Selena in the 10th house in a woman and men in the horoscope


The White Moon (or Selena) in the natal horoscope demonstrates the bright karma of a person who has developed for his preceding incarnation. And although this planet cannot be seen through the eyes, it has a great influence on fate, being the guardian angel who protects from the troubles and giving support in the specific area of ​​life. Let's find out today, as manifests himself in the 10th house in the horoscope.

Guardian angel

What does 10 house in astrology answering?

10 field is called home success and career. Analyzing it, the life road of the NATI thing becomes clear what kind of goals he puts himself, as far as they are realistic and how it reaches them. Whereas 1 house we get a description of the image of a person, 10 will tell about his appearance in society - that is, it will give a characteristic of his social role.

White Moon in the 10th House: Characteristics (by S.Vronsky)

Here Selena gives success in his career, it helps to easily achieve the goals. As if by chance, the owner of the White Moon in 10 field turns out to be "at the right time in the right place." And if it is actively and disinterestedly to work, it may also be famous.

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Also, native is motivated to become a public or party leader. He reaches the greatest professional success in those areas that the constellation indicates, in which Selena is located in the radix. But in general, it is worth noting that the owner of Selena in the 10th house of the horoscope can achieve success in any selected area, because it has the following gifts over:

  • Beautiful external data, personal charm;
  • talent of speaker and artist;
  • Analytical mind;
  • the confidence that he is valid to this world, in the fact that he came here for changing reality for the better;
  • He quickly moves from dreams to active actions, which helps to achieve the desired one more;
  • he is sympathetic to influential people;
  • During study at the Institute, it turns out true friends and fans, enjoys popular in the team;
  • In his life, a wise mentor comes, who helps to awaken the talent and correctly apply it in practice;
  • He is a born leader, around which societies are grouped;
  • gives protection weak, opposed enemies;
  • His parents often perform the roles of guardian angels;
  • He come across good chiefs.

Nathat is waiting for success in the career

The kids with the considered position of the White Moon - since childhood, very creative nature, and seriously belong to learning and hobbies. Especially similar will be pronounced when setting seleniums in the earth's constellations, Capricorn and Virgin.

If the planet fell in the elements of air, water, or fire - an interest in politics and creativity will appear. Subsequently, such people will be able to carry out great goals, affect entire masses. They have a good relationship with the Father, which is their main ideological inspiration.

Selena in the 10th house in a woman and men: manifestation levels

The White Moon manifests itself from representatives of both sexes located at different levels of spiritual development, from which its characteristics depend.

At the lowest level . Native incorrectly understands his uniqueness, has overestimated self-conceit. He feels the significance of his own person, but seeks to glory, universal worship, recognition, not engaged in this self-development. If it continues so much further, it is invariably ended with an empty life, a person will desperately eager at least minimal power, exceeds his powers.

If he has a good character - there is an education without much effort, makes a successful career, which is helping the sympathies of the surrounding and pending parents. Riskly to be disappointed in everything, if he gets into a difficult life situation.

On the Middle level . There is a desire to constantly self-induce, receive new knowledge. Higher forces eliminate all obstacles from the life of a person, in particular, enemies. He will be able to enjoy the fruits of his efforts and deserved vocation in the present incarnation. And the influential parents help him to make a brilliant career. Combines itself with a marriage with an intellectually developed and promising partner, with which similar life goals. It has a magnificent reputation in society, which is not spoiled.

good reputation

On the highest level . Fully protected and invulnerable in the process of implementing a great case. It can be a political leader, a public or scientific reformer. If he lives according to the laws of justice, he listens to the Universe, he does not threaten anything, and many generations of descendants will be remembered about him.

For whatever spiritual level there was a person, all obstacles in achieving his goals are eliminated by a mystical way. Only with a pious behavior, divine help will disappear without a trace.

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