Ketu in the twins in a woman and a man in the horoscope


Ketu (otherwise called the southern or downstream moon knot) - the point in which the moon crosses the ecliptic in the direction down, to the southern pole. The opposite node of Ketu is Rahu (Northern or ascending knot), in which the moon, crossing the ecliptic, rushes upwards towards the North Pole.

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu is called shadow planets, because they do not have astronomical bodies. But from this, their influence on fate does not become less. For that the lunar nodes are responsible in the horoscope and how does Ketu in the twins manifest? I propose to find out in the material below.

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu: Quick Feature

Ketu - The personification of the wisdom of that experience that was accumulated in the soul in past lives. However, besides wisdom, we are talking about anxiety, fears that make people and prevent him from moving forward, towards His Rahu. If we are too tied to the past, we will not be able to create our future, as we all fear of all new, any risk.

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It is important to analyze, in which house and the sign of the zodiac is the southern knot in Natalo map: it will break the light on that sphere of life, where we have achieved the greatest success in the past embodiment (astrologists say that a program of a certain sign, such as weights, was worked out. By Ketu, we understand what congenital deposits, the skills we have that it will be easier in this life.

On the other hand, it will become the most difficult life sphere, because the South Knot gives certain ambitions, the desires for their implementation, and the task of the present life is to abandon the habits of the past by focusing on the qualities of Rahu. But, of course, it is easier to act many times, guided by the old experience than to create something new. Although it requires spiritual development.

Rahu In astrology, this is a symbol of karmic tasks that need to be performed in this embodiment. Which area of ​​life relate to the task - we learn from the house of Rahu and his sign of the zodiac. Above that area will have to work to work especially thoroughly now. She will call him at first fear or rejection, it may be difficult for him to start working out it. And if he, finally, will decide, he will be encouraged by fate.

Since the lunar nodes in the horoscope are always located strictly opposite each other, astrologists can learn the sign of the second point, knowing the first position. Yes, and analyze them is necessary together - to compile a holistic picture. When Ketu in the twins, Rahu is in the sign of Sagittarius. What is a special given position?

Ketu in Gemini

Ketu in twins in a woman and a man

A person with such a southern knot in the past earthly incarnation was engaged in the study of the twins program. Therefore, he manifested the characteristic features of the air constellation: sociability, ease on the rise, but at the same time carelessness, chaotic, sometimes excessive spelling, variability in their views and opinions, prettybery.

Listed flaws, he moved with him into the current life, but it is important for him to get rid of it. But it is worth keeping the brightest qualities of twins, such as the ability to absorb huge amounts of information, transfer them to other people, developed intelligence, easy comprehension of new knowledge.

It is necessary to learn to develop a more serious attitude towards life, get rid of frivolousness, always actually affected. You can not play with other people's feelings, which is very characteristic of men and women with Ketu in the twins. Do not strive to grab the bunch of things right away - it is better to choose one thing, but bring it until the end. Act always decisively, stop longing for a long time in doubt, because so you're only in vain to squash strength. It is very important for you to maintain loyalty and devotion to the second half, refuse to change married.


Finding Rahu in the sign of Sagittarius requires in this life manifestation of such qualities as generosity, generosity, purposefulness. Much benefits will be brought abroad. Sagittarius is a symbol of the initial impulse, it indicates the need to engage in the association of people, penetrate into the secrets of other cultures, practicing active social activities.

And if in an early embodiment, you just missed information flows through ourselves, now learn to accumulate experience, and on its foundation there are others. Do not be afraid to take responsibility. Rahu in Sagittarius is a signpost of the Mission of the Spiritual Teacher, a mentor, a leader, who inspires and directs its own example.

Choose the most pretty worldview for yourself, read it, and then start learning people around yourself. Only in no case do not act by violent methods, let them come in their own will, from sincere desire.

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