Samine: Tradition, customs and magical rites


This autumn feast of the wheel of the year is more famous as Halloween. However, Halloween is a secular holiday, and Samine is religious. According to the ancient Celtic beliefs in Samin, Sunny God descended into the lower world, and on Earth rules of darkness. I became interested in this holiday not so long ago, since October 31, my second niece was born.

It turned out that her birthday coincides with the time of the rampant of the unclean. But everything turned out to be a little different as we represented. In the article I want to share with you information about the origins of the Samine holiday, which is slightly different from the national Halloween.


Holiday sources

So, any schoolboy will say that on the night of November 1, there is a shabby of unclean power. Many consider this period by the New Year witches. But let's start with the fact that this is the sacred date of the ancient Celts, one of the eight important milestones of the year. The wheel shared the universe on the light and dark sides, and just with Samaina, the Dream Year of the Year. The sun is gradually distinguished from the ground, and the nights are becoming longer and greasy. This period was devoted to the dying sunny God, who leaves the earth. Cold and caress begin, the time of the gloomy doom and reflection.

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The Celts of Darkness and Concrete Cults are associated with the afterlime world, so in Samine remembered the deceased relatives. People believed that this night the portal was opened in the world of afterlife, and the deceased can visit alive. But they have only one night for this, with dawn they must leave the earthly abode. On the night of October 31, the dead see lives and even participate in the events held, so this period is also called the feast of death. But solely in the good sense of the word. Together with the deceased in the world of people penetrate and evil essences, because they also get free access.

In the old days, the Celts arranged a big sacrifice on this day: massively hammered the cattle and killed captive warriors and strangers. If there were no strangers, they chose the victim the tribemen. Until October 31, they tried to collect all the harvests with the fields so that the evil Fairi would not demand an exorbitant feet for each fruit, torn in November.

Among the magical rites, jumping across the flame fire for burning the negative was practiced. If someone managed to go along the corridor between the flaming fires, it was believed that he got rid of grave sins and terrible diseases. But it was not so easy to go through the two glowing fires. The owners tried to drive between the fires and their homework, cleaning it from the negative. In the extinct fire, the priests predicted the future, considered stones and the remains of the sacrificial stones. Also, the ancient Celts believed that the gods who took the larva of animals or people participate in celebrations.

What is the wheel of the year, what is this calendar? The wheel of the year is called the Celtic calendar, which reflects the alternation of the seasons of the year. In this calendar, 8 holidays: 4 of them celebrate the days of solstice and equinox, and 4 other holidays are located between them. Samine is located between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice.

From a mystical point of view, the wheel symbolizes the twread rebirth of the solar God and the transformation of the goddess. In Samine Sunny God dies, and the goddess will be sad on him. However, death is not fatal start, as it opens up new opportunities and new incarnation. And already on Yol Celts the idle birth of a new sunny God, it happens on the day of the winter solstice.

Slavs also celebrated this holiday, but called him at night Veles. Slavs believed that at this time the Belobog trusts the management of an annual wheel (cool) of Chernobogu. Also, people believed that Navi gates open, and otherworldly creatures could walk along the ground to the singing of the roosters. Like the Celts, the Slavs were purified by fire and remembered their dead ancestors.

Samine rituals

Where did Halloween come from

It was so necessary that the samine began to consider the New Year witches. Every witch is waiting for this holiday with a special trepidation and impatience, like Valpurgiyev night. On Samine dedicated to witches, a variety of magical rituals are carried out and guess for the future. But we are talking about European and American waths, which are in the Wichan Coven. They are idle shabby (sabbima) every full moon and new moon, and some of them drop out the dates of the holidays of the year.

On the witchcraft holidays, the witch worship God and the goddess, and also carry out rituals of transformation and changes in anything in their lives.

Where did pumpkins come from with Samine? This is not a Celtic tradition, it was formed in America in the 20th century. Someone came up with the legend of the miser Jack, who wandered between the paradise and hell with a vegetable lantern in his hand. That is, this is a ridiculous soul for which there was no place anywhere. Of course, this legend does not apply to the Celts, and they did not have any name. Although, the idea of ​​a pumpkin head could take from the Celts: they had a custom to shoot the heads of the dead enemies on the stakes to scare the unclean strength.

Where did Halloween name come from? It turns out that in the 7th century n. NS. Pope issued a decree on the gradual displacement of pagan holidays and replacing their Christian. Therefore, Christmas falls on the Celtic New Year Yol, and Easter is for spring. The name Halloween turned out from Abbrevia All Hallow E'en (Evening), which in translation indicates the day of all saints. The second number of November was announced in the afternoon of all the departed so that the pagans could continue to remember their dead, but as if from Christian blessing.


Magical traditions Samayna

This period is considered time of timeless, that is, without the past and the future. In magic, this time is used to purify and exemplate from unnecessary, deliverance and oblivion. Old dies and frees the place for the new. This is time for privacy, internal contemplation, meditation. It is necessary to analyze your mistakes, get rid of the prevailing characteristics of the nature and discover new opportunities. Update time.

To this date you need to get rid of debts and incomplete cases. Celts burned the new fire, he should have been "clean": he was carved with silicon, friction of stone about stone. Then the new fire was spread over all houses. So did each holiday of the wheel of the year.

It is necessary to clean the dwelling and remove all the trash to Samai. This cleaning had magical roots, because with the trash from the house, negative energies and diseases were removed from the house. Nowadays, this rite is also carried out, a couple of drops of cleansing essential oil can be added to the water for wiping the dust: it clears at the energy level. Together with the cleaning of the room you can spend the inner cleaning of your consciousness. You should write a list on a sheet of paper, from what you want to get rid of. Then this list is burned on fire. It's not bad to conduct a revision of your information media and delete all unnecessary from there.

On a note! All night on the windowsill should burn candles in memory of the dead ancestors. But it is better to light the lamp.

Fire cleansing - Samayin tradition. Instead of a campfire, you can use candles. Flame of candles clean the room and themselves. To do this, you can choose any of your favorite flames. You can also clean the salt - room and yourself. Salt in plastic one-time cups is set up at all corners of the house for the whole night, and in the morning it is washed off in the toilet. But it is better to attribute it to the river and pour into the current water (if possible). At the same time they say: "Where did it come from - there and gone." Complete the cleansing of the room can be filled with herbs or use essential oils in the aroma lamp.

In addition to the ceremonies of purification, what can be spent? If necessary, they put powerful protection. It may be fiery or mirror protection, as well as protection through dead ancestors. You can guess to fate, make rites to eliminate obstacles (cleaning path).

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