Neptune in the 7th house of a woman and a man in the horoscope


Neptune in astrology represents the feelings, emotions, intuition, underlying mental processes, water in all its forms. He shows kindness to all living things, is responsible for specific meditative states, as well as for the rose-colored glasses on the eyes. What are the characteristics of Neptune is in the 7th house of the natal chart - talk in this material.

Neptune in the seventh field horoscope: typical features

When the planet Neptune enters the 7 house, in charge of the partnership, it makes the native look on your loved one and friends through "rose-colored glasses." He is inclined to idealize, gives them exist only in his imagination strengths and to focus not see the obvious flaws. At the same time does not stand personal boundaries, plunging into love or friendship with his head.

Neptune in the 7th house

Love for the owner of Neptune in the 7th house becomes a real drug. He can not imagine his life without adorned image of her lover. And that can be quite problematic person suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction, lead promiscuous lives, lie and change.

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Merciful and forgiving native subsequently forced for a long time to recover mentally, when will burn and will see the true state of affairs.

Thanks to the development of self-confidence, interest in the psychology of perception and the practical life, he becomes more grounded and more realistic. Then it is attracted to creative people: actors, musicians, he has the ability to find spiritual loved one, to discover mutual love.

If Neptune in the 7th house is harmonious, it extends from its owner an aura of love. He subconsciously always wants to be accepted everywhere: when the plant romance or business relationship gets a new job.

Struck by the planet results in a broken idealistic dream: a man has difficulty in entering a new team, he is not accepted others, forced to sacrifice their own interests. Partners in their personal or business life accustomed that the native is very good and not vindictive and begin to use it in the kindness of their own selfish purposes. He did not respect, do not reckon with its opinion.

girl in pink glasses

Study of the world is as follows:

  • improving self-esteem and belief in their own uniqueness;
  • Development of realism and sober look at the world;
  • the ability to peacefully solve conflict situations, but not allow you to use you;
  • active actions, full of dedication at work, and not the desire to "put pressure on pity" to make smaller;
  • Noble attitude towards enemies: the ability to respond good to evil, but only that this does not damage himself and his loved ones.

Having learned to find that thin line between self-esteem and compassion to others, a person will notice a surprise that the world is not so bad that there is enough spiritually developed partners in it (both in love and business life).

And he can still get a high-pay job associated with creativity or will be an active public figure.

Interesting moment. Very often, under the situation under consideration, there is a secret relationship, they are covered with mysticism and darkness. A lot of skeletons are hidden in their cabinets.

In woman

These beautiful sex representatives should be very careful when new relationships begin. Especially until they managed to learn their partner. The fact is that they begin to idealize it more than men with the same position of the planet.

May be in the position of the victim or "stick up" on an unpromising relationship. And even if they are understood all their absurdity, they still will not be able to break the connection. The chosen one may not disclose his real level of income, the genus activity, constantly lie.

They still need to be carefully related to girlfriends, as they can be false, insincere.

Insinceful girlfriend

In a man

With Neptune in the 7th house of the horoscope in men, there is an inexplicable thrust for a particular girl who is not explained logically. The man seems to be not in love, but he always wants to see and communicate with her.

In addition, it is characteristic of raising relations for incomprehensible reasons, not for the purpose of something serious. Communication often has a non-standard format, incomprehensible to most people.

This MCH is usually attracted by mysterious girls who have a soft energy that are interested in art and are distinguished by exquisite manners.

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