Rahu in the 8th house in a woman and a man


Rahu in the 8th house is an unfavorable indicator. It can tell about such negative aspects of a person's personality as pickyness, weldability, dishonesty in financial affairs and the desire to participate in all sorts of fraud.

general characteristics

If at the moment of the birth of a person, Rahu is in the eighth house, he was not very lucky. To become happy and implemented, it will have to work for a long time, difficult and hard to work on yourself, go through a lot of tests and cope with a variety of difficulties.

Rahu in the 8th house in a woman

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And this is the only way to success for him. It will not be easy. Astrologers argue that these are the karmic tasks of the individual, because in their past incarnations he brought the world, people a lot of troubles and misfortunes, for which there are reconnaissance situations.

It is important to learn to love, build a trusting relationship, look for a partner in the heart, and not look at the size of his wallet. And it is equally important to become financially independent, earn independently money and not to rely on anyone, do not wait for the material support from the part.

Astrologer Council: Your growth is possible only through overcoming itself and fighting flaws. Do not run from it - then, sooner or later you will become happy.

Rahu in the 8th house in a woman

Woman with such an indicator in the natal map will constantly need money. It seems to her that material problems will never end. But this is its karmic task: despite difficulties, learn how to make money, keep them and multiply.

Rahu in the 8th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. The surrounding people do not trust her, and this attitude is not devoid of grounds. She really happens insincere, can fool, substitute and leave without the help of a close person in a difficult situation. And the payback comes in the form of all sorts of health problems.
  2. If she won't work on himself, he won't think about the consequences of his behavior, it would live a very ordinary, gray and boring life. But if he wants to truly change and will be engaged in its spiritual development, everything will turn upside down literally from the legs.
  3. May marry a man much older than their reasons. I agree either on a rich husband, or for loneliness, the third is not given. Such an approach may be associated with troubled relationships with the Father - in all the Uhaners, it is unconsciously trying to find "Pope", guarding and caring.

The Astrolov Council: Start Exploring Financial Literacy Rules and apply them in your life. Even such a little thing can be the beginning of a new life and radically change your relationship with money. Learn to save, live by means and multiply Capital.

Rahu in the 8th house in a man

In Natal Map, a man Rahu in the eighth house may indicate the wealth of spouse. The woman is likely to be much older than him, but also much prosperity, so with her help he will start solving his financial problems and difficulties. About love here is not coming at all.

Rahu in the 8th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. Throughout life gets support from relatives and wife. Reminds the child who can not grow up and therefore needs such a guardianship. If it does not become independent, then this situation will never change. It is primarily his desire, sincere and clear.
  2. If he refuses to help outside and decides to achieve everything on its own, then at first life will become very difficult, will be filled with all sorts of humiliation and testing. And it is important to withstand this stage, he, as if testing for strength, will show whether he is really ready to change and develop.
  3. Rahu in a male card also blocks the ability to experience sincere love and happiness in marriage, so his relationship will never be harmonious by themselves. To open feelings, create good romantic relationships, you will have to seriously work on yourself.

Astrologer Council: no matter how hard it was, try to learn yourself as soon as possible and independently solve your problems without accepting help and care of others. Yes, it is difficult, but this is the only way to become happy.

Check the video on the topic:


  • You can't call a pleasant person with such an indicator. He very often deceives other people, it happens hypocritical, mercenary. Very alchen and uses even closest friends for the sake of gaining benefits, can substitute and betray in a difficult period of life.
  • For such behavior receives fair returns. It is also often often deceived, bloom and make the victim of fraud. And if he is aware of the karmic causes of what is happening, will work on himself, it can become a completely different person.
  • Often creates a family of mercantile considerations, the material situation of the potential partner is important for it. It will not make marriage with man poor, but good. The saying: "With a cute paradise and in a halate" causes only skeptical laughter.

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