Ketu in scorpion in a woman and a man


Ketu in Scorpio is a rather unfavorable indicator in the natal map. A person has a lot of karmic debts, and his life will not be easy, because there is to work out the sins of past incarnations. All his way is full of permanent transformations and obstacles.

general characteristics

A person with such an indicator is created to learn to overcome obstacles, and through it to go through a huge path to its spiritual development. His life will not be easy, but interesting and amazing may well be, if it will be able to transform his thinking from negative into positive.

Ketu in scorpion in a woman

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It has creative potential that needs to be developed. Creation of creativity will help correctly live emotions, transform its powerful explosive energy into a more creative and calm, as well as to pacify it.

Astrologer Council: accept the difficulties in your vitality inevitable. Develop enterprise and learn to think not to problems, but decisions, then the quality of your life will grow multiple times.

Ketu in scorpion in a woman

In the past life, such a woman was engaged in magic and witchcraft, and some of these abilities her soul suffered into the current embodiment. Therefore, it can notice unusual abilities in themselves, to scare them and not take. It knocks her out of equilibrium and interferes to achieve harmony.

Ketu in the Scorpio in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It is very important for her to enjoy sex life, so she is looking for a partner who can satisfy her needs, with the same strong and passionate temperament. If problems arise in intimate life, it affects both relations in general.
  2. It seems to be very sociable and friendly people, but often it is only a mask for which she hides its contempt and is not the best of the good attitude. But as long as she benefits to Painka, she will do it, and when it ceases to be relevant, will show his true face.
  3. Her fate is full of unexpected events and turns to which it does not always turn out to be ready. These are moving, and parting, and all sorts of major problems that you have to cope almost alone. All this makes it a stratum and hard enough.

Astrologa Council: Discover your heart of love, even if you used to hurt you. Only then can you easier to go through life and inhabit the list of losses. Yes, your path will not be easy, but only depends on you, to which result you will come in the end.

Ketu in the Scorpio in a man

Growth in his life will begin when he realizes that surrounding people only mirror his own thoughts, beliefs about themselves and views on life. Then he will cease to blame everyone around in his own failures and approaches true spiritual development.

Ketu in Scorpio

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. Anger is the strongest negative feature that is pretty spoils life. On emotions and out, he is able to make a lot of nonsense, and then regret it. He needs to learn how to manage his own feelings, in the end, not to find out on the side of life in full solitude.
  2. In past lives, he was often offended, and it left the wounds in his soul. And in the current embodiment, he becomes avengeous, malicious, which poisons only his own life. Entering revenge plans, he seems to take poison and is waiting for his enemies from him.
  3. To learn how to manage emotions, it is important for him to subliminate them into creativity. Find for yourself such a creative activity that will allow you to "merge" your energy and implemented. Also worth adding sports, intense physical exertion.

Astrologa Council: You have to work in yourself such qualities as restraint and softness, if you want to build harmonious relationships with people. Curbed your rudeness, rigidity and straightness - they do not make you happy. Learn to love someone, besides yourself and take care of others.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The soul of a person with such an indicator came to the world to constantly transform, eliminating its negative sides and developing positive. It will not be easy for sure, but it's interesting and saturated life can be completely, if you do not omit the hands in the fight, but continue to act.
  • Such a person is very careful, he does not trust other people and as if he is constantly defending against some invisible danger. It may seem to him that around him is full of enemies and ill-wishers, although it does not quite correspond to reality, just people with good intentions he does not notice.
  • It is very important that he realize his true values ​​and lived in accordance with them, then there is a chance to become happy and passing his complex life path as easy as possible. But it is not easy, because often he will confuse his real desires with false, imposed society.

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