Selena in the 9th house in a woman and men in the horoscope


Selena (White Moon or Lulu) in Natal Map symbolizes the person's personal guardian angel. And the strongest of everything she will help him in the sphere of life in which he made a lot of good in early incarnations on Earth.

In this good, it receives a well-deserved award: a person is protected from dangers, every 7 years he falls out the fateful chances if he continues to live in justice, have clean thoughts and an open heart. In this material, we consider what characteristics is selenium in the 9th house of the horoscope.

Selena gives the Help Help

What is the 9th house in astrology?

The ninth field in astrology is associated with education, travel abroad, search for ideals, divine, religion. There are also potential perspectives and new vitality. Studying 9 houses, it can be understood in which sphere native seeks to expand the horizons and the development of creative potential.

White Moon in 9 House: features of manifestation

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Finding in the 9th field of the horoscope, Selena motivates its owner to actively receive knowledge, interested in foreign culture, customs and traditions. He will be able to find his happiness abroad, far away from his homeland. His trips, travel, interaction with foreigners are very favorable.

In addition, the native is interested in missionary activities, educational work, practices charity. It can be trained in occult disciplines, own the abilities of the healer. At the same time, a person seeks to bring his own gift to others, he receives support for influential people and higher strength.

The owner of Selena in the 9th field of the horoscope acts as an innovator and a reformer who comprehends the knowledge away from the native lands. He perceives himself a resident of a concrete state, and the universe in an extensive understanding and really adopted it well in every country of the world. If he is in an evil accident without finance and documents abroad, there will always be patrons and assistants who will help him with triumph to return home, having received new experience and the necessary knowledge.

NAVA receives travel assistance

With a strong white moon, the native has the following characteristic features:

  • developed intelligence, strong mental abilities: he with ease studies a lot of foreign languages, lick reads books;
  • He is attracted to all the exotic, incompatient with his familiar surroundings;
  • Interested in other religions;
  • loves to travel, actively expands the boundaries, challenge the social convention;
  • often creates family relations with a representative of another culture, religion, mentality, which is another source of inspiration and passion;
  • can create a successful business in another state associated with publishing house, social or educational activities;
  • It is implemented in the profession of the teacher, it is capable of creating new pedagogical systems.

When closely finding a white moon in the 9th field to MS (middle of the sky), the karmic mission becomes a spiritual teacher, to enlighten other people additionally enhances. NATIV receives assistance in the specified case in the form of money and loyal associates.

Selena in the 9th house in a woman and men: manifestation levels

Also, the white moon in the 9th house can be manifested at different levels of spiritual development.

At the lowest level . The person is used to that he receives knowledge without much effort, so he often ceases to learn something. He still will be lucky to get a happy ticket. But over time, luck begins to change, and the karmic reward for the past good acts becomes smaller. To save the location of the White Moon, do the development of intelligence and transmit knowledge to other people.

Important moment. Selena will check its ward to how well it copes with the vital task every 7 years. And if he did not pass the exam - the magic power of the bright karmic planet will become weaker.

On the Middle level . Nat believes in God and works for the benefit of society. Spiritual growth is intensified while traveling, he also gets the need for himself. So, when in the territory of a foreign state, the necessary information comes to it, patrons and defenders arise, the situation is in the best way. He meets the soul mate, which helps him develop spiritually and fulfill his life vocation.

Marriage with a foreigner

On the highest level . NATIV becomes a spiritual teacher, a missionary who freely carries light in the state with a low level of development, literacy.

What kind of levels did not have the owner of the White Moon in the 9th Field, it receives mandatory travel, business trips, trade and financial affairs abroad.

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