Ketu in 3 houses in a woman and a man


Ketu in the 3 house characterizes a person as a decisive energetic and active in solving its tasks. He has a huge stock of vitality, thanks to which he is able to achieve a lot, become successful and implemented. It is not afraid of obstacles and ill-wishers, knowing what to cope with any problem.

general characteristics

The karmic human task, in the natal map of which Planet Ketu is located in the third house, is quite obvious. He will stand on the path of self-development, learn a lot, meet his teacher and the spiritual mentor. And then start generously sharing knowledge with other people.

Ketu in 3 houses in a woman

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Negative qualities that need to work for growth and development is a focus on religion, aggression, excessive compassion (rescuer syndrome). It is important to keep focus on yourself more than those around others, reckon with your own needs, and not constantly satisfying others.

The first half of the life of such a person may be extremely unsuccessful and make him lose hope for the best future. But at that moment, when he completely desperately, lowered his hands, and the long-awaited happiness would come, and he would see the wonderful results of his efforts attached in the past.

Astrologer Council: The path to your goals will be long and difficult, but even if you are being defeated, continue to go. Never give up and stop, success will surely come.

Ketu in 3 houses in a woman

Such a woman is not too sociable, on the contrary, it is stronger and does not seek to be in the spotlight. But these qualities do not spoil it, but they give a special charm, so people still seek to be in her society, she likes almost everyone.

Ketu in 3 houses in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She has "golden hands", so everything that can be done is excellent. And it can create real masterpieces in cooking, needlework and any other classes where you want to apply manual work. This talent must be used.
  2. If she has younger brothers and sisters, she takes responsibility for their lives and well-being. It helps financially and morally, flowing and often replaces parents. And here, in contrast to the older sister, it is quite difficult to succeed under such a total care.
  3. She can meet in travel abroad, because the map there is a high probability of making marriage with a foreigner. Therefore, when the question arises to create a family and finding a suitable partner, the best option for it is to go to another country and teach tongues.

The Astrolov Council: Try to take care of your loved ones, but do not chieve them with your care and attention. It seems to you that you thus help, but in fact prevent them from learn to cope with difficulties yourself and implement.

Ketu in 3 houses in a man

Such a man is very lucky, luck is right noted in his natal map. Therefore, in order to fulfill your desires, it is important for him to simply say "yes" the diversity of opportunities to open before him.

Ketu in 3 houses

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. It can meet future wife among women from other countries, cultures, religions. If you want to fall in love, then you should learn English and go on a journey. And, most likely, the first resort novel will turn into real love.
  2. Ketu in the men's natal map indicates the most favorable direction for development. In its case, this is the scope of teacher and transfer to other people. He is able to see the potential in each and help the person himself, this potential to reveal and use.
  3. He lives according to his own rules that are not always converged with public standards and stereotypes. Because of this, it may seem to look around, receive condemnation and criticism from other people. But it worries little, he seeks to live as he wants himself.

Tips of astrologers: to become rich, build a happy family and live in his pleasure, it is important for you to get rid of the offenses on your father, accept and love him as it is, without expressing complaints and criticism.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Ketu in the third house of a natal card gives man a huge energy potential, determination and lack of fears, a bunch of ambitions and vital activity. He never sits on the spot, is constantly in motion and acts, fulfilling his desires.
  • He may have some kind of physical drawback, but it does not prevent him from loving himself at all, to build relationships, to achieve success and be happy. It compensates for its defect with extraordinary charm and society, so people stretch to him.
  • An interference to a successful life can be the habit of overly idealize the world and people with whom he communicates. It is worth removing the pink glasses and become a little more realist, so as not to be seriously disappointed in the future.

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