Rahu in the 5th house in a woman and a man


Rahu in the 5th house - an indicator that the family and children have greater value for a person. Most likely, there will be several of them, and he will take care of creating for them the most happy and secured future.

general characteristics

This indicator in the natal map speaks of potential largests. But children will appear only under the condition of making karmic problems. If a person goes wrong on his way, it will not be implemented, it may not be childless or losing a long-awaited child.

Rahu in the 5th house in a woman

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He has great potential, but also the same high risk to be at the bottom. So that life takes place in a positive key, it is important to get rid of cruelty, arrogance, mania of greatness and relate to people around people with love. Impair wisdom and patience.

From birth, he is given a high level of energy that you need to learn how to manage it so that it does not come out of control. It is important to have clear goals than larger than, the better. And actively act, reaching them, and not lying to the corner on the couch, networking on the villain-fate.

Astrologa Council: Do not be afraid to take on global projects. You can do so much, you can bring much benefit to the world and people. Use this gift, and do not ignore it, and then you will be happy.

Rahu in the 5th house in a woman

Such a woman is very emotional. She does not hold feelings and emotions in themselves, and they are openly showing them, which can sometimes tire others, not ready to take such evil on themselves. It is important to learn to balance, correctly live your feelings without having fallen into other people in full force.

Rahu in the 5th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She is very critical to himself and others. There may be a huge list of requirements to a partner, because of which conflicts often happen in its relations with the opposite sex. Its potential chosen must be very patient and be able to quench its emotional outbreaks.
  2. It often envies those people who have what she would like. Her task is to understand that where she feels envy, her own great potential lies. It can achieve it if some effort will attract, and will not condemn and envy.
  3. She really wants to have children, but it can become a problem. For a long time, a welcome pregnancy may not come or proceed with complications, there is a possibility of miscarriage. But sooner or later, at the right time, motherhood will take place when it will be truly ready.

The Astrolov Council: Learn to accurately live your emotions, work with quick-tempered and aggression. Take any of your feelings, but try not to touch them around people, if you do not want to quickly or later be in full solitude.

Rahu in the 5th house in a man

Such a man has a huge energy potential. And it is important to send it to the creation, and not destroy everything around yourself. This power is very high, she needs to learn how to manage, and not lose control over it.

Rahu in the 5th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. It has a high level of intelligence, which helps him to be implemented and become successful. It is important not only to constantly learn and develop your brain, but also to turn knowledge into skills, apply them in practice. Then the results in life will be colossal.
  2. When he succeeds, it can be observed by the Majesti, which is not worth allowing. If he decides, which surpasses all others and pride, it may lose what has one moment. Fate thus teach an important lesson, ignore which is not worth it.
  3. If Rahu in the fifth house manifests itself negatively, a person can become a dexter and a fraudster, to achieve his goals with dishonest ways, to reserve at the expense of other people. And the punishment will not wait for a long time, such behavior can adversely affect his health.

The Astrolov Council: extinguish the dictatorial impulses. Learn to treat people without arrogance. Do not rine and do not suppress them. Strive to see the best features and qualities in them, say sincere compliments and help.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Rahu in the fifth house is an indicator of multi-way and a huge traction to the creation of a family. It is this that will be the greatest value for a person. But at the same time will have to wade pleading, because children will give a lot of problems and experiences.
  • This is also an indicator of creative people with great potential. They will have all the conscious life to reach art. Seen the world is not standard, not as everyone else. Because of this, they can hear "white corners" and not to find understanding.
  • And these are people-romance, dreamers and fantasies. Often live in pink glasses, see the world more beautiful and bright than he really is. It is very important for them to learn to take the reality of the present, and not dive into the world of the dream too deep.

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