What stones fit astrologer tips


Representatives of the zodiac constellation cancer appear on the period from June 22 to July 22. They relate to the elements of the cardinal water, and their planet patronage is the moon. What stones are suitable for cancer in the opinion of astrologers? Find out in today's material.

General Description of Cancer Sign

People around people seem to be quite complex personalities, mysterious and often completely illogical. Despite the deceptive exterior coldness, detachment, in the depths of the soul of cancer, is usually very thin, wounding and sensitive nature.

Zodiac sign cancer

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No other zodiac sign perceives the emotional sensual sphere of serious cancer. Therefore, often the representative of the said constellation can be caught in the state of absolute melancholy - most likely, it provoked unrequited love or suffering about his not tremendous love relationships.

Complexity in communicating with such an individual represents its frequent mood change. However, it is quite not surprising, because the patroness of cancer is the moon, which is associated with female energy, and therefore emotionality and impermanence.

With all this, the cancer has a well-developed sixth sense. Such a person in life often behaves excessively carefully, does not seek to be in the center of universal attention, it has an emotional vulnerability. It painfully perceives when it is criticized.

We must not forget that people-cancer are distinguished by great economicism. They will definitely turn their home to the cozy homemade nestsdishko, besides, they themselves simply adore at home, in their "sink". They like to create comfort around themselves, and they sincerely care about their second half. Wife-cancer is the best hostess in the entire zodiacal circle.

Developed imagination and impressionability often buys the real picture of the world. Representatives of this constellation are inclined to worry on trifles, often suffer from different fears, phobias inexplicable others.

They always very seriously control their behavior - words, actions, as they fear to say extra, injured another person in carelessly abandoned phrase. And, of course, crayfish - sensitive empath, which perfectly feel the emotional state of their interlocutors.

What stones are suitable for cancer women on the horoscope

Element of crayfish is water, which is the opposite of the element of the fire. Therefore, representatives of the lunar constellation need to abandon bulky, bright red, yellow, orange or black minerals. Such crystals will act in oppressing, their powerful energy does not suit the aura of sensitive cancers.

And to stop your choice is on blue, pink, green and pale yellow gems. Next, we will consider in more details recommended by astrologers stones-talismans.


Magnificent emeralds patronize creative personalities. If the lady-cancer suffers from the landing, then the mineral will help to awaken her hidden abilities, enthusiasm her philosophy.

Performs emerald and other properties, namely:

  • protects on travel, especially by sea, in business;
  • is an amulet of pregnant women;
  • attracts financial streams;
  • Posseably affects the psyche, making vane cancer with more joyful and harmonious. It will also help to get rid of closure, shy, teach to be sociable.

Ornaments with emerald photo


The amazing properties of the gift of the seas and oceans are as follows:
  • Provides longevity, strong marriage;
  • Wanings from someone else's envy.

And if the pearls lost their original brilliance - it means that the owner of the decoration awaits a disease. It is worth checking for a doctor.


Stone crystals absorb lunar energy, thanks to which a person does not feel so acute changes in the phases of the night shone. And this is important to cancer, as a nobody else in the zodiac.

In addition, with the help of adules (this is also called lunar stones) you can speed up the meeting of the second half. And the lunar stone makes the character of cancer softer, helps to find a solution to difficult situations, provides career growth.

Feline eye

These stones with greenish and golden reflections are very similar to the mysterious luminescence of the cat's eyes. Under this name, the minerals of the tourmalines, Berylla and Chrysokerilli are understood.

Gems will help representatives of the constellation adequately respond to attention from the part, will improve relations with colleagues and homework. Also, the cat's eye will help to be realized in the career.

Stand Earrings Cat Eye Photo

Which stone is suitable for cancer women and men by date of birth

Born in the period from 22.06 to 01.07 - Different with sentimentality and tenderness. All incidents of the surrounding world are perceived by them especially acutely, they are very vulnerable to someone else's negative energy.

Such cancers should be closed to the next list of stones:

  • Aquamarins - Blue Beryllas have a favorable nerves, protect their owners from deceivers and scoundrels. If the mineral clouding - it means his owner is in a state of depression;
  • Heliotrops - stones with powerful energy will reliably protect against stressful factors;
  • Sapphires of blue and blue shades - will help to cope with inertia, find our true purpose. And they will teach cancers in time to distinguish the truth from lies and falsehood;
  • Rhinestone crystals - increase energy and physical resistance to disease.

Representatives of the sign of the second decade (from 02.07 to 11.07) - Significant to knowledge, distinguished by an active life position, ambition, are not afraid of difficulties, but at the same time cynical.

They are suitable such crystals:

  • Chrysoprases - are associated with new endeavors, provide good luck in research, attract finances, friends;
  • Chrysolites - protect from irrational deeds;
  • Amazonites will help bold and self-confident personalities, keeping their mental youth even in old years;
  • Golden topaz - useful businessmen.

Cancers of the third decade (from 12.07 to 22.07) - Present a reliable support for home and friends. Often they show large creative talents, becoming famous writers, artists. Suffer from an overwhelmed sense of duty.

Must be guided by a row of talismans:

  • Jade and Jadeitis are the properties of both gems identical, they help to achieve perfection important for cancers of 3 decades;
  • Amber - Sunny stone inspires new creative ideas;
  • Lazurites - improve memory, eliminate bad memories of the past;
  • Heliodora - beryls of a transparent yellow shade will add insights by reducing pessimism.

What stones are dangerous?

Astrologers of our time cannot give a definite answer to this question. Some choose dangerous minerals, taking into account not the sign of the Sun, but the most weak planet in the horoscope.

Whatever it may be, cancers should be careful with such gems:

  • jashed brown and red shades;
  • bright yellow diamonds and sapphires;
  • obsidian;
  • Bloody grenade;
  • zirconia;
  • carredik;
  • opal;
  • Onyx;
  • Almanandine;
  • Agat (especially red and orange color variations).

And, of course, choosing a personal mascot, it is important to navigate to the inner sensations that he causes in you, and not just a sign of the zodiac.

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