Mabon and Wheel of the Year: What is the number, traditions and rites


Mabon is a holiday of autumn equinox when the day is equal to the night. From that moment on, the sun begins to remove from the ground, and the day becomes shorter. This is an old Celtic celebration, which received the second birth from about the middle of the last century.

I was told about my neighbor in the entrance, and even invited to the celebration to his Wiccan club. Mabon is not as widespread as Halloween, but also attractive with its rites and rituals. In the article, I will tell you about the Celtic traditions of the holiday and magical rituals that spend these days.


Tradition Mabona

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So, what number are autumnal equinox noted? It takes place on September 21 - 22, and the holiday lasts as many as 3 days - up to the 23rd. Equinox days (autumn and spring) are always a turning point when one season is replaced by another. After Mabon, we can talk about the fact that nature is preparing for a meeting of winter cold. This is the time of darkness of darkness above the light, because the night is getting longer every time. According to Celtic traditions, the life of Sunny God comes to his final, and he will leave the Earth on Samine - he will go down to the lower world.

All holidays of the year are reminded to people that their life is completely dependent on the grace of the gods. At this time, a person must stop engage in his everyday affairs and think about the eternal. For this holidays and exist. Also during the festivities, the ancient Celts asked the gods about the protection of dwellings and households, about rich yield and health.

In the agricultural level, this is the time for collecting a second harvest and preparation for the winter. The peasants were collected in the fields all that remained there, and hidden in the repository. We also needed to stock warm things, so we were strained and knitted socks, scarves, sweaters, etc.

Each feast of the year was directly related to magic. People were released on Mabon from the whole outdated, tapering and unnecessary. It could be unnecessary relationships, the old disease or negative energies. Everything was seized in the flame of the cleansing fire. Also these days were fortunate for the future, since all Celtic holidays took place at the time when the border between the world of people and spirits was erased.

In Slavic culture, the autumnal equinox is also widely celebrated - autumn. These days were accepted a stove pies with a different stuffing, decorating the house with mountain branches, protect themselves rowan from unclean strength. For this outlined the circle with rowan chopsticks. It was accepted to extinguish the old fire and ignite the new, changing textiles on the winter, put in order cellar and made blanks for the winter.

For each feast of the wheel of the year, it is customary to decorate their homes. Mabon makes decorations or autumn leaves, acorns, forest berries. Oak sprigs are running, late autumn flowers - any autumn symbolism.

These days were cooked resistant ink from oak nuts, which were found from the back side of the leaves. From these nuts, the juice was pressed, heated it and mixed with iron vitrios and glue. The result was durable and bright ink.

Mabon rituals

Rituals and rites

Mabon rituals were aimed at streamlining and harmonizing space, getting rid of unnecessary. For example, it was necessary to write on the fallen leaves, from what to get rid of: one point on the leaf. Then he followed the bonfire and throw the leaf oxque into the flame. If the leaves are immediately burned, then the desired will be done quickly. If the leaves did not fit either they were taken by the wind to the side, then it will still have to wait and gain patience.

Since the agricultural year ended at that time, it was necessary to sum up the results and financial affairs. It is advisable to pay for Mabon to pay off all debts (or refinance), complete unfinished affairs and disputes. Also, the Mabon was carried out by welfare rituals for the next half year.

What can be done on Mabon:

  • conduct meditation to achieve the previous year;
  • Thank the gods over the past year and the collected harvest (you can simply for salary);
  • Decorate the house with autumn compositions;
  • Make charms from acorns or nuts;
  • Make a charm of autumn leaves;
  • remember dead relatives;
  • Clean the negative;
  • Attract abundance for half a year.

Also, by tradition, these days did a new witch broom. To do this, they took corn leaves or a different dry grass and wrapped around the tree, which was chosen from the beloved tree of the tree. Basically, it was Leschina (Oshness). The old broom burned along with the negative: she was for the last time they had a negative energy from the house, and then betrayed fire.

Ritual deliverance

Autumn and winter time is well suited to get rid of unnecessary. If you failed to dilute the fire and burn the leaves in it with the recorded negative, you can spend this rite at home. To do this, prepare refractory dishes on which you can burn paper.

Cut the paper into pieces so that each of them can be written to what you need to get rid of. Do not rush to record words, measure on the problem - to survive it again, pay or shove it. It is important to leave not only words on paper, but also your emotions.

It is also important not just to throw out emotions on paper, and also forgive those people who delivered you trouble. Thank them for the vitality of the wisdom that you have purchased with their help. Believe it is worth it. Once all situations are experienced, set fire to the leaves in refractory dishes. When they burn, say goodbye to the negative. Feel like the soul it became easy and free. If you caught this feeling, it means that the ritual has worked. If not, you have to do the same again.

Candle of well-being

This ritual is carried out to create a well-being in his life, but only after being freed from negative energy. It can be the usual cleaning with fire or burning negative on the leaves in the fire.

So, the crop color candle is needed for the ritual: orange, brown, yellow, green. Aromas of abundance are suitable from incense: Cinnamon, Orange, Bergamot. Also need a pen or pencil to write on the candle. But more often use the usual sewing needle - scratch in the wax of the word. In addition, dry grass will be required, symbolizing abundance - dill, basil or sage.

After preparation, write on the candle the required amount of money or just a symbol of dollars / euro / rubles. After that, cover the selected essential oil in the wax (or all at once) and cut the candle in dry crushed grass. Important moment: When you decorate a candle, keep your intention in mind. It may be repayment of the loan, buying a car or other financial event.

After all, fill the candle and focus on contemplation of the flame. Watch on fire and think about your intention. Keep these images in your head as long as possible. When you get tired, just leave a candle to get to get it.

Rites on Mabon

Wubble on Mabon

Oak - symbol of fortress and health, protection and abundance. Mabon make a necklace from the acorns, having risen them on the thread. This thread is hanging in the house on the wall. If you need to be filled with strength and determination before an important thing, beads put on yourself and ask Oak to strengthen the will. If someone in the house gets sick, oak beads are worn on him and ask oak health. If a child gets sick, beads hang over the crib.

Previously, the boys were always given to play with beads from the acorns so that they grow strong and strong. They tried to plant acorns into the ground nearby from their home: where the oak grows, it is easier to breathe and lives.

You can also make a protective wubble of fallen leaves. To do this, they collect beautiful leaves, bring home and scatter them in a protective circle. Standing in a circle, read any coast or protective spell. Then they melt the paraffin and dip the leaves in it. To dry the leaves, they are laying out on wax paper or hang. Then the dried leaves are folded into banks or jugs with coasters inscriptions and arrange home.

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