Chiron in cancer in a woman and a man


Chiron in cancer is a very good location of the planet at which it manifests itself quite harmoniously and does not give a person special problems. The only moment that can excite is an internal conflict between the desire to create a family and the desire to preserve its independence.

general characteristics

The main karmic task of a person with such an indicator is to learn honesty. And not only towards people, but also to themselves. The source of all problems, but also resources is only in you, this is a whole world with a huge number of opportunities for development and growth.

Chiron in a woman's cancer

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Learn to perceive every situation with a positive. And even from the problems to extract the positive experience that will be developed and moving forward. Life will not be easy for you, but it's interesting and saturated you can make it yourself.

Constantly increase the level of its energy, look for what fills you and gives strength to move forward. Do not let yourself be stuck in the state of apathy and laziness for a long time, because it will be very difficult to get out of it over time.

Astrologer Council: You came to this world not only for the receipt of material goods, but also for spiritual development. Be sure to find time for meditation, prayers and working with our own beliefs to expand the picture of the world and learn to see the maximum of the opportunities surrounding you.

Chiron in cancer in a woman

Such a woman is not particularly striving for relations, family and children. She has a few other values ​​in priority. She wants to study himself and the surrounding world, travel a lot and improve every moment of its existence.

Chiron in cancer in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It can be very cunning and even insidious when communicating with people, if it is necessary to achieve some of its own goals. Skno manipulates others, the talent to influence them is given by her from nature and is not required to learn.
  2. Chiron gives birth to her ability to very deeply understand himself, their desires and needs, so it is difficult to influence advertising, it is not conducted on someone else's opinion and very self-sufficient. It is difficult to communicate with it, but, having friends, you can find a very powerful ally.
  3. Fate opens unusual paths to her for self-realization, and these opportunities must be used, responding to everything that the world gives. Then she can achieve very great success, not locating at home and indulging only reflections.

The Astrolov Council: strive to be honest not only with you, but also with the surrounding people. Try not to deceive anyone, because the payroll per lies can be very cruel. Do not choose light paths - look for those that through hard work will lead you to the goal.

Chiron in cancer in a man

Fate for such a man will constantly create difficult situations in which he will have to look at himself with a new look and change his own beliefs and views. Growth for him is to constantly update the views and thinking.

Chiron in cancer

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. It is important to find a balance between spiritual and material development. Do not deal with only the satisfaction of physical needs and the growth of material well-being, but also take care of the needs of your own soul. This is the shortest way to happiness and pleasure.
  2. Only through its own spiritual growth, he gets the opportunity to influence other people. They become a valuable resource for him, he acquires assistants and patrons who will play a big role in the formation of his personality and achieving success.
  3. It is important to learn how to manage your own emotions. The reasons for any negative look for, first of all, in yourself, and not accuse others in their problems and troubles. It will give huge opportunities to manage your own life as a whole.

The advice of the astrologer: Give all the spheres of life into the balance. Do not concentrate on something one, but aspire to pay attention and work, and spiritual development, and relationships. Look for sources of bright impressions and emotions that charge you and give energy.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Planet Chiron indicates a person interesting, but somewhat emotionally unstable. He has a tendency to rush hysterics when someone is a lacaround of his complex, carefully hidden. And instead of working on yourself and cultivate self-esteem, a person will accuse everyone around in injustice.
  • He is capricious, unpredictable, having changed. You never understand what to expect. Even close people are often difficult to accept such behavior, and in the end he risks to remain in complete loneliness, if not learning to control its emotional impulses.
  • He likes to travel, to be away from home, move from place to place. Therefore, he often chooses loneliness and permanent decrement of the situation, preferring not to create a family, remaining in one place.

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