Neptune in Fishes in women and men


Under the influence of the planet Neptune fish becomes more religious and spiritual. Their lives are directly connected with religion. They are constantly in search of religious and philosophical and mystical evidence of the existence of God, becoming thus closer to him. As Neptune is still manifested in fish, and what impact has the character of people, I will tell in this article.

Neptune in fish

Influence of Neptune on Person

Representatives of the sign of the zodiac fish are extraordinary, sensitive and developed spiritually. The impact of Neptune enhances these qualities, and from rank of positive they can become negative. For example, spirituality is transformed into religious fanatics, originality - in some kind of inadequacy, and reluctance to comply with generally accepted norms. Such personalities usually live in their world, which is incomprehensible to others.

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Neptune gives fish unusually talent. The greatest passion for them is poetry. They know how to express their thoughts on paper, posing them in a rhyme form. To push to the writing of the next masterpiece of representatives of this zodiacal sign may even have an absolutely ordinary situation. But due to the fact that they perceive the world most often at the level of feelings, emotional instability can appear.

For fish it is important to be necessary and useful. They always assist others, but sometimes unfair people are used by this. According to Neptune, such personalities are literally able to feel pain and experiences of loved ones. To save them from these flour fish ready for any victims.

With the positive development of the personality, representatives of the sign of the zodiac fish acquire a craving for the entire paranormal, and also become more sensitive to such things. They are very insightful, and can easily penetrate into the depths of the mental world, which allows them to know themselves and others. Fishes are able to deal with the deep causes of emerging problems, so they decide more efficiently.

Fish and Neptune

In the event of a negative development of the personality, under the influence of Neptune, people appear to be a tendency to strange, as well as they become led. They are often shedding, they are easy to deceive or push something. Such fish usually go on their own instincts, they are unsure of themselves, and are looking for support from others.

The big advantage of the character of the representatives of this zodiacal sign is dedication. As for negative traits, they should be attributed to the impurity, closure and desire to hide from reality in its own inner world.

Features of female character

Fish women with neptune in a sign are distinguished by good kind and sacrifice. They know how to sympathize, compassion, and are always ready to assist. But due to the high spiritual and emotional sensitivity, such people may have an unstable psyche and a tendency to depressions. To remove its own voltage, they can resort to alcohol, and sometimes to narcotic substances. That's just such habits are quickly addicted, and to overcome it to representatives of this sign is very difficult.

Under the influence of Neptune, women of fish appear a huge passion for mysticism. They seek secret signs in everything that does not rarely interfere with everyday life, and complicates the process of solving even the most ordinary things. For life, such women need a man with a persistent character and a calm temper, which will be able to support at the right moment, and keeps away from the wrong deeds.

Neptune in the sign of the fish

Features of male character

Men fish with neptune in a sign possess a rich imagination and creative talents. From the early years, they have a thrust for music, art, drawing, etc. They can also reveal their potential in sports, religion and in the field of acting skills.

Thanks to Neptune, men fish have a well-developed intuition and a thin little. It helps them choose the right path in life, and solve complex situations. Unfortunately, in communication with people, these qualities do not always help them recognize false and false. As a result, they are not rarely deceived, or make incorrect actions under a foreign influence.

In personal relationships, fish are not lucky. There are often insidious women who want to take advantage of them. Before the man finds his only one, he will have time to disappoint many times, and every time he is becoming more difficult to open people.


  • Under the influence of Neptune, the fish acquire a passion for religion, and not rarely dedicate her life.
  • Representatives of this sign are very talented, therefore, to disclose their potential, they should be engaged in art.
  • The destructive habits of fish are quickly dependent, so they should not be indispensable for them even for the sake of interest.

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