Uranus in the 11th house in a woman and a man


Uranus in the 11th house patronizes people with an unusual look at the world, as well as those for whom the key value is freedom. The planet affects how such a person interacts with the surrounding, as developing his creative talents and abilities. All his life will pull it to the same non-standard personalities as he himself.

general characteristics

A man with uranium in the 11th house can exercise an active interest in esoteric knowledge, occult, astrology, numerology. For him, this is an additional way to know yourself and surrounding people.

Uranus in 11 woman's house

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Sexual partners choose not on the basis of physical attraction, but intellectual. It only comes into relations with those people of the opposite sex, with whom it is interesting to him, which share his ideas about the world, beliefs, views and values.

For marriage refers to the cool, considering the official union by the remnant of the past. He is more likely to free relationships in which everyone does only what he wants.

He has many influential friends. He knows how to find a common language with useful people, and then use their resources for its own implementation. A talented manipulator who takes from life and surrounding everything that wishes by ignoring moral norms and principles. Not too much considered with the needs and interests of other people.

Uranus in 11 woman's house

She is a very interesting interlocutor with whom you can chat about anything. General themes will always be, because it is able to support any conversation. People stretch to her, because in her society it is not for sure.

Uranus in the 11th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. All life is in the search for some light ideal, often fictional. Prefers to live in its own illusions that seem to be quite real and tangible. In her head lives its own, the bright world, which sometimes brings disappointment when a collision with real reality.
  2. Very critical people and often biased towards them. Carefully selects like-minded people who will include in their close circle. Such selectivity can lead to loneliness, so it should reduce the bar of its requirements and learn how to take people as they are.
  3. She has creative talents, thanks to which she can become famous and in demand. But which one will be talent, depends on the location of the signs of the zodiac in the natal map.

The Astrolov Council: It is important for you to believe in yourself, make sure of your own exclusivity, find creative abilities in yourself and start developing them. Then you have every chance in order to become a successful and demanded person.

Uranus in the 11th house in a man

This is a very active and active person who never sits on the spot. He is a born leader, may surround himself by the crowd of adorable to once again make sure of its exclusivity and significance for others. But only units can only appease.

Uranus in 11 house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He loves to compete and compete, it wakes in it excitement and gives energy for active actions. In a negative key, such a character trait can provoke all sorts of conflicts and glooms, spoil relations with the surrounding people.
  2. Believes in real friendship and wants to have faithful, devoted people, like-minded people who share its values, beliefs and ideas. With which he will go through his hand hand in hand, reaching together incredible heights. Often finds those in the creative environment.
  3. Very picky about new acquaintances, prefers to look for shortness in them, and not focus on the advantages. It does not tend to chance and then disappoin. Rather, on the contrary, first refers to a person biased, and in the process of communication and recognition changes the view for the better.

The Astrolov Council: Understand that there are no ideal people without flaws. Learn to see in person the potential, strengths. Praise others often and speak compliments, it is one of the ways for your spiritual development and growth.

Check the video on the topic:


  • A man with uranium in the 11th house is a creative person, non-standard, unusual. She is prone to awesome aids, loves spontaneity and does not tolerate routines. Always looking for new emotions, bright impressions and diversity. Surrounded by like-minded people who share its values ​​and beliefs.
  • He is not friendly with "middling", it is bored with ordinary, landed people. Looking for a company of the same people as he himself. In a circle of his communication, you can meet very strange, but amazing and interesting personalities.
  • In the first place for him will always be friendship. He does not think of life without actively communicating, interacting with people. This is the main source of energy and emotions for him. Maybe some kind of secret society or club in interest, become in his chapter.

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