Hiron in 1 house in a woman and a man in a horoscope


Chiron - performs a small asteroid, which rotates between the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter. In astrology, he began to be considered when analyzing natal maps relatively recently - in the 80s of the last century. And then, in Eastern astrology, it is still not recognized, the Western astrologers believe that Chiron is a symbol of equilibrium and the ability to make alternative solutions.

He is designed to help people adapt to new environmental conditions: personal, social and cosmic. Himon behaves in 1 house of the horoscope - consider in this material.

Asteroid Hiron.

Chiron in 1 house: features of manifestation

A person stands out against the background of others, thanks to its special exterior style and internal installations. Sometimes chiron in the first house can make a native to be drastically unrestricted with his parents: for example, a scientist or priest appears in the family of alcoholics or vice versa. Also, the child can accommodate alternately in different families if his parents divorced.

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In this case, we are talking about the duality of the person, which is manifested as follows:

  • just opposite judgments - only today said one thing, and tomorrow is completely different;
  • Changing the appearance - weight loss is rapidly replaced by a weight set, native can radically change its familiar image so that it will unreal to know;
  • high adaptation under the new environmental conditions - a person is easy to adjust others, he copies someone else's behavior;
  • It combines opposites: the nobility is replaced by meanness, sincerity - deception and so on;
  • low-blooded diplomacy - when the sake of his own benefit native flatters, finds a common language with the "right people";
  • Very different talents: a scientist who writes poems, singer, inventing new technologies.

There is a duality of nature

At the same time, the Hironist owner in the 1st field feels his constrained social framework. He seeks to resist them, expresses his individuality at the expense of the mouth and reincarnation.

Chiron in 1 house in a woman and men in a strong and weak position

The owner of the considered position of the asteroid throughout his life faces different unusual incidents.

Its karmic task is the positive perception of any cool vital changes. Traumatic situations need to be used as the lessons necessary for spiritual development, and to help people with their abilities.

Even by Chiron in the first house of the horoscope in men and women can be understood at what level of development they are:

  • With lesion - There are irregular generic programs, native does not take the lower start, dreams of getting everything at once. But as soon as it faces a minor failure - realizes its own imperfection and understands what the dark side of consciousness should also take.
  • With harmonious Girona in 1 house man manage to correctly understand his shortcomings, he pays enough attention to spiritual growth. If you remember mythology, I find out that the Centaur named Chiron was healing. In this case, the native at the subconscious level understands how to treat people with herbs, acupuncture or energy practices.
  • Does not have aspects - A person is not very interested in spiritual development, but does not degrade. He leads a measured conventional life without making bad actions.
  • Has negative aspects - Nat feels forever suffers from the need to choose one of 2 options, often starts business, but does not bring them until the end. At the most worst case, he can become a killer doctor, engage in theft, deception.

Hiron in the horoscope

To work out Hiron in the 1st house, it is important to develop speech skills, and your sixth feeling.

And in order to understand the exact karmic problem of a person, you need to know the element of 1 house to which Hiron belongs:

  1. Air - It is important to understand why those or other thoughts visit the head, to accept the fact that the world is dealen and there is always good and evil.
  2. Fire - Learn to follow your emotions (especially, quick-tempered), try to produce a steady position, do not change it.
  3. Earth - It is worthwhile to engage in spiritual harmonization, not to go, not to greed, do not strive for personal careful, develop your gift of the healer and communication with the universe.
  4. Water - Suitable for the study of psychology, which will help take control of emotional bursts, take insights (revelations) over. You can do the spiritual teacher of others.

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