Proserpina in 2 houses in a woman and a man in a horoscope


Proserpina - is the fatest planet, rotating behind the orbit of Pluto. Immediately it should be noted that not all astrologers take into account the position of Proserpines in the horoscope, referring to her too much to her, as well as the fact that the planet officially did not open. Astronomers still lack accurate data on its movement.

However, the other category of the Adepts of the Stars Teachings believes that Prosepina needs to be used in calculations. Let's consider today, for which the planet is responsible in the horoscope and how the prosepine manifests itself in 2 houses.

Proserpina in astrology

Characteristic of Proserpines in astrology

Astrologers using prosepine personify it with a transformation, deep coup. They believe that Prosepine is an indicator of the highest crystallization, a universal system or a supersystem. This is a spirit that goes beyond the scope of the update, cardinal change, transmutation. Chance to leave the borders of your ego, gaining psychological sustainability. Proserpina speaks of the formation of a universal system of values. If she is strong in a horoscope, then a person can survive serious changes in life (positive or negative nature), it is possible that he will have to abandon his property.

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What functions performs the planet in the horoscope? It makes it possible to complete the awareness of its nature - for example, even control over physiological processes in the body gives an internal transformation. Then a person can adapt and survive in terrible conditions, it is rapidly restored from diseases. It also has impressive logic and imagination - enough for a couple of details and it will create a holistic picture of them.

This is the ability of a beautiful investigator. Most likely, the famous Sherlock Holmes detective possessed a very strong prosepina in his horoscope. It is also the talent of the restorer, an archaeologist who knows how to recreate the volume image on the basis of one detail. For example, I want to remember the system created by MM Gerasimov, involving the recreation of the appearance of a person in the structure of its skull.


At Strong Prosepine The following qualities are manifested:

  • Higher self-sacrifice, self-denial;
  • tremendous patience;
  • ability to change your personality, spirit;
  • a developed sense of duty;
  • compliance with the principles of mind, conscience, honor;
  • ability to be ascetic, limit yourself;
  • High adaptation to any living conditions;
  • Absolute self-control, the ability to restore even after very serious crises.

Such people in detail are learning any incident, accumulate facts, distinguish random and irrelevant from being really important, conduct quality analysis.

At weak prosepine There are such behavior features:

  • A person becomes unsalted, acts chaotic;
  • It is difficult for him to combine various facts;
  • He is afraid of changes in the usual way of life, and it is frightened even good changes;
  • It is hardly restored in physical and morally after suffered ailments, shocks;
  • So that he felt good - he needs to live in "greenhouse conditions", since otherwise he risks break.

Proserpina in 2 houses in a woman and men: features

In the second field, the Planet's horoscope testifies to the changed perception of the material world. With this position, the native is forced to change the usual attitude towards material things (meaning money, securities, jewels). On the other hand, it is possible to win a lot of money in the lottery or getting them as a result of transactions.

Proserpina in the horoscope

If Proserpina in the 2nd house is damaged - the temptation appears to go fraudulent, "slippery", to start stealing, sick, that is, to turn into a financial fraudster.

In addition, the financial situation in this case is very unstable and changeable: the person is bathed in wealth, his income is growing with every day, then suddenly loses everything. There is another characteristic problem, it concerns the Body of the Native. With prosepine in the 2nd house there may be or excess completeness, or depletion, thin. It is important to do its nutrition, change the usual diet and work regime, rest.

Best case scenario: A man is sufficient small, but he as a result achieves success. Not tied to things, even if he became rich, then practicing asceticism, abstinence: moderate food needs, rest, but at the same time vital energy is growing.

At worst : NATIV loses its property, he does not work out, until he refuses material affections. The confusion of the material plan arise (associated with money, food: he eats a lot, then a little, then drops, then gaining weight). Must stick to the diet, in time to clean your body from slags.

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