Pluto in Fishes in women and men


Planet Pluto is able to strengthen the idealistic views of the fish and their fanatical obsession with their own ideas. Sometimes these qualities turn against them themselves, however, they will not change their decision and the selected path as an excuse. As the Pluto is still manifested in fish, and what traits of their character makes them - I will tell in detail in this article.

Neptune in fish

Effect on personality formation

The impact of pluton makes fish live according to conscience, and from the surrounding they expect the same. They are ancient adherents of justice and truth, so never go to a deal with your own conscience. For fish there is no more serious insult than suspicion of them in the commission of something nasty and low. They are very afraid of stating their own reputation, and will go to any measures, just to prove their innocence to such matters.

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Fish - versatile personalities having many different talents. The greatest advantage is the ability of presentation and reporting their thoughts to others. Such people are called masters of a taller word, because they have wit and eloquence, which are cleverly used during a conversation. Representatives of this sign with ease are breeding a conversation with an unfamiliar man, and can be placed even someone who was originally configured to dialogue. Interestingly, this ability develops from fish by itself, as they are growing up.

Under adverse circumstances, representatives of this sign of the zodiac often observed low self-esteem. They do not believe in themselves and their strength, so in difficult situations do not even try any measures to settle everything. Under the influence of Pluto, the fish can be immersed in herself to hide from the harsh external world. Thoughts about their own insolvency and insignificance lead to the fact that they begin to consider themselves unworthy of life.

There is another option for the negative development of the personality of fish, as a result of which they become pathological liars. Infinite attempts of self-assessment lead to a complete loss of respect and trust by others. Worst of all that such people do not realize their mistakes, because They have several distorted perception of the world.

With favorable circumstances, the identity of the fish is developing in a positive direction. They do focus on self-development, and to a greater extent try to improve spiritually. Under the influence of Pluto, representatives of this zodiacal sign are inclined to idealize that it does not rarely lead to disappointments when they face everyday realities.

Pluto in fish sign

Fish is very kind and responsive, able to sacrifice their own benefits for others. Of course, unfair people often enjoy this, including the bosses. At work, representatives of this sign are shown from the best side. Thanks to restraint, patience and diligence, they achieve great success in the professional sphere. If they manage to take a guidance position, it will soon be noted that egoism comes to replace dedication.

Features of female character

A woman born under the sign of the zodiac fish with Pluto in Natal Map, has a big creative potential. She has a well-developed fantasy and a very active imagination, therefore, to implement their own potential, it should be done by art.

Such women are not rarely tweed in the clouds and cut about the perfect world, so it is not surprising that faced with everyday difficulties, they are lost. These individuals do not know how to cope with problems, but prefer simply run from them. To live in this harsh world, women fishes need a strong and reliable man next.

Features of male character

Men fish, as well as women, under the influence of Planet Pluto dream more and reason what they do. To achieve success, they need someone who will push and motivate. It can be a faithful friend or beloved woman. Such men often find themselves in religion or esoteric, but they can also become excellent psychologists, politicians or doctors.

The future choices of a man born under the sign of the zodiac fish is very lucky. He is romantic, gentle and attentive, always trying to make a pleasant beloved, and give her fabulous moments. He will not regret neither the strength or time or finance in order to organize a date of her dreams. That's just a future wife should be ready for the fact that in family life, all life will have to drag on themselves.


  • Under the influence of Pluto, the creative abilities of fish are intensified.
  • Representatives of this sign love honesty and justice, so they will not suffer lies and hypocrisy.
  • The tendency to idealization often leads to disappointment of fish, and not only in people or the surrounding world, but also in themselves.

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