Wheelchade - Ancient Slavic Holiday Birthday of the Sun


The striding is one of the most significant holidays from the Slavs, the most important point of the annual cycle. His name is analogous to the name of the God of the Young Winter Sun, which, as the old belitis, is born, is born the longest night a year.

The striding is one of the 4 solemn events associated with the position of the Sun (strollery, bathing, carnival and glad). I suggest talk more about the symbolism of this holiday, its traditions and rites in today's material.

Kolyada holiday with Slavs

What date celebrate the day of the strides?

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The holiday is closely connected with the date of the Winter Solstice - December 21. However, in the people the celebrations of the strides shifted somewhat and now December 25. - After all, the sun begins to grow only after three days of the winter solstice.

And although the 21sts say goodbye to another solar year, but the energy of the young sun will begin to appear only for 3 days - that is, December 25th.

What does the feast of the striding mean?

Some people think that there is a very close connection between the Collada and Merry Christmas. In fact, such an approval does not quite correspond to the real position of things. In fact, the feast of the strides arises much earlier - during the times of the pagan faith in Russia, long before Prince Vladimir approved Christianity here.

And the symbolism of the celebration of Slavs was in the glove of the Sun God of the same name, who began a new astronomical year on Earth. A different carriage is also called the Wheel, he personifies the strength of birth and germination, present in everything. Believers Slavs used this force to change their lives for the better.

Interesting moment. Situated young God, the Slavs claim the victory of the world over the darkness and the eternal rule of law (divine world).

Subsequently, the Christian church modified the feast of the strides, adapting it to his religious traditions and timed to the emergence of the Savior - Jesus Christ.

And now we can observe the amazing interweaving of two flows. For example, we will take songs-carols that are fulfilled by tradition on this day. In the modern world, they are considered a purely christmas custom. But even in the very name of the song, their close relationship with God Zada ​​is already traced, which indicates their appearance long before Christian Christmas.

The confusion may occur with the date of the celebration. After all, when the calendar has changed, Christmas holiday shifted on January 7, but the Slavic celebration of the birth of a new sun remains unchanged and related to the date of the winter solstice.

According to the ancient Slavic myths, the night before the collage is one of the most terrible and mystical. Then the forces of evil from the world Navi (the world of dead) fall into the world of Javi (that is, the material, human world). In mythology, they always sought to prevent the young sunshine.

Kolyada God from Slavs

But the carriage is also connected with the symbolic death of the old sun, which occurs at night the winter solstice. However, in the morning the renewed luminaire is born again on Earth. Because of this, the motives of death and new birth can often be traced in scenes.

Interesting moment. It is believed that the God of Kolyada opened the art of the summer, giving them a calendar (darity of the strides).

Grozny Old Man Karachun

In the myths of Slavs Karachun - acts as a master of darkness, cold and darkness, the king of the world of shadows. It is always surrounded by wild animals: bears, wolves and birds. Pictures Karachun as an old man having a piercing, ice look, a gray long beard and a frosting staff.

Slavs believed that Karachun puts at nights along the villages, forests and fields, saturated terrible stubs. And his main mission is to complete the old year. And although in Slavic mythology there is no holiday Karachun, but for 3 days before the day of the carriage, cleaning and liberating rituals have always been performed.

Karachun's day coincides with the winter solstice, then there is a huge amount of energy on Earth. Therefore, at this time, the ancient Slavs conducted various magical rituals, the victims were engaged in spiritual practice.

The birth of a new sun has always started from the day of the winter solstice. Then the ancestors noted the Astronomical New Year. Approached the end of a long night, the day began to increase. Rusichi diligently prepared to Karachuan. So, in a couple of weeks before the day of the solstice, such actions were performed:

  • In the dwelling was performed perfect order;
  • It was necessary to make up with all the offenders, to forget the past quarrels;
  • Pretty clear your physical body, shaking in a bath;
  • get rid of all debts;
  • Donate money for charity.

After all, from the day of Karachun, a new life began, and it shoulded to meet her, saying goodbye to all the old, who granted himself and more unnecessary. According to the traditions of the hostess, a cave in the shape of the Sun was baked - symbolically trying to pull his energy into their home. In addition, the smell of freshly baked bread expelled all the evil, attracting light, positive energy into the house.

