victim. Not a gift in the Russian folk tradition of Prosepine corresponds to the image of women Yaga. But Baba Yagi by the victim with sacred knowledge of the world. One Baba Yaga is seen as an old evil old woman, and for others she is a young beauty. That is, someone, Baba Yaga can give youth and beauty, and someone can eat.

Since alchemy is directly related to the fire and a cooking surface, it is a side product of cooking. Therefore, Proserpina is patronized and culinary, conferseers, masters for the preparation of various foods. These women are perfectly prepared not only witchcraft potions and drugs, but also culinary masterpieces.

These women have sensitivity in the perception of other people, so they can become good leaders and managers. The ability to self-extract and reborn after destruction helps them to survive any difficult times and do not break.

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