Ketu in the 9th house in a woman and a man


Ketu in the 9th house gives rise to a man of religious, with great love in the heart, merciful and compassionate. He is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of a great case or rescue other people. This is an indicator of heroes, desperate and bolders who deserve tremendous respect.

general characteristics

A man with a planet Ketu in the ninth house of the horoscope is born to serve other people. He is able to make the world a little better if it is generous, refer to others with all the love, which is only capable of.

Ketu in the 9th house in a woman

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But so that he did not have to suffer, they will have to seriously work on his borders, learn to refuse and say "no". Otherwise, everyone will quickly become revealed and used for mercenary purposes.

In the harmonious aspects of Ketu - this is a personality indicator of generous, abundant and compassionate, but not at all "rags", which allows everyone around to ride themselves. Loves not only people, but also puts themselves at first in their own life.

In a negative aspect, a person becomes a victim who constantly suffers from the injustice of the surrounding world and an unimportant attitude towards it, with missing borders and constant tears on the face.

Ketu in the 9th house in a woman

Such a woman can often deal with charity, because she wants to help everyone, make this world a little better and kinder. May give the last piece of bread in need, but herself hungry. Single modern mother Teresa.

Ketu in the 9th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She can become a public figure or a politician to bear the benefit for many people immediately. And it will become the rare person who does not take bribes, it works not on his own pocket, but in order to be good for everyone. Suffers when it does not work.
  2. Very generous. Even for the very unfair renovation, she has a good word. She will find dignity and ability in the most meditarian person. She has very sunny, light energy, as if Nimbi glows above his head. And people pull on this pure inner light of unconditional love and adoption.
  3. She really wants to have family and children, but the relationship with men for a long time does not add up because of her hyper-facilities. In the desire to please, she often relocate and forgets about his own desires, which scares potential partners.

Council of Astrolok: Serve people, but also do not forget about themselves. Learn to love yourself, take care of yourself, do not go to the state of the victim and do not let anyone "ride" on you. Children also try not to indulge too much, let them become independent.

Ketu in the 9th house in a man

For such a man, family and relationships are of great value. He dreams of real love, family and children. It becomes a beautiful, very caring father, which will do everything for his loved ones. She caresses them, seeks to earn money so that they do not need anything.

Ketu in the 9th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. In his natal map there is a sign of good luck and luck. But so that he earn, it is important to travel more often, and not spending evenings and weekends exclusively at home. He needs to try to get out of at least the city, if it is not possible to visit different countries.
  2. He is a lot of care, love and resources gives love to loved ones. He believes that the greatest pleasure is to see the joy in the eyes of the human gifted. It does not forget about himself, in contrast to women with similar indicators in the horoscope.
  3. He is a creative person, and is able to create real masterpieces, if it believes. It is important to determine what talent it possesses, and start it to develop, spend at least a little time, but every day. Either, as a last resort, use creativity in normal work.

Astrolov Council: It is important for you to believe not only in yourself, but also in God. The highest strength will then help in everything to your life path, to give resources and opportunities necessary for the performance of any desires.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Ketu in the ninth house is a distinctive sign of heroes and valiant personalities for whom the word "honor" is still not an empty sound, even in our time. They live for the sake of a great case, which, even if they came up with him themselves, they inspire them and gives existence meaning.
  • Their karmic task is to stop complaining to the injustice of the surrounding world and understand that everything is fair in this life. Study the laws of the Universe and learn to find the seeds of all the negative in their own past thoughts, actions and actions.
  • They often have financial problems, because they do not know how to call the high price of their work, often work for the "idea" and cannot refuse when they impose a bunch of additional responsibilities. Therefore, it is worth working on the sensation and upstream of the borders to become materially independent.

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