Ketu in the 7th house in a woman and a man


Ketu in the 7th house - the planet travelers and people with unusual abilities. And they have the same non-standard relationships as they themselves. They love privacy, but at the same time not herger, they are simply important for them to occasionally go along with them to restore energy and reboot.

general characteristics

A person with such an indicator has great energy potential. It is important to be able to direct it to the creative direction, and not to spend energy for self-destruction. It is prone to dependencies, so it is better not to try alcohol, cigarettes or other doping options.

Ketu in the 7th house in a woman

All conscious life is trying to surpass himself in achievements. He never satisfies what he is currently. He wants to get more and more, and from this race at one fine moment will simply braid and fall into the state of apathy.

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So that this does not happen, it is important to learn to relax with pleasure without experiencing the feelings of guilt. Excellent, if it is engaged in spiritual development, it will start practicing meditations that save from inner aggression and relaxing brain.

Astrologer Council: Work with negative emotions and transform them into a positive, then your desires will begin to fulfill much faster.

Ketu in the 7th house in a woman

Woman with Ketu in the seventh house "charged" for success and achievements. The meaning of life sees complete financial freedom, independence, as well as the implementation of his vocation. Looking for a favorite case, which will be able to make a living, getting not only money from him, but also pleasure.

Ketu in the 7th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It has a lot of complex, heavy, male energies over which it can not always cope. Therefore, it is often not a relationship with the opposite sex: it is either alone, or chooses weak partners who are ready to dance under her drawing.
  2. It may be overly aggressive, and its task is to work on the fact that women's and male energies come to the balance sheet. Learn to be mild, flexible, wise and feminine. Try not to suppress other people, but inspire them, not to demand, but to ask, do not forced, but offer compromise solutions.
  3. She has great potential - she can become a leader in the largest companies or create a very profitable business. Especially if it will cease to go into extremes, want everything immediately. To master the art of movement to goals gradually, step by step, it is extremely necessary.

Council of Astrolok: You need to learn to be a real woman. Learn to ask and take help from men. To trust a partner and allow him to make important decisions, and not control everything itself. "Men's" energy in themselves leave for work and do not transfer to the relationship.

Ketu in the 7th house in a man

This is a very proud and stubborn person who requires a lot from others, but often does not notice his own mistakes. And this is his karmic task - to start any changes from themselves, search for the causes of failures and reasons for joy.

Ketu in the 7th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is quite vengeful, can save the resentment for a long time, invent a sophisticated plan for punishing his offenders. But this is a delayed action bomb: He seems to take poison, waiting for all his enemies from him.
  2. But he is cheerful, active, very purposeful and active, is able to achieve a lot in life and become a truly successful person, in demand and a highly paid specialist in its field. Very ambitious and ambitious.
  3. Relationships for him do not represent much value. He does not seek to family and marriage because it does not see any advantages in the official union. May have several sexual partners or prefer short intrinsic. Although in the depths of the soul and dreams of real love, but not recognized in this even to itself.

Astrologov Council: You are workable, and that's good. But learn to also give yourself a rest so as not to drain the energy level. Think which sources of happiness you already have and draw the necessary resource of them, so as not to overcome and not become apathetic.

Check the video on the topic:


  • In the past embodiment, a person with Ketu in the seventh house very much took care of the family, loved his loved ones and all devoted himself to everyday life. Therefore, in the current life, he already has other tasks - first of all, it is self-realization and public recognition.
  • But the traditional family he is unlikely to. It prefers non-standard relationship formats, such as guest marriage. Or it may remain alone in solitude, so that no one has brightened to his freedom and personal space.
  • Loves to demonstrate your exclusivity and get recognition. Praise and compliments, admiration is needed to him like air. And this is a "key" to the location of such a person. It is enough to emphasize in conversation of his dignity, as it is fully at your disposal.

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