Neptune in twins in women and men


Planet Neptune in the Gemini sign gives a person to an inquisitive mind and pull to the study of something new. It is developed intellectually, knows how to build logical chains, and to convey their thoughts to others. But, unfortunately, such people lack target and perseverance, so they rarely achieve great success in life. In more detail about the influence of Neptune in the twins I will tell in this article.

Neptune in Gemini

Influence of Neptune on personality formation

Gemini with neptune in the sign are very smart and formed. It is interesting to communicate with them, besides, they easily find a common language with unfamiliar people, and have friends. Such personalities are not just saying, but they do it bright and intriguing, skillfully operating with metaphors, synonyms, phraseological units and other smart words. In order to realize yourself, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are best engaged in trade or mediation, but also of them may turn out good psychoanalysts.

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Despite the sharp mind and intelligence, the twins can not always distinguish a lie from the truth. In addition, they can succumb to someone else's influence, because of which they are knocked off from the true path. Under the influence of Neptune, the thinking of these representatives of this zodiacal sign becomes blurry, and even dual. They need to develop some skeptics in themselves, become more persistent and responsible.

If the personality of the twins will develop in a negative key, then a person will be traced a certain amount. This can be noted in any aspects - in communication, thinking, perception, etc. Sometimes they make up, not just wrong, but an inadequate idea of ​​other people and events. And to convince the twins in the opposite is almost impossible.

Under the influence of Neptune, representatives of this zodiacal sign often overestimate or underestimate the situation and their capabilities, which is why they suffer over again. That's just in his failures such people accuse someone and anything, but not only.

Neptune in the twin sign

With the positive formation of the personality, the twins improves memory and intelligence, the intuition and the gift of conviction is developing. They begin to be interested in mysticism, secrets of the universe and mysterious phenomena. They also become more sensual, emotional and prudent.

The presence of Neptune in the Natal Map of Gemini pushes them to adventures, and instills love for traveling. Also observes changeability in the mood in views on things. Friendly and love relationships are often fragile and non-permanent. Over time, such people begins to hire, lie and suffer stray.

Features of female character

Woman twin with neptune in sign - comprehensively developed and intelligent personality. She loves poetry and literature, listening to classical music, and prefers to go to the theater, not in the movies. Thanks to the developed imagination and ability to formulate thoughts, they become well-known poets and writers.

No less interesting for twins are such sciences such as astrology, parapsychology and so on. The only thing for women of this sign does not have an awesome thrust - this is a religion. They cannot be called atheists, but their faith is rather rational. They may speculate on biblical topics, this will be discussed not about wonders, but about logical shortcomings in such publications.

Women twins in the youth of windy and frivolous. They are prone to frequent change of partners. They are boring in commonness and constancy, they crave fun and varieties. For life, such people choose those men who first will be able to divide common interests with them, because interesting communication and support for them are primarily.

Planet Neptune in twins

Features of male character

Men twins traced the writer dar and thrust for creativity. Already in the young years, they begin to compose poems, and it is good for them. Thanks to Neptune, representatives of this sign of the zodiac are well developed imagination, which helps them generate original ideas. In addition, they know how to formulate and convey their thoughts to people in the form that will be understood and appreciated.

In men, as well as women, there is a craving for mysticism, and they usually quickly go from learning to practice. Among the men's twins are often psychics, magicians and sorcerers. Unfortunately, such classes do not allow them to fully realize in life, but many men are aware of it very late, and already in adulthood begin to look for their true vocation.


  • Planet Neptune complicates the already difficult nature of twins.
  • Representatives of this sign need a lot and hard to work on themselves to achieve success in life.
  • Fully reveal his talents twins can in writer art and journalism.

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