Rahu in 3 houses in woman and men


Rahu in 3 houses is a very strong indicator in the natal map. He indicates that the person has been bold, but at the same time tolerate to his own disadvantages and minuses of others. Persisted in achieving goals. Able to convey his point of view and convince opponents.

general characteristics

People with such an indicator are a little egoist, but very charming, so they say goodbye to them. They are interested in, bright, colorfully, people are drawn to them to charge their amazing energy and feel better.

Rahu in 3 houses in a woman

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They easily achieve their goals, because they know how to see the shortest paths to achieve them. Therefore, more often become successful than they are styling in poverty. They have everything you need in order to be rich: the right thinking, the lack of fears to act and great self-confidence.

They like to look for unusual solutions to their tasks, choose a non-standard path, differ from others. Like to stand out, behave somewhat eccentric and defiantly. And the condemnation pleases them at no less than admiration and recognition.

Astrolov Council: Try to deal with your true desires, learn how to separate them from those that are imposed on advertising, society and the environment. The better you hear and understand yourself, the shorter way to success will get to find and use. Never give up before difficulties - they will become your point of growth.

Rahu in 3 houses in a woman

This woman, as if the battery, is full of strength and energy almost always. She is alive, active, does not like to sit still and is constantly looking for all new classes, hobbies and hobbies. It works a lot, but at the same time he managed to actively communicate with friends, adores noisy companies.

Rahu in 3 houses in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She has every chance of getting rich, there is a direct sign in her natal map, which indicates material well-being. She easily defeats competitors, without making practically no effort. All the benefits of the world are given to her when she is relaxed and does not fight around the world, but trusts him.
  2. Also in it laid a rather big creative potential. It may well be a popular artist, sculptor. She will never have to write "on the table", because the results of its creative labor will definitely be estimated in dignity.
  3. Egoism is very characteristic of it, most of the time she cares only about himself, not particularly believing with the interests and needs of other people. Therefore, it is difficult for her to build relationships, raise people or work in a team.

Astrologer Council: Take care of yourself, but also do not forget about others. Learn not only to take, but also give love. Find a person who can sincerely and regularly take care. This will attract full well-being and true love.

Rahu in 3 houses in a man

This man laid a good potential athlete or military. Despite the fact that it is all right with intelligence, it is still desirable that its main activity implies and physical exertion.

Rahu in 3 houses

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. It is very rational, in each of his actions is guided by logic and cold calculation. The feelings and emotions do not really trust, seeks to abstract from them, believes that they only interfere with living.
  2. Very confident in yourself, in their talents and abilities. And it helps him in life to achieve those results to which he seeks the easiest ways. But it is worth learn to be proud of not only yourself, but also to see, emphasize the advantages of other people, then he will receive much more opportunities in his life.
  3. He is constantly developing, learns, it is important for him to improve and daily becomes the best version of himself. It fell rightly believes that knowledge and skills are the best investment that lays a short way to success.

The advice of astrologers: do not run away from your senses, learn to listen to them too. Trust your emotions and feelings, they are mistaken much less often than your cold, rational brain. Just try, and surprise how your life starts to change.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Rahu in the third house gives rise to magnificent negotiators, people who are able to convince anyone in anywhere. Their speech is very correct, pours, as if the song, introducing the interlocutor in a half-time state. Ideal manipulators, excellent sales.
  • Despite the fact that communication with people is given to them easily, problems can arise in personal relationships. It is difficult to find compromises, negotiate. Because of what in the family or with a partner there is a very intense atmosphere.
  • They seem very confident in themselves, but in practice they suffer from criticism and negative opinions about their person. Capable from leather to climb to convince others in their success, irresistible and material well-being.

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