The longest night of the year should have extended to the courtyard and to dry the fire. They dressed in animal costumes, the individuals were closed with terrible masks: evil spirits were distilled off with such actions. An old man-karachun should be made, leaving him an offering of hemp or any hill in the form of a junction of cottage cheese, pies, other delicious food.

And starting from the day of the solstice and the feast of the flags, our ancestors did not leave their homes in the evening day. People were afraid of these days from December 21 to 25. To scare up Karachuna followed the night in the dwelling to leave burning candles or raysin.

Feeling the stride: what can I, and what can not be done?

This celebration, and in particular carols, are devoted to the birth of the Godheads. Slavic has the main meaning of the holiday in a meeting of the newborn Sunny. In all rituals and ritual songs, plots are used for prosperity and good luck for the next 12 months of the year.

Since the times of antiquity and until today, such traditions remain unchanged:

  • People dress up in animal outfits, natural skins and horns are used;
  • packed in the courtyards and sow carols;
  • Chanting should express gratitude, giving them candy, money or other things;
  • Girls are guessing on a narrowed.

Before the day of the flag, it is important to have time to complete the pre-holiday preparation:

  • Carefully remove your home;
  • Create yourself in order: I used to be in mind to the bathhouse, and today it implies the fulfillment of basic hygienic procedures (cut hair, nails and so on);
  • Complete all important things, give debts;
  • Prepare a clean outfit for a holiday (or clothing for bonding);
  • Prepare a festive table. On the latter, there must be 12 dishes: borsch, savage, dumplings, mushrooms, fish, golden, cabbage, cabbage, gingerbread versges, meat, pears and apples, umbor.

festive table

Traditions of celebration in the ancient Slavs

The holiday itself is a magical time when it is very good to perform bright magic rituals to attract happiness, good luck, family well-being, health.

In the evening, from December 24-25, the church was held in the temple, during which he prayed for the birth of the Savny's strollers. Then in the morning before the rising, the believers were built by columns, the participants in the procession were kept burning torches in the hands. The column followed the sanctuary, which was located in the open sky, while the Slavs were sank (spiritual Slavic-Oryan hymns) in honor of the invincible sun.

Arriving in the right place, people became facing the east of the crescent, framing the place of the future fire. Then he was lit the sacred flame. And when the first sun rays appeared in the sky, they began to sing:

"Glory, glory, glory!

Emergency God

Lord God -

Native Dazbogu! "

When the sun was completely climbed over the sky, the prayers, famous to the newborn carriage, were pronounced, the famous acts of Slavs were uttered, especially those in which the God of the Sun helped people.

After the solemn part, a common breakfast was followed: each participant of the holiday was given a dumplings with cottage cheese, made in the shape of a crescent.

At the end of the holiday, folk festivities were coming with walking around the houses of rich and grinding carols. And dining, in each house it was put on cutting a fresh loaf, symbolizing the sun, on 8 cuts - that is, on 8 sunlight.

Rite for the wealth of "conspiracted pot"

It will be suitable for everyone to fix their financial situation. For its execution, stock up a new colors vasion, which put the land to the top.

  1. In a circle from a vason, arrange and set fire to 3 large candles of green.
  2. Start led by an index finger along the clockwise arrow along the edges of the vase, while reading the following conspiracy three times:

"How the Bohl-strip rises,

The world is filled with a lot of spiritual and bodily

And 12 months ring.

So that you rank and thunder wallets

In the pockets of grandchildren, Lazhbizhi (pronounce the surname of the genus).

How 12 times the roosters sing,

So 12 dawn money

And 12 times they say about themselves:

"Health is to health, happiness - fortunately, money - to the money, wallets - to wallets, all our, and all of God's goods - we have."

Then the Vazon is put on land - the place where everyone is going to. Candles are lit from a candle burning under icons. They should burn for 12 hours to completely ruined (you can deliver new, if necessary). This ritual will contribute to an increase in the material well-being of the genus.

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