Pluto in Virgo in a woman and men in the horoscope


According to the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Pluto is the deity of the underground kingdom and death. Astrologers correlate Pluto planet with crises, fundamental vital changes, deep transformations, eliminating from the life of what no longer makes any sense. If you are interested to know how Pluto is manifested in Virgo, then I advise you to read the next material.

Planet Pluto

Pluto in the constellation of the Virgin: features of manifestation

Finding in the Horoscope Pluto in the sign of the Virgin gives people to the scrupulousness of character. Such personalities are paying great attention to the trifles.

They usually easily give research disciplines, as well as technical sciences. When working on oneself and applying sufficient efforts, they may well be professionally implemented in these industries. It is not even excluded that they will make serious discoveries or improve the described areas. They understand the exact sciences well: mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, as well as certain sections of medicine and programming.

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Pluto owners in the Virgin are perfectly perceiving new information, which is helped by the magnificent memory, an inquisitive mind and iron logic. They feel in the kingdom of formulas, numbers and algorithms like fish in the water. They are not frightened by difficult mathematical calculations - on the contrary, the latter awaken the unprecedented excitement and the desire to look for decisions. In most cases, the owners of Pluto in the Virgin early either late, but successfully deal with even very difficult tasks.

They give accurate sciences.

If they have Harmonious aspects Pluto, then native becomes:

  • hardworking;
  • persistent in achieving goals;
  • enterprising;
  • disciplined;
  • busily;
  • His seriously interests the subject of health, recovery issues, healthy lifestyle;
  • Chooses a profession for the technique, a doctor (especially surgeon), a writer, teleportion or politics.

When Pluto damage , we can talk about the manifestation of the following qualities in the person:

  • aggressiveness;
  • painful pride;
  • pride;
  • revenge;
  • offending;
  • criticality.

These were the characteristic features of the person who in their natal horoscope Pluto in the Virgin. What happens in society when this planet is in the constellation of the Virgin? For example, the last time this provision was observed in the period from 1957 to 1972. Then the topics of science, research activities (especially technical and medical plans) come to the fore. It begins to actively develop the aviation and space technology, computing devices.

Methods of managing enterprises of the industrial sphere are changed, new areas arise, the process of organizing labor is changing. So, in many plants, instead of people began to use robots to perform various operations. But, of course, scientific and technological progress does not do without negative consequences - as a result, unemployment increased markedly, increasing increasing crime.

The progress and past medicine did not pass - the strongest at Pluton in the Virgin 1957-1972 surgery developed surgery and sex. And if they never performed a transplant of vital organs (heart, liver, and so on), and did not share the "Siamese twins", then now this is no longer surprising.

In addition, it began to return forbidden earlier and for a long time forgotten alternative medicine: healing, signs, shamanism and other techniques not recognized by academic science.

God Pluto

In a woman and a man

Representatives of both sexes, whose Pluto is in the sign of the Virgin, tend to feel freely, relaxed in society, but do not impress the misconceptions. On the contrary, they always show respect for the rest, behave politely and consistently. Do not recognize in the communication of panibrates, even if they are good familiar with a person.

Associate such men and women are quite modest and restrained. They have a desire to smooth all sharp corners in the communication process. But do not consider this for the manifestation of grips or shuffle - they always always strive for the golden middle, without begging.

Pluto owners in the Virgin strongly upset quarrels and conflict situations. Over the years they try not to participate in them. If they still fall into the stressful situation, they begin to be lost, they do not know what to say and how to do, so something is often said unnecessary or happened. It is very important to control their emotions and first think many times, but only then do it.

In the negative case, such people risk the impression of cold and dry. This emotional and sensual miserness is able to influence their relations and family. They are often very passionate about their work, which is extremely negatively affecting their family relationships. But to create a successful career, they may prevent themselves the lack of self-confidence and healthy arrogance.

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