Clean Monday: Traditions, rituals and rites


The first Monday of the Great Post is called clean. The name is associated with the tradition of cleansing the house after the holiday of Maslenitsa - the expulsion of her spirit from the room. After cleansing the house went to the bath to clean his bodies. The guys and men arranged comic fist fights to "knock out" from the body of pancakes.

It is noteworthy that young people are interested in old rites. My daughter literally forced me to turn the mass of the information to learn about the old traditions of the holiday. I will also share with you a magical rite of getting rid of diseases and failures that spend on this day.

Clean Monday in 2020 falls on March 2. From this day begins the great post.

Clean Monday Ban

Traditions and rites

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Clean Monday is a logical continuation of the forgiveness of Sunday, who ends the holiday of Carnival. This day is carried out at home: try to wash everywhere, clean the table silver and brilliance in the kitchen. According to church traditions, this day is customary to spend in the post, and in the evening visit Liturgy.

On a note! The remaining pieces of pies and pancakes after the carnival are taken to feed the birds, it is impossible to eat them.

Despite the guidance of cleanliness in the room and visit the bath, this day is intended for spiritual work and cleansing the soul. In the church, this holiday begins with the evening Sunday service, believers ask for forgiveness from their loved ones. It must be done at the very beginning of the post to prepare for the great holiday of Easter with a clean soul and without resentment in your heart.

On Monday and Tuesday, it is advisable to withstand a strict post and completely abandon meals, but an exception is made for the weak spirit or body: you can eat lenure food after sunset. To emphasize the severity of the post, it was customary to walk in old clothes.

The Great Post lasts 7 weeks, but only in Clean Monday and Good Friday it is recommended to completely abandon any food.

On a note! Believing that it is easy to get rid of smoking in a clean Monday.

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However, the people were their custom, which was called "rinse the mouth." It was believed that after the carnival festivals it is necessary to dreamed on Monday in the morning, at the same time and rinse the mouth after the carnival treats. But after washing in the bath, it was strictly forbidden to take alcohol. In connection with the rinse of the mouth with vodka in the people, the pure monday was called half a scene. The church did not approve this folk custom and does not approve.

With deep old, the rite of cleaning at home with mint and vinegar reached our days. To do this, put bricks in the pelvis and brewed mint, added vinegar and sprayed all the corners indoors. After such a cleansing in the house smelled of freshness, and there was no trace of the carnival from the Spirit.

Historical holiday roots

In fact, Clean Monday is not some special day in the church calendar, just the great post begins with it. Traditions celebrate this day have been preserved from Doharistian Russia, when the people celebrated the carnival week and prepared for the meeting of spring. Women did a cleaning in the house, the men cleared broken things, the winter clothes were cleaned and folded in the chests. Also, the whole family was certainly sent to the bath to wash off the disease and failures, and the most boldly bathed in the river or the lake.

Unlike the pagan holiday, the semantic value of net Monday expanded. For example, it is customary to keep a strict post, and not only abandon meals, but also from entertainment activities. Orthodox superimposed various restrictions, which, in their opinion, contributed to the best spiritual cleansing.

Many do not correctly perceive the church post as simply refusing to taste food. In fact, the refusal of food is not important, it is necessary to search for spiritual equilibrium and deepening into Christian verbs. Many truths are better perceived on the empty stomach, and the rejection of entertainment frees the time for spiritual search.

It is impossible to perceive Christian posts as a kind of diet and dream to lose weight. The refusal of rapid food pacifies the flesh, which is the most valuable during the post. Of course, during the post, the body is cleaned from slags and toxins, but not for the sake of this they were created.

In Clean Monday, patients quickly go on amendment, and you can also quickly get rid of household problems.

However, in our time, the severity of church restrictions is not respected, since Christians have lost awe of the Divine Revelations. So, the prohibition of proximity during the post often leads to the destruction of family relations, and the refusal to visit cultural events is to loss of workplace or other social troubles.

what number is clean Monday 2020

What can i and what can not be done

The people were thoroughly stored and sent to descendants and superstitions related to each church holiday. The following beliefs reached us:
  • It is necessary to continue the tradition of forgiveness of Sunday - to ask for forgiveness from the neighbor;
  • It is impossible to spend the day at idleness and fun: it is devoted to bodily and spiritual cleansing, as well as the cleansing of the room;
  • It is impossible to focus and find out the relationship;
  • It is impossible to be wondering, take food before sunset;
  • You can not use alcohol-containing drinks;
  • hostess transplanted flowers in vases so that they grow well;
  • Women can not visit anyone and leave the house;
  • On this day, it is impossible to eat the remaining after Maslenitsa food: it is given to cattle, birds;
  • On this day it is impossible to eat food - you can only drink clean water;
  • Social contacts should be limited to a minimum: information hygiene is not less than bodily.

However, the rigor of the restriction in food does not concern children and sick people.

Women tried on this day not to do needlework, so as not to confuse their destiny. It was also forbidden to walk with loose hair so that they were not confused by the house. It was believed that entangled by house-haired hair is impossible to comb into: it is necessary to coat chopenum with scissors and burn on fire. Also, chatins in her hair were considered one of the signs of damage.

The hostess was engaged in a dipped rag all corners of the house. Then this rag was used to treat pains in the joints and lower back: it was necessary to simply wrap a sore place with a cloth.

Lands on this day were stamped with chimney. It was believed that it helps in the treatment of many ailments, and also frees from alcoholism.

To attract wealth and preserving youth, it was necessary to wash at the dawn of silver or gold dishes.

Get rid of disease

To quickly get rid of diseases (wash off the ailment), it was necessary to buy a piece of soap in a clean Monday, and I do not take the delivery and not thank buy. Having come home, you need to give to hold this soap in an innocent child or a celian one: a woman or a man. After that, soap washed hands and sentenced:

As soap with my hands

The water of God is washes,

So let the whole birth

From my body decreases.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

What then needs to do with soap? You can just leave in soap for use.

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