Ketu in 4 houses in a woman and men


Ketu in the 4th house in Natalo map says that a person will discernly dispel with his mother, while fully lost inheritance. All of his fate will be permeated with separation from his home and hard work, almost a complete lack of friends and heart problems. But not everything is so bad - there are positive moments about which I will tell in this article.

general characteristics

People with Ketu in the fourth house are very much like freedom, but the borders and frames simply hate. Therefore, it is often preferred by remote work or freelance, they can create their own business, but not superficient, and one that will allow you to live securely or from anyone.

Ketu in 4 houses in a woman

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They may be looped for purposes and achievements, forgetting that it is necessary to enjoy the present moment, to enjoy some simple things. It is important to learn how to thank the highest forces for what is already available now. And this sincere gratitude will become a powerful energy to fulfill future desires.

The Astrolov Council: In order for you in old age, you don't have to be disappointed in your own life, try to find time not only to work, but also on family, loved ones, rest. Learn to enjoy every moment.

Ketu in 4 houses in a woman

If a woman has such an indicator in a natal map, it will be difficult for her to come to the state of spiritual comfort, calm and joy. Most of all in the world she dreams of home comfort, but the relationship is not easy for her, because there is no positive example in the parent family.

Ketu in 4 houses in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. From an early age, she experiences an acute shortage of maternal love, therefore, it is important for it, it is important for her to learn how to fill this inner emptiness, first of all, learning to love and take herself completely. Otherwise, the family and happy relationship with a man will not be a speech.
  2. She is not in a hurry to return home from work, even if the long-awaited family still appears. The fact is that relationships with loved ones are its weak place, they are rarely comfortable. She needs to try to change this situation for the better.
  3. Its karmic task is to work on its negative features of character and transform them into positive, only then she can become happy and live in full harmony. Make it will be not easy, but it is worth at least to ask such an intention.

Astrologer Council: In order for your relationship with the partner to give problems, try to speak not only about your desires and needs, but also think about what he wants. Give love, tenderness and care, and do not wait for her. Then get a lot in response.

Ketu in 4 houses in a man

Such a man has the potential of a popular personality. He really can become famous if he wants himself. Fame will not fall from the sky - there will be a lot to work, but it is worth it. It is important to have clear goals and understanding what he wants from life.

Ketu in 4 houses

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He knows how to speak, in him the talent of the speaker is laid. Therefore, he, for example, can be a good politician. However, his power does not manit, but he can try himself in this area, although without much desire. If the "stars will coincide", and not on your own will.
  2. He spends very much time at work, so there is practically no strength on the family. Because of this, relationships with loved ones may suffer from his wife, which will not be enough of his attention very much. It is also likely to divorce if it will be unable to highlight more time for communicating with the second half.
  3. He is very important recognition and approval, every effect and achievement - search for award, which will give this sense of own significance and in demand. In trying to all please, he often forgets about his dreams and desires, the displeasure of others.

Astrologer Council: Learn not to depend on someone else's opinion, think more about yourself, defend your borders and the right to live as you want. And even if conflicts will arise on this soil, do not get off the way - you are doing everything right.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Ketu in the fourth house is considered an unfavorable indicator, because it is circumscribed by a person on separation from relatives, with stepfather house. All his life he has to work out karmic debts for the mistakes perfect in past lives. It is important not to break.
  • He is interested in spiritual development, it stretches to this intuitively, and not in vain. Understanding the laws of karma and spiritual knowledge will help work a philosophical attitude towards life tests and more easily overcome them. But it is important to comply with the balance and remember also about the development in the material world.
  • As a rule, he does not stay in that city where he was born. She strives for moving to other places and countries. And it entails him to states with unusual culture, religion, with residents who are fundamentally different from those whom he is used to see from childhood.

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