Rahu in the 6th house in a woman and a man


Rahu in the 6th house is the indicator of a very strong person, the leader, a born fighter, who is going through his life, not paying attention to any circumstances or the opinions of the people around him. He has great potential and a huge chance of success, but it needs to be developed.

general characteristics

Rahu in the sixth house creates passionate, bright, active and very hardworking people who hurry to live. They want to have all time: earn millions, to be implemented, get acquainted with a bunch of people, make a lot of friends and experience all possible emotions that only exist.

Rahu in the 6th house in a woman

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Family for them will always be in the second plan. It is too late to marry or get married, after the plenty of "arrived" and tried to build a relationship of a different format with different people, they had an experienced experience and understood what they really want from the opposite sex.

Very easy to receive any amounts of money, the volume of their financial flow depends only on how large they are able to dream. So it is worth developing imagination to see even more opportunities around yourself and get rid of most restrictions in the subconscious.

Rahu in the 6th house in a woman

Such a woman is usually working a lot and she likes it. The fate of a classic housewife, his wife and mother does not attract her, she wants a magnificent career and serious achievements. Because of this, some imbalance may occur, so it is important for it to learn how to pay attention to all the areas of their life, and not just work.

Rahu in the 6th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She will easily win over any enemy without applying for this effort. They say about her that "said - how cut off" and "can kill in one glance." Her iron character people feel behind the mile and fear to argue with her, fearing the consequences.
  2. It is like a magnet for money, during the life they flow to it literally by the river, so it is practically not necessary to deal with material problems. Due to the fact that it is not necessary to take care of survival, it has time to set up high goals and engage in spiritual development.
  3. The first her marriage is rarely becoming successful, most often the case ends with a divorce. But if it makes the right conclusions from his mistakes and understand what kind of man needs to be chosen for the family, the second attempt will already be the beginning of real love and strong family relations.

Astrologer Council: Stop fighting invisible enemies, which themselves are constantly inventy. Better keep focus of attention on your desires, aspirations and purposes. Then the whole world will fall to your feet.

Rahu in the 6th house in a man

Such an indicator is in the Natal map of Bill Gates, so it is easy to understand what a huge financial and intellectual potential is laid in a man with a similar sign. He is a born leader and easily leaves competitors behind, earning large amounts of money and developing your business.

Rahu in the 6th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. His karmic task is to learn how to live according to the rules. Therefore, he must pay taxes or receive an exclusively "white" salary, to live in harmony with the law, otherwise numerous problems with the police or judicial authorities are likely.
  2. The more he generous, the more money he becomes. Therefore, if there is a target to punch your financial ceiling and increase income, you need to start with charity. And the more money he sacrifies, the sooner will get what he wants.
  3. He is a passionate, bright personality with a huge thirst for living and greed to material benefits. The meaning of life sees to enjoy everything, travel, experience emotions and buy everything that only wants. This becomes its motivation to action.

Astrologa Council: In your case, the law of karmic causal relationships works like a clock. What do you give to the world and people, then get in return. Therefore, try to search for all problems in our past actions, thoughts and actions, and not in people around you.

Check the video on the topic:


  • A person with this indicator is very interested in foreign countries, prefers to work in foreign companies and has abilities to languages. It is possible that at a certain life stage he will leave his native country and emigrate to another state.
  • Rahu in the sixth house is also a sign of longevity and excellent health, so such a person is rare more. But this concerns only the physical body, because he can even be psychological problems. And you need to learn to "take care" for your inner state.
  • This is a true workaholic, very responsible and efficient. He works very much, tries and therefore successfully achieves any of his own, even very ambitious goals. But it is important to learn to give yourself a rest, so as not to lose its strength sooner or later.

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