Pluto in the 12th house in a woman and a man


Pluto in the 12th home of the Natal Map is a planet that helps a person to improve, albeit difficult. It develops and becomes better, only thanks to overcoming its fears, phobias, complexes and other psychological problems.

general characteristics

Pluto in the twelfth house gives birth to a deep man, thinly feeling and intellectual. In his head, stunning thoughts, ideas and revelations are born, but at the same time it can be completely lonely for a long time, not meeting understanding among others.

Pluto in 12 house

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He has very much materialization of thoughts. But only if they are supported by emotional states. If he learns to make desires and fully immerse themselves in them, as if they had come true, then the response of reality would not make himself wait.

Astrologer Council: Try to focus your thoughts on positive emotions, so as not to attract all sorts of trouble. You all come true about what you constantly think, so the negative is from consciousness to exclude that your existence does not turn into hell.

Pluto in the 12th house in a woman

Very often, such a woman lives with a feeling that is like "not in his plate." It can feel that it does not use and does not realize its potential, does not develop along the path that is designed to her fate. And often it is a very faithful feeling.

Pluto in the 12th house in a woman

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. From birth, it has unusual, practically paranormal abilities, whom herself is very afraid and abruptly. But she will definitely need to turn to this side of his personality and develop it, because this is its true purpose, the task with which she came to this world.
  2. If she is not afraid of his unusual abilities, and will develop them and study them, will acquire a powerful weapon, which will help her manipulate people, and very skillfully, getting everything she will only want. It is important to use this talent without harm to those surrounding.
  3. It entails remote work or business, she hates the framework and restrictions, hard deeds and schedules are not for her. Standard work in the office for hiring is a day hell, from which she unconsciously runs away. It is worth listening to yourself and choose activities with a free schedule.

Astrologer Council: Develop intuition and listen to the needs of your own soul. Only in your subconsciously are faithful answers to any questions, do not ignore its signals and send, follow the inner voice.

Pluto in the 12th house in a man

Such a man is quite wary treats people, carefully chooses friends and is not ready to open the first oncoming. He believes that his trust still needs to earn, and thoroughly looks for disadvantages in each new familiar, not paying attention to the dignity.

Pluto in the 12th house in a man

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. His karmic task is to learn to trust people, to open, realize their intellectual abilities in society and not turn into a hermit, which runs from everyone and closes at home. It is difficult, but quite feasible if you try.
  2. It may often be indulged in fantasies and dreams, living in the illusory, invented world in full detachment from reality. And, as a rule, over time, its illusions are broken, causing suffering and disappointed. Therefore, he needs to turn into a realist and learn to take the world with the present, and not to look at it through pink glasses.
  3. Rutina annoys him, he is waiting for bright impressions from life, seeks to experience different feelings. Therefore, it can be carried away by extreme sports and recreation, often change jobs and place of residence, travel. But to get a house and family, to ground, does not want.

Astrologer Council: Learn to trust people, and you will be submitted the whole world. Strive to see in others, first of all, the virtues, strengths, notice this and talk about them out loud. Then the number of friends will increase, and life will become more rich and happy.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The karmic task of a man with Pluto in the twelfth house is to transform his fears and extract valuable new experience from them, learn to overcome difficulties and fight their own complexes. Solving these tasks, it develops and becomes happy, there is no other way.
  • He is often lonely, can turn into a modern hermit, which practically does not come out of the house. In such a state, it is quite comfortable, but it is worth learn to "go out into the world" and build relationships with the surrounding people. This is another height point.
  • He has the magical abilities that need to be developed and used for the benefit of himself, as well as people. And this is the third opportunity for self-realization and development, which people with Pluto in the map are rare enough, and in vain.

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