Neptune in the 11th house in a woman and men in the horoscope


Astrologers are jokingly called Neptune Planet a great illusionist and an alcoholic. Also, the Lord of the Maritime Kingdom is responsible for the sphere of feelings, emotions, intuitions, deep subconscious processes, empathy, water and liquids (in particular tears), it is connected with meditative states, and even dependencies (from alcoholic, narcotic substances). As Neptune manifests itself in the 11th house of the horoscope - let's talk about it in this material.

Neptune in the eleventh field: features of manifestation

Finding at the 11th house in Natalo map, Neptune does not allow a person to see him who is a true friend, but who is an enemy. And although in itself he can be very faithful, devoted, sincere, but he is often deceived and betray the so-called "friends."

Neptune in the 11th house in a woman and men in the horoscope 3184_1

He is inclined to record in the category of envious and podkhalim friends, in his close environment there are eccentrics and extraordinary individuals. Maybe and guess about the secret plans that arrange for his back, then he rushes on people like Don Quixote, fighting with windmills.

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Another Neptune owner in the 11th house often has a low self-esteem, hesitates to show his talents, hides in the shade of others. Having a subtle mental organization is vitally important to learn to pierce his way with elbows, so as not to be a flooded crowd.

In friendly relations, he chooses large companies for himself, but being a man insecure in itself, prefers to communicate and friendship in those individuals who are at a lower spiritual or educational level. Or choose yourself as a friend of people who need his help.

The desire to serve others, great compassion is motivated by the Nativa to become a member of charitable organizations or secret societies. There he approaches his dream - friendly relations between all people.

Love help others

If Neptune in the 11th field is harmonious, a person can predict the events of the future, differs by generosity, responsiveness, he is received by spiritual insights (revelations), comes friendly support and assistance of mentors.

ATA attracts the profession of artist, however, the maintenance of a bohemian lifestyle for him is detrimental - harm causes nightlife, frequent use of alcoholic beverages, indiscriminate sex. All this very negatively affects his personality and takes away from true destination.

He can become the head of a literary organization or even a whole artistic direction, and it is ready to work free, purely for spiritual satisfaction. The problem is that it is often not distinguished by an honest person, and where the scoundrel who behaves deliberately and politely, but has no good ideas.

With harmonious Neptune, sponsors that help implement sublime ideas are involved in the life of its owner. It is spinning in a high society consisting of musicians, actors, poets, sailors and astrolories. The more the planets are located in this segment of the horoscope, the more sociable and contact will be a person.

But although he is very devoted to his friends, but sometimes it does not specifically mislead them, as it does not know how to clearly designate its opinion. Plus it is very scattered, but it never leaves friends in trouble. If something extreme occurs, it is instantiantly activated and starts to save everyone.

With an unfavorable position - the presence of secret enemies of high-ranking individuals or serious competitors in creativity. The man is unnecessary and trusting, behaves often too rashly.

In the presence of favorable aspects, especially for the planet Uranus, he is waiting for success in public life thanks to a happy chance - for example, a meeting of a strong patron.

In a woman and a man

In love relationships, men and women with the situation under consideration are Neptune acting with incorrigible romantics. They idealize and sometimes even deify the object of their sympathies. They differ in large inner refinement, which is particularly strongly shown in love.


They dream of a soft and gentle beloved man who will be very caring. And physical proximity does not play a primary role for them, the spiritual unity is much more important. Sometimes love is perceived by them as something unearthly, sublime, as if the beloved will unexpectedly appear in their lives and take with him into the pink heavens.

It is very important to learn to distinguish, where their own illusions and vitania are ends in the clouds and the real life begins, as well as adequately perceive their partner, without closing his eyes to his shortcomings.

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