Proserpine Virgo women and men


Planet Proserpina feels good in the zodiac sign Virgo, and it is full mistress. It enhances the qualities such as pedantry, attention to detail and pettiness, which is why a person's character becomes more difficult. To find common ground with the representatives of this sign is usually not easy, so they can not boast a large number of friends. In this article I will discuss how Proserpine manifested in Virgo, and what character traits are predominant in women and men.

Proserpine to Maiden

Impact on the formation of character

Proserpina has the same properties as the virgin, so it is fully manifested in the sign. Holders of this planet in the natal chart are endowed with realistic and pragmatic outlook on life. They are characterized by advanced intelligence, discretion and prudence. The philosophical mind allows such individuals to find creative ways to solve problems, and to see the situation from different angles.

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Virgin and Proserpine in sign very picky and critical, moreover, both to themselves and to others. However, they are not without a sense of humor, but the jokes are sharp and sarcastically. Of course, the limits of decency are not particularly cross, but they can accidentally hurt the feelings of the interlocutor.

Talking about the positive aspects of the Virgin, it should be noted her extraordinary analytical skills, resourcefulness, and excellent memory. With a positive development of personality, Proserpina gave man the ability to think straight, to look objectively at things, and the unique ability to remember the smallest details. In addition, most Dev to this aspect in the natal chart retain mental clarity throughout life, and even in old age, they are not threatened such diseases as dementia.

If a person will develop in a negative way, the age of the Virgin worsen qualities such as pedantry, rigor and tenacity. Their behavior may be somewhat callous and cold. The only thing they care about is for real - this career. Such persons are not rare compared with the bio-robots, because they rarely show emotion, and their every move in advance precisely planned.

Virgos to Proserpine in the sign we must find time to relax, and pay more attention to loved ones. The constant preoccupation with the bad influence on family relationships, and rarely results in complete solitude.

Proserpina in the world sign

Features of female character

Women of the Virgin instinctively reach on the beautiful. They strive for luxurious life, pleasures and popularity. To a greater extent, it manifests itself from those devies who were born at the end of August. It is worth noting that such personalities are not only dreaming, but they do everything in order to achieve their goal. Material independence for them is a primary component of life, so they begin to work from the young age, and the non-standard methods of earnings are usually found.

The virgin has increased sexuality and thrust to the opposite sex. Sometimes it leads to a slight behavior or appearance of a tendency to perversions. If in his youth, she can do obscene things unconsciously, then with age begins to understand that it is wrong. As a result, the woman is immersed in self-vaccination and closes from the world. To build a happy relationship with the opposite sex, she needs to learn to trust people and be ashamed.

Features of male character

Men's male Proserpina gives tremendous hardworking, zealous and high efficiency. Their diligence and accuracy can be traced at an early age. Such guys are conscientious of the assigned tasks, and they love them very much when they are praised. Sometimes they behave too self-confidently and arrogantly, which can turn around for them failures and failures. But the male dev does not scare it - they stand for defeat, take out lessons from them, and continue their way.

The influence of transcels gives men with cold mind and prudence, so do not panic in difficult situations. They usually look restrained and calmly, but inside can "boil" emotions. Such a coldness is good only in the professional sphere, but in personal relationships often interferes. A man is not inclined to openly exercise his feelings, and even more so to put them at the bottom.


  • Proserpina is full of the Virgin, because it possesses similar qualities.
  • In most cases, the planet affects the representatives of this sign positively, but sometimes turns good qualities into disadvantages.
  • The dignity of the Virgin on the material benefits prevents her to build a happy romantic relationship.

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