Pluto in twins in a woman and men in the horoscope


Pluto in astrology is considered the last highest planet. He is credited with the destruction of the old, the obsolete and more unnecessary, radical change through the pain, fear, inner transformation. At the same time, Pluto is considered not an individual planet, but collective - that is, it affects the whole generation of people immediately. In today's material, I suggest you to find out how Pluto behaves in the twins.

Planet Pluto

Pluto in the constellation of twins: features of manifestation

The planet falls into the abode of Mercury and Proserpins, is located in the air element, which is opposite to its native aquatic element. Pluto owners in the twins act as very witty, resourceful, smart and inventive. They have a rational thinking, they have a gift of eloquence, they know how to inspire their opinion to others, convince in different things.

In addition, plutonian twins are excellent communicators who absorb the information and transmit it to other people. Professionally, they are interested in technician, humanitarian sciences, journalism, literature, psychology, sociology, constantly practiced self-education.

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They are very attracted by different kind of sensation, all new, unknown, communication in large quantities. It is this aspect of Pluto to define a class struggle at its time and the beginning of the development of such sciences as psychology and sociology. At Pluton, in the twins, bridal nuclear physics, as well as cosmos researchers appeared.

Constant interaction with the surrounding is the most important thing for the owner of Pluto in the twins. The native is distinguished by tremendous wondering, erudition and is able to talk everyone, surprisingly easily finds a common language with representatives of various social layers and age categories.

Such people own information

He is perfect about the profession of a journalist, linguist, translator (after all, the study of foreign languages ​​is another horseback), publicist, speaker, psychologist and writer. It is possible to implement on the political field, which is strongly helps the talent of the speaker.

Plutonian twins never have stiffness or constraints in society, on the contrary, always feel free. As a rule, they plant a lot of friendly connections and almost always have a good reputation. Over the years, they can become real authoritative persons in a certain circle of communication. The listed qualities are quite realistic to apply both in trade where sociability is very valued, and even in the profession of administrator.

If the horoscope is present Harmonious aspects , then man becomes:

  • very energetic;
  • busily;
  • enterprising;
  • has a developed mind;
  • able to update his ideas;
  • Loves to learn foreign languages ​​(most eastern);
  • takes new views in society and science;
  • It is eager to constantly get the latest information, be aware of what is happening;
  • He acts an excellent organizer, a leader, successfully implemented in business;
  • He is close to the ideas of world unity, it supports new flows in different areas of life (fashion, literature, politics, art and so on).

It is important for him

When Pluto damage , native risks turning into:

  • unbalanced person;
  • owner of vulnerable pride;
  • constantly hurry and do everything hurriedly;
  • make reckless, ill-conceived actions, speak, but only then thinking;
  • be mentally unbalanced;
  • There is a thirst for risk and adventurism;
  • may act by power methods;
  • very outwardly in controversial situations, loves to assert themselves at the expense of others;
  • Absolutely unorganized.

For example, Pluto in the twins was in the Natal map of Adolf Hitler.

In a woman and a man

Speaking about men and women, whose Pluto in Natal Map was in the twins, their innate ingenuity and rationalizing veins should be distinguished. Because of which they are often invented and offered for public visits, wonderful ideas designed to ease life for many people. They perform comprehensively developed personalities that are equally interested in both humanitarian disciplines and technology, mechanics.

All my life, they do not stop the process of education and self-education - constantly ready to comprehend new and new knowledge. And, of course, when familiarizing with the future spouse / spouse will pay attention to his / its intellectual development. For them, intellectual proximity is very important in love, and not just physical or spiritual.

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