Ketu in Aquarius in a woman and a man


Ketu in Aquarius gives birth to a man who has a constant struggle against his own will. His karmic task is to realize and start developing its inner power so that he can overcome obstacles and achieve its goals. And often he passes the life path alone, without support.

general characteristics

The karmic task of such a person is to find a thing that will want to devote life. Then he will achieve great success, although the path to its destination will not be easy, because he has a small supply of will, and it will need to develop all possible and affordable ways.

Ketu in Aquarius in a woman

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It has a strongly developed sense of justice, the concept of honor and dignity for him is not an empty sound. It is important for him to follow some kind of great idea, only then he will feel and feel really meaningful, grows self-esteem and love himself.

Astrologer Council: Strive every day to become the best version of yourself. Get rid of passivity and laziness, feel free to go into difficulty and resist negative circumstances. Easy way is not for you, he will not bring satisfaction and happiness.

Ketu in Aquarius in a woman

Such a woman suffers very much from loneliness, the lack of friends and the second half, in which it extremely needs. It seems to her that she does not need anyone that no one is capable of lying in a real one. She does not understand what you need and to take the initiative to communicate.

Ketu in Aquarius in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It is difficult for her to make decisions, it often doubts and seeks to predict all possible options for the development of events, which is why the reflection is more indulging. But but when the long-awaited choice is made, it is not stopped - she will do everything to get the desired.
  2. In it, the leaders are very strong in nature, although she herself often does not realize this potential. And there is negative features of leadership in relationships: becomes tyrant and despot, from which you want to escape and never return.
  3. Often she crashes its energy to procrastination. Infinitely postpones things for later. It plans a lot, but it does little, she lacks concrete actions. From this herself is angry with himself, he saves this irritation and deprives himself with its own negative emotions.

The Astrolov Council: the most important your task is to learn how to cope with doubts that prevent you from moving forward. Free your consciousness from fears, boldly go ahead and be afraid of anything. Trust your world, and it will surely answer reciprocity.

Ketu in Aquarius in a man

Such a man rarely follows foreign tips. And often ridicule and condemns the opinions of other people. For this reason, he has few friends and like-minded people. From loneliness may suffer, but never admits that it is he who himself is his cause.

Ketu in aquare

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is difficult to control himself, he does not know how to control either his own feelings and emotions or actions. Because of this, it is not capable of directing its irrepressible, boiled energy into the right track. Therefore, it does not achieve as much as I would like.
  2. It often happens that such a man runs the way from full poverty to great wealth. But this development option is possible only if it becomes working on myself, with his thinking and glances, reprograms his brain and starts acting in a new way.
  3. Any negative acts of other people in relation to Him can tell about his life in past incarnations. Getting a negative, he reaches his karmic debts accumulated in past lives. Therefore, it is necessary to relate to him calmly, not complain about the villain-fate.

The Astrolov Council: one of your main tasks is to learn tolerance towards the surrounding people. It is understood that they are not obliged to live, think and act as you want. With respect to take the picture of the world of another person and not inspire their convictions.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The karmic task of a person with Ketu in Aquarius is to develop the power of the will, learn how to cope with any difficulties and go ahead, no matter what. His life path will be difficult, but interesting. Problems have to cope independently, without support from the outside.
  • It is very important to realize and understand that it is he who himself creates his own reality that the results and achievements do not depend on the circumstances and other people. Take responsibility for everything that happens only for yourself and not run from difficulties.
  • Often it becomes sorry for him. It seems that those surrounding everything is somehow easier, easier, more stable and more interesting. But it is important to understand that other people show only the best side, and it is impossible to know what is happening in their reality. Stop comparing yourself with others.

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