Ketu in scales in a woman and a man


Ketu in the scales suggests that the main task of a person in the current life is to know ourselves, its weak and strengths, strengthen the advantages and accept the shortcomings, transforming them into a resource for the fulfillment of their own desires. And it is precisely this will make it possible to implement and become happy.

general characteristics

Ketu in the scales gives birth to individuals impressionable, thinly feeling and perceiving the world from the position of beauty and perfection. They seek to decorate and transform the surrounding space, everywhere bring harmony and style.

Ketu in the scales of a woman

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It is difficult for them, because they are too trusting and offended. Can go on the dishonest person and suffer. Often become victims of fraudsters and adventurers. "Trust but verify!" - This motto they should be implemented in their lives in order not to be puppets in someone else's game.

Astrolov Council: Learn not to be afraid to express your point of view and defend your own opinion, even if it does not like others. Try to become a little more worry, not so sharply respond to criticism and disagreement with your words.

Ketu in the scales of a woman

This woman estimates his own life by comparing himself with others. And this is her big mistake, because it is necessary to compare only themselves with itself yesterday. Only with such an approach you can feel the true harmony and live in harmony.

Ketu in weights in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. From the side it seems very confident, but in the depths of the soul it lives a little girl who is afraid of everything in the world. It is very simple to deprive her. Enough one oblique look or careless words so that she began to doubt himself.
  2. And the only way to love for yourself, high self-esteem and success is a self-knowledge. Yes, it is not always nice to realize all your parties and qualities, including negative. But only this path will help stop depending on the opinions of others and, finally, to heal a complete and rich, interesting and happy life.
  3. She is beautiful, possesses sophisticated moments, looks stylish and attracts the views of others. Interested in creativity and art, often twisted in the clouds. She has a very subtle mental organization, so it is easy to hurt, touch or offend.

Astrolov Council: Try to understand what you really want. Stop trying to meet the expectations and desires of others. Create self-esteem and do not be afraid of criticism, it should stop you at all, because only you know and understand yourself one hundred percent.

Ketu in weights in a man

Inside this man constantly lives internal conflict. On the one hand, it does not endure loneliness and seeks to constantly surround himself with people. And on the other, she wants rest and privacy. And it is important to find a balance in order not to go out in the first one or the second extreme.

Ketu in the scales

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is often offended by people because they did not appreciate his efforts, help, support, care and attention. And this is the payroll for the egoism, which he was full in past lives. With such a position of things, he can only come to terms and understand that everything is fair in life.
  2. He will be able to fully realize his potential only after learn to serve and benefit to other people, not expecting thanks and recognition in return. The ability to sincerely give to work will not be as simple, but the results of such work on themselves will be amazing.
  3. It is also important to stop fighting circumstances, but, yielding to learn them to manage. Fly in the stream, actively act and use incoming capabilities. Do not try to resist peace, but only make friends with him. Then everything will be folded as easy and joyful for him.

Astrologer Council: You are a very strong person, but you can reveal your power, only abandoning the struggle and resistance. Your potential is in the ability to succumb, not to deal. Realize how beautiful your life becomes if you learn to come to the goals as easy and natural ways.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Such a person is very sensitive to a flattery. He himself is not aware of, in his actions, he is guided by the desire to please others, and not to himself. And if you change anything, you can live a life of someone else's dreams, and not your own. Therefore, work is so important.
  • He is on his nature a peacemaker, in conflict always takes a neutral side and tries to find a compromise that will satisfy everyone. On the one hand, it is fine quality. But, on the other, it does not allow him to defend his own interests and opinions.
  • He is characterized by constant doubts and oscillations, because inside lives a total distrust of its own solutions. It seems to him that he does not do everything and cannot forgive his mistakes committed in the distant past. It originates and makes emotionally unstable.

